Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names

Yeah, let it go. I went to a Robert E Lee HS (not that one) and the name got changed. It’ll always be Lee to me but move on folks
Virginia public schools — a long, dark history.

Massive Resistance

Ongoing Resistance to Integration

By 1964, five years after the end of Massive Resistance, only 5 percent of black students in Virginia were attending integrated schools. The chief reason for this lack of progress was the Pupil Placement Board. In theory, the board could assign pupils to specific schools for any of a variety of reasons, not including race or color. "In actuality," writes historian Robert A. Pratt, "race was the only criterion considered; the Pupil Placement Board assigned very few black students to white schools in Virginia while it remained in operation." Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the national NAACP said, "Virginia has the largest and most successful token integration program in the country."
When Martin Luther King Jr Day became a national holiday, Virginia officially named it “Lee, Jackson, King Day” because the state couldn’t resist the opportunity to say “fuck you” to the black residents of the state.

What a pack of jackasses.
What did Robert E Lee accomplish worth acknowledging?