Vets and Memorials


Literotica Guru
Sep 15, 2012
Republican Rep. Steve Stockman who accompanied Palin during her barricade photo op, voted against the $708 million in post-Hurricane Sandy funding "for repairs to national parks (memorials), wildlife refuges and facilities."

Stockman,along with Bachmann and nearly the entire house GOP, voted for Paul Ryan's budget last March, which would have cut $380 million from the National Park Service budget--every year!

In 2011, the House Appropriations Committee, with its Republican majority, voted to cut the National park Service by $51 million annually. And later that year, that same Appropriations Committee CUT ANOTHER $11 MILLION FROM THE NPS'S HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND.

That's how much the GOP cares about your memorials.
Well, give 'em points for consistency.

Remember, conservatives originally called the Vietnam Wall the Black Gash of Shame.

And they were horrified that it was designed by a "gook".
It's Obama's fault because he's a Nazi dictator who gives away jen's money to lazy government employees on welfare and food stamps or something like that.
And now that the GOP shutdown has ended, don't expect the GOP to sponsor legislation for additional funding the National (big government!) Park Service PARKS, MEMORIALS and BATTLEFIELDS.

Just imagine if the teatards on this board wrote the park signs: "done fed the bares," "deer crocsing."
Republican Rep. Steve Stockman who accompanied Palin during her barricade photo op, voted against the $708 million in post-Hurricane Sandy funding "for repairs to national parks (memorials), wildlife refuges and facilities."

Stockman,along with Bachmann and nearly the entire house GOP, voted for Paul Ryan's budget last March, which would have cut $380 million from the National Park Service budget--every year!

In 2011, the House Appropriations Committee, with its Republican majority, voted to cut the National park Service by $51 million annually. And later that year, that same Appropriations Committee CUT ANOTHER $11 MILLION FROM THE NPS'S HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND.

That's how much the GOP cares about your memorials.
But you refuse to blame Obama the Shake Down Artist for closing them
Dear FBI and NSA,
jeninflo rida (that's how she spells it on her avatar), thinks you're all a bunch of welfare loafers. Her?/He? and her/his friends want to overthrow the government of the United States by force.
F. S.
But you refuse to blame Obama the Shake Down Artist for closing them

Excuse me, but how did HE personally shut them down? By refusing to negotiate with the terrorists in the House? The TEAop wing of the House wanted the shutdown to show up the president, but did not think of what would happen if they did it. Their pure ignorance of how things work shut down the parks and memorials, NOT the president.

You should work for the Heritage Foundation, because in the face of evidence to the contrary, you ALWAYS blame the president for everything!
It isn't a "Vietnam Wall" or -- another common mistake -- a "Vietnam Memorial." It is not for the country, or the war, but the Am vets.

Many were dubious about the Lin design, but when most first saw it in Nov 82 were favorably impressed.

No president -- not Carter, not Ford, not Mrs LBJ, not even the sainted Reagan -- dared to show that day. Only politicians who had the guts were Warner and Mathias.

Today, any soldier who even thought about going to Iraq or Afghanistan is described in hushed tones as a "hero" and "warrior." That change was caused by Viet vets instructing America that privates don't form strategy.
Excuse me, but how did HE personally shut them down? By refusing to negotiate with the terrorists in the House? The TEAop wing of the House wanted the shutdown to show up the president, but did not think of what would happen if they did it. Their pure ignorance of how things work shut down the parks and memorials, NOT the president.

You should work for the Heritage Foundation, because in the face of evidence to the contrary, you ALWAYS blame the president for everything!

What makes you think he doesn't?
The million Vet march was actually 200 vets bussed in by the tea party and about 50 photographers. Watch the videos. See for yourself.
And bringing the Confederate flag to that rally? The flag of an army that killed hundreds of thousands of United States soldiers just to maintain their right to own slaves? And no spineless Republicans objected? That's patriotic?
And bringing the Confederate flag to that rally? The flag of an army that killed hundreds of thousands of United States soldiers just to maintain their right to own slaves? And no spineless Republicans objected? That's patriotic?

Even wussy John McCain didn't come out to rein in his pets.
So vets, you got played by the GOP. Or, about 200 of you got played. And that's 200 too many. You deserve better. But since you do get government money, the teatards think you're all welfare loafers. Explain it to them.
Republican Rep. Steve Stockman who accompanied Palin during her barricade photo op, voted against the $708 million in post-Hurricane Sandy funding "for repairs to national parks (memorials), wildlife refuges and facilities."

Stockman,along with Bachmann and nearly the entire house GOP, voted for Paul Ryan's budget last March, which would have cut $380 million from the National Park Service budget--every year!

In 2011, the House Appropriations Committee, with its Republican majority, voted to cut the National park Service by $51 million annually. And later that year, that same Appropriations Committee CUT ANOTHER $11 MILLION FROM THE NPS'S HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND.

That's how much the GOP cares about your memorials.

These are facts. You won't hear anything like them on Fox Ne... Holy crap! I almost said news. What a big mistake that would have been.
And Baby Bush didn't even want to spring for your body armor. That's how much his administration cared about you.
What makes you think he doesn't?

The Heritage Foundation and Freedom Works recruit with the help of Thievangelical pastors.

Michele Bachmann got caught using campaign money to lobby Thievangelical pastors for her presidential run. Keep putting that money in the collection plate!
And now that the GOP shutdown has ended, don't expect the GOP to sponsor legislation for additional funding the National (big government!) Park Service PARKS, MEMORIALS and BATTLEFIELDS.

Just imagine if the teatards on this board wrote the park signs: "done fed the bares," "deer crocsing."

"handycap paarkin"
And Federal flood insurance is just too expensive. I refuse to pay it.
I'd rather just lose my house and all my possessions.

I feel the same way about health insurance.