*Venting* Getting rid of the venom


Jul 11, 2001
My mind is going a hundred different directions this morning. I struggle each day to live in the moment and not worry about what tomorrow will bring.

I got a third opinion yesterday on the spot I've been seeing in my left eye all summer and the headaches that have been coming with increasing frequency. The radiologist has been called and I'm waiting for another opinion on whether to get a CT scan or an MRI or both. I'm hearing things like possible lessions on the outside surface of your brain, possible tumors in the optical lobe. Don't worry, it could be nothing but you need to have all the facts going in. My spot has found a friend in the last two weeks. I have two now. I'm worried. I'm scared.

I'll be 32 a week from Saturday, this shouldn't be happening.
Sorry to hear about all of this PB. I'm not really sure what to say. Go ahead and obtain the necessary medical follow up to find out what's really going on, and take it from there. I wish you the best, and hope that this turns out to be nothing serious.
That's all I can do. Worrying isn't going to help, I know this. I woke up this morning. I opened my eyes. I saw the spots. I felt the headache. Tears started to fall.