Veg in your Vag!

Have you used vegetables as a dildo?

  • Yes, often

    Votes: 27 31.0%
  • Yes, maybe once

    Votes: 31 35.6%
  • No

    Votes: 18 20.7%
  • Are you crazy? Never have, never will!

    Votes: 11 12.6%

  • Total voters


Bit of a strange one...

I was joking with a female friend after I'd been food shopping that the right sized courgette would make a great dildo.
Now, I know veg has been used as a dildo before. I'm not shocked at that. But she reckons most girls will have used veg as a dildo at some point.

Is that true?

Hands up, girls. (And guys, I guess)
I put in the "often" column, even though its never been often, but more than once. A "now and then" option is probably more accurate for most of us :rolleyes:
Sorry but that freaks me out, I'll think I'll stick to good clean plastic or better yet the real thing!:kiss:
I put in the "often" column, even though its never been often, but more than once. A "now and then" option is probably more accurate for most of us :rolleyes:

Thanks. I'm not sure I can change it now.
I don't have a particular "thing" for this. Just curious.
More than once, but short of often.

I've used a cucumber, zucchini, and maybe a carrot.
Zucchini = courgette, right?

I always thought corn on the cob would give an interesting sensation!

I had to look that up, but you are correct. Never thought about using corn, but that could be interesting.
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Dane Cook did a funny skit about that...butter me baby

I don't know a lot about Dane Cook. I'm English. He's not well known here.

Glad the corn idea seems a winner. Just remember: on the cob, not in cans! ;)
The veg section in the local supermarket was a different experience today. :D
Where to begin? - LOL

It's been a while, but I definately have used several. In my younger days, i tried just about anything that was smooth. Yes, cucumber was not far down the list of things to try. I'm pretty sure it was right behind a carrot.

I too thought corn would be great but not so much, it was way to rough for my tender skin. But that's why we try new things.

I never thought about it until this thread, but I bet just about everyone has tried a vegetable of some kind. Maybe higher on the list would have to be the proverbial hairbrush handle?