Van Jones: Who *really* wants to give Grandpa six more years?

Kamala Can Win: The Deep State Loves Her. “Well, being popular among voters is overrated in elections that are fixed. . . . The deep state can turn Kamala into a straight Obama if necessary. And it just might become necessary if Biden makes many more public appearances. Her greatest attribute to the DC crowd is her incompetence. The deep state loves incompetent people because they rely on the Civil Service-protected Peter Strzoks to run things.”
Joe Biden Is Really Screwed Now. “Those who are advocating for Trump or another Republican are asking the wrong questions. It’s not about if Trump can beat Biden, if DeSantis can beat Biden, or even if Trump is too toxic to win; it’s about whether Biden can beat any of the Republicans running for the nomination.”
Post number 38483647592 about Biden running for President.
“Grandpa six years” must refer to a Senator. Grassley or McConnell?

For “Grandma two years” it would be Pelosi or Boebert.
I don't think anybody even wanted to give him four. Just the democrat bench is weak as hell. Even few are even potential presidential material the fact that I can name a bunch of prominent and in many cases youngish Republicans and only a handful of Democrats. Even the ones they tried to push. Like weren't their four members of the Squad and I can only name AOC off the top of my head. If I rack my brain I can name that one who is an immigrant but the other two? Nope.