Vampire Nation (D-I 3)


Learning to Fly
Jun 24, 2001
OOC: This thread is open to anyone, however, characters must be approved by the other players. Check the OOC (OOC/Casting Call: Dark Isle III: Vampie Nation) before attempting to join, and post a character.


I could smell them on the cool breeze, their scent carried to me from what might have been miles away but was most likely much closer.
Werewolves, and a small pack of them at least.
Carrion stopped ahead of me, looking back questioningly.
I sniffed the air, making sure he caught the sound, and he smelled as well.
He looked around, wondering how close.
"Do you think they've smelled us?" he asked.
I shrugged.
"Let's get moving," I said, knowing the two of us might well be in trouble if we were caught by more than three of them.
He nodded, and we were moving again, getting a good run-up and leaping across the gap to the next rooftop. Only about four stories up, the fall hardly worth worrying about.
Three roofs later, i stopped to sniff again. They were close, perhaps in the streets below.
I moved quickly to the ledge and looked down. A young couple leaned against the brick wall, his head pressed firmly up against hers, one hand up her shirt, caressing. Other than that...
A few blocks down, moving quickly but carefully toward the couple, eyes already focused on thier prey...
Four of them, too many to fight, save for lack of common sense.
I looked to Carrion and pointed down at the group as they moved closer at an immense rate.
I recognized one of them as Rave, the leader of a small group that was getting more and more support as the days went on. The Dark Ravens would be too strong to control at the pace they were growing...
"Let's go," Carrion whispered, "There's nothing we can do here."
A shame really. I would have liked some quality time with such a prety girl before feasting.
I moved toward the center of the building as growls emitted from down below and a single scream was cut short by a crackling sound of bones breaking.
Too late now, I thought. Far too late.
We headed to the next rooftop.
Devon Kane

Devon, not his real name but one that would suffice, let the body fall to the pavement after draining it. Odd, how after all these years he still enjoyed feeding. Or maybe it was the kill he relished, he could nevr be sure. The human died so easily, though. The real art was in drawing that death out... making it last. The blood tasted soooo much sweeter with a little fear in it.

He looked down at the second body which he had already drained, and smiled. Making his second victim watch him with the frst had been a stroke of genius. Her eyes had been wide with fear as she struggled against him. But she knew she was too weak to break away. She was delicious.

He turned away from the bodies, and walked deeper into the alleyway, testing the air with his nose. Off in the distance he heard howling - possibly wild dogs of some kind, but not likely - and decided to have a look. He leapt up onto a fireescape, and flew up the stairs to the rooftop. This could be interesting...
OOC: Ok, not sure if Devon was meant as a continuation from Sebastian or not, seeing as Sebastian clearly noted werewolves... SO, with that in mind

Victor led the half-breeds down the alley, either unaware or unconcerned for the presence on the rooftops above him. Their movements were quick, the results brutal. Yet, Victor was not satisfied.

"I clearly remember saying we wanted the ones from out of town. Right?"

The half breed, what was his name, Ripper-something-or-other, nodded slowly, "Yeah, I followed these two from the hotel."

Victor tossed him the drivers liscense, "Still think you got the right couple?"

The half-breed, more like half-wit, stared down at the liscense for a whole minute. The other two half-breeds shifted away from him.

"Let us reveiw," Victor started pacing up and down the alley, long strides in clipped precise steps, "I wanted out of towners, specific out of towners. You said no problem, and accepted the job of finding said out of towners. Now, here I stand over a couple out for dinner, perhaps a movie, and living a couple of blocks from here." He paused, his back to the other three, "How am I doing so far?"

"Look," Ripper kept glancing to the others, hoping they'd help, "Victor, there must have been some kind of mistake. Honest."

"Oh." All three of them relaxed a second as Victor shifted, "Well, that's ok then." Victor sounded sincere, he felt sincere, he looked sincere. Right up to the point where he took Ripper's head in his hand and started pounding his skull against the brick wall, "Only," smack, "It's," smack, "Not," crack, "O," crunch, "K." With the final impact Victor let go of the body and turned away.

He'd seen that vampire, what was his name, out hunting. Damn, and that couple, that other damn alley. Victor felt a growl growing in his throat, but not yet voiced. He headed towards the mouth of the alley, he might still be able to catch them.

"Hey, Victor," the half-breed shrunk back as Victor stopped, without turning around, "What about Ripperblade here. We can't leave him, the cops will find him. Can't have the mortals onto us, right?"

Victor spun back, leaping into the face of the Half-breed, "Onto Us? What Do I Care What Mortals Think Of Us? When I am done we will RULE THESE DAMN MORTALS, Not Hide From Them!"

Victor froze. Where the hell had that come from? Somewhere in the back of his mind he felt that familar nudge, a distant thought or memory kicking him in the back of his mind, yet refusing to be kicked loose. He stepped back from the frightened half-breeds.

"Fine, clean it up if you must."

Victor headed towards the other alley, trying to remember, trying to understand what it was he just said. Trying to understand what it was about certain people that made him want them dead so much. His frustration grew, till he was howling for the hunt before he left the alley.
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As soon as I woke up I was almost overcome by the need to feed- it was the one constant in my life. I got up out of my bed and got dressed then slowly walked out into the night. As soon as I walked out I noticed that there was something in the air that wasn't quite right, I couldn't figure out what it was but it seemed to drive straight into my very being. I stopped and looked around then sniffed the air and sighed when I smelled one thing- werewolves.

I had nothing against their kind but every time I encountered them I seemed to come off worse. I had lost too many people and friends to werewolves that I wanted nothing to do with them. I turned and walked the opposite direction to the way they were going and suddenly caught something in the air, something that caused me to smile. My pace quickened as I moved down the street and found what had caught my attention- prey.

I watched the man as he talked to his friend and wondered who I was going to take for my meal until I saw the man walk into an alley. I smiled before following him and wondered why it was mortals were so stupid some times. As soon as I got close enough to the man he suddenly stopped and turned to look at me. His eyes went wide when he saw me and I smiled back as I changed, causing my teeth to show.

The man turned and began to run from me but before he could get to far away I jumped into the air and slammed into him. I turned him over and looked at him.
"If you wish to pray now would be a good time to do it. I don't think it would do you any good though- in fact I know that it won't."
Before the man could say a word I sank my teeth deep into his neck, causing him to scream in pain which made my heart sing. I began to suck his blood away and as I did I put my hand on his chest and felt his life being drained away from him.

When I knew that I had taken enough so that he had a few seconds left to live I withdrew my teeth and stood up to watch him as he died. As I watched him however something came over me and a thought came into my head- the memory of when I died and became what I am now. I shook my head and closed that thought away before I walked out of the alley and wondered what else this night was going to bring for me.
Anastasia awoke as the very last sunlight flickered in the world. Her father often told her how that flickering image of the sunlight played upon his mind and lead him to a brighter tomorrow's concept. She stretched her 5' 9" body up from the satin sheets and glanced out the now darkened sky seeing the city lights playing out across the landscape. Entering the closet she selected the formal wear for the evenings occasions. A simple black trouser set and a lovely satin white shirt fitted gently along her curves. The unecessary glasses finished the look of the intellectual socialite she was portraying this evening. A sip from the glass at the bedside snuffed most of the hunger. As she drank her fill from the bottle that had been brought before sundark she eyed the world below.

What would this evening bring her? I discussion with a hunter? And if so what kind of hunter? The uses of blood, so much a commodity in this world, still amazed her. So many could not understand the uses of keeping chosen mortals and taking good care of them it seemed that there were more animals out there than true people.

*sigh* But alas the teacher is often taught by the student. And so off to work. She finished the glass placing it exactly upon the table as it had been, turned and walked to the elevator to take her down the 82 stories to the ground level...and onto the street.
Victor crouched in the shadows and out of sight near the two bodies. Damn, damn, damn. He flipped open the wallets. Bristol? Bristol. He'd never been to Bristol, had he? Whatever, they were out of towners all right. But even now that they were dead, something still bothered Victor about it.

He pulled out their cash and tossed back the wallets. A quick check assured him he would have enough cash for a few days at least. He tried to imagine what he should do next. He had no care for the attacker. Staring down at the bodies he considered stabbing them a few times, make it look like a normal mugging. Then his words to the half-breeds came back to him and he decided not to bother.

Between the cash here, and off that local couple, Victor figured he had enough for a decent meal at least. Course, he'd have to get out of the rags and street clothing he was currently in.

"Time to go shopping, wolf style," he joked to himself as he stood and headed out of the alley.

I heard the wolf howl, stopping in my tracks and half-expecting Carrion to run head-on into my back. He'd stopped as well, however, already turning to glance back.
Rarely did they howl. Most wolves wanted thier secrecy as much as we wanted ours.
He looked to me, surprised.
I wanted to go back, but it seemed unwise. Whatever was going on might be better left to those participating in it. For that moment especially, as I desperately needed to feed.
I waved for him to follow me, taking a few quick steps and leaping over another alley. This time, I could see another vampire feeding below, taking the blood of not one victim, but two.
Greedy, I thought, mostly out of spite, knowing that those two could have been our prey instead of his.
No sense in getting angry, I realized. The two were dead, and what could we gain from confrontation?
I moved across the next roof, then stopped as I reached the edge, seeing the light in the apartment building ahead.
The third floor, just one floor down, and movement inside drew my attention. Carrion moved up next to me, nudging my arm as he saw. Chances were there was only one. That tended to be how things went in this area. Small apartments in small apartment buildings. These weren't the high-rise apartments up town. Here were the slums. And people who were in at this time of night, were often alone, and safer for being that way, even if they felt more vulnerable as so.
I glanced to him.
"Go on," he said. "Check it out. If there's two, motion for my before you enter. If not, you saw it first, it's all yours."
He grinned, his fangs glowing white in the moonlight. I nodded, smiling back, and leapt across to the next rooftop, then dropped nimbly down onto the top level of the fire escape.
A moment later, I was sitting outside the window, looking inside. I caught a glimpse of a girl as she exited the room, dressed in a bathrobe that fell to her ankles, long red hair hanging over its back.
Only a glimpse, and she was gone.
Just her, I thought. The apartments were small, there was little chance she had any company that wasn't visible.
I turned to Carrion and waved for him to continue on. He leapt across the alleyway below and vanished onto the rooftop above, heading off on his own to hunt.
I peered in the window, which was open partway, only enough to let in a touch of the cool night breeze. I could see no movement, but not far away, the sound of a shower came to life, water hitting tile walls and floor.
Easing the window up, I opened it enough to allow myself access, then slipped inside, sliding it closed again behind me.
I investigated first, seeing the place to be empty as I made a quick round of the place. Less than two minutes went by before I'd inspected the apartment, my tour of which ended in her bedroom.
She lived alone, pictures of family on the walls and stands taken in a large house with a backyard, a house that must be several miles from here, if not several hundred. No pictures of a boyfriend that I could see. Only a few pictures of friends here and there appeared to have the possibility of being local.
On the bed, lay her clothes for the evening, a pair of plain black jeans, black panties and a matching bra (sexy but nothing too risque`), a sheer black button shirt and a pair of black platforms near the foot of the bed.
A basic night out, not looking for anything in particular, save a night out of the house.
I headed for the bathroom, moving more carefully now than before. Not that there was any escape, but should she scream, i might have to rush. We couldn't have that, now could we? Not when I remembered that brief glance I'd had of her exiting the room and thought there might be something else I wanted from her besides a quick meal. Immortal being, yes, but mortal urges still applied.
The door was ajar, and I peered inside at the form that stood, partially hidden by the transparent yet fogged up shower curtain.
SHe was more attractive than I'd originally thought. This would indeed be a good find, I thought, slipping through the door and moving slowly toward the shower curtain ahead of me...
The cities streets were busy for the time of night. Traffic was tied in places as shifts changed businessess switched from daylight shopping to the night life and people made their way home for supper. Anastasia walked among the mortals as they went about their tasks oblivious to the unnatural beauty that walked among them. She as usual hid that beauty in the clothing she wore and the habits she emulated as she bit down on a pencil she was holding making tooth marks in the surface.

A distant howl split the air causeing no few of those among her to cower and move onward a bit quicker for the safety of home and familly. She priced her ears to the sound judging distance and tone. The hunters were out perhaps employing some of their favorite sports. The Grande park was not too far and often the wolves frequented it when engaging in rituals and in sport.

She hopped the P line heading for the park noting the people in the train from the paupers of ociety to the business traders much like herself and those she and her father employed. Noting a filty girl in the corner trying to sleep she moved nearby begining to draw the form on the paper she carried making notes on her general condition in the margins of the page. When she was finished she showed the girl and handed her some money.

As they departed the train they locked eyes as she handed the cash to her she said...TAKE THIS FOR FOOD AND FIND SHELTER. With the money there was a small index card hand written with a local woman's shelter. The girl looked up and smiled taking the card and the money.

The girl turned to the direction of the shelter and Anastasia headed for the park with a slightly lighter step. She heard a scuffling in the bushes nearby and turned her attension in the direction, drawing breath for speach even as she reached to place the money and pad back into the pouch she carried. Things in the bushes were often a first sign of impending attack from the hunters of the area. A quick check on her reflexes was made when a train rang it's bell drawing her attention from the immediate danger for a moment.
Before the end of the night, David Lecher would be dead and he knew it. The Blood Hawks, one of the most dangerous gangs in the state, had picked him up 4 hours ago. He had been lookout on an operation they were running at the docks a month ago, a full boat load of coke. David didn't think they would miss a gram or so but some how, they knew.

He knew it was wrong, stealing from a pack of thieves, and now he was standing in an abandoned subway tunnel the Hawks had adopted as their own. Ever time their lit cigarettes hit his skin he winced, feeling the heat synge his hair and skin. Why had they been toying with him for so long? Why didn't they just kill him and get over with it?

Suddenly a hush fell over the crowd. The hooligans had been screaming and laughing as they tortured him all night long, now they didn't even dare breath. David looked up to see a blonde haired man standing at the other end of the tunnel. The stranger stared at him as if he was looking through David, sizing him up like a side of beef. The man crakced his knuckles and approached his prisoner, who began shaking in fear.

David closed his eyes, expected to feel a the stranger's fist against his cheek. Instead he felt something being crammed up his nose. An almost angelic voice melted away his tension, "Snort, David." David opened his eyes and saw the blonde haired man holding coke up to his nose. "I won't ask you again, David." With that, David inhaled and almost immediatly felt his mind buzz with activity. It felt as if a million light were just turned on in his head.

The blonde stranger turned his back to David and snorted up his share of coke. "Did you like the candy David?" "'s like nothing I've ever had before." "I'm glad you enjoy it, it's my personal blend." The angelic voice began to sound shakey, becoming deeper and taking on a harsher tone. "Tell me how much you like it David?" David's nervousness was beginning to show, "I...I'd pay ....I'd pay top dollar for it." "No!" The voice was now totally different from its' original soothing tone. "No?"
The stranger turned to reveal something more than human, the blonde haired man had turned into a beast. "You pay with your life!"

The wolfen creature's warm breath flushed over David's face as the beast smelled his prey. "You're scared David, I like that." The beast roared as he jumped on his prey. David screamed as he saw his left arm laying on the other side of the room. As the beast chewed on his intestines, David started to pray for death. He had become another victim of Hyde.
As I walked further down the street something called to me in the back of my mind. I once again had the same feeling that something out here was not quite right, it felt as though I were being watched. Before I could tell what it was that was nagging at my senses a howl ripped through the air and the first thought that I had was those stupid werewolves- don't they know that we aren't supposed to give our presence away.

I remembered that there were mortals out there that would like nothing better than to destroy the werewolves and us- to wipe us all off the face of the earth. I remembered what had happened to my closest travelling companion- how she had been staked to the ground and burnt alive by the sun while I was forced to watch. I turned on my captors and killed them before they could do the same to me and had staked their remains to the ground to get bleached by the sun.

With that thought foremost in my mind I moved quickly to my favorite nightspot with one thought foremost in my mind- I wanted to kill someone. I didn't want to feed on them I just wanted to kill them, to feel their life leave their body. I let out a sound that was close to a growl with that thought and smiled, thinking about it- how it would be wonderful to cause so much injury to someone so that they would die slowly before my eyes.

I then stopped and wondered what the hell I was thinking. I was trying to hide out in this city and just find some peace here, not go on a killing spree and get some recognition- to make the mortals more nervous than they already were. I looked around and wondered where I was and got a shock when I saw that I was in front of the night club. I looked at the door men and they looked back at me even though they had nervous looks on their faces.

I patted both of them on the shoulders as I entered the club and was instantly assailed by the music that seemed to hit me like a hammer. I walked to the bar and got a drink then walked over to my favorite booth, sat down and wondered who was going to be a victim tonight as I could smell one thing in this place, vampires.

Just then something broke my thoughts as I felt something tap me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw a young woman looking down at me with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her and wondered what was going on here until she asked if she could sit down. I told her that she could by all means and after she did I asked myself what was going on her but I soon found out when she said, "I know what you are."

She was scared at first, but not so much as she should have been. She turned, seeing me approach through the fogged up shower curtain. I had been pacing slowly toward her, quietly, too quietly for her to have heard me. She sensed me though, it seemed.
Instinct. Interesting.
SHe tried to cover herself, obviously not realizing what my intent was. How could she though?
"Hello," I said, my voice softening from that which I had used outside. Seduction was a game, you see, and soft tones were the first steps to it.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice more angry it seemed than frightened.
"Visiting you," I replied, moving closer still.
"Stop where you are," she said, reaching down and turning off the shower. Soap still ran down her body, shampoo still in her hair.
"I mean you no harm," I said, stopping as she requested. "I'm Sebastian."
She stepped back, her back finding the wall.
"I said stop," she repeated, her voice scared this time, her hands trying harder to cover more of the areas she'd hardly covered before.
I reached out, shoving the curtain aside and stepping into the shower in one quick motion, fast enough she'd probably barely knew I was moving before in front of her, her hands pulled up next to her shoulders and pressed against the wall of the shower.
She gasped as I stopped before her, surprised.
"Shhh," I whispered, my eyes locking with hers. "It's alright."
She looked at me, her eyes scared for a moment, then I repeated the words, never dropping my eyes from hers. She calmed unnaturally fast, her body relaxing before me.
It was done. Now for the fun parts. I eyed her from head to toe, taking the view in.
Quite attractive, her body thin but properly shapely, her breasts on the larger side fo small and her legs long and muscular. Her eyes, sky blue, stared back at me with wonder.
"What's your name?" I whispered.
"Grace," she returned, whispering as well.
"A lovely name," I replied, cupping her head and pulling her closer to me, kissing her deeply.
When our lips parted, she stood before me, her arms stil pressed against the wall, but without my help this time.
"You will be my newest friend, Grace," I said, then stepped out of the tub. "But first, bathe, get clean. No soap, no sweat, no tears. Tonight, you are reborn."
Nikki pulled her cloak tighter around her as she entered the bar. She glanced around uncomfortable with the dark and dreary atmosphere. She didn't want to be here but she had been dreaming up this place for so long that she knew there was something or someone she was supposed to find here. And if she had to come every night for a year to find out what exactly she was supposed to find then by damned she would. She sighed softly sitting at the bar. She ordered a glass of water and the bartender gave her a strange look but comlied anyway.
Devon Kane

He looked down from the rooftops at the humans walking the streets. So weak they were. So helpless. And most had no idea what they were... no more than cattle.

He sniffed the air. It was a cold crisp night, and the slight breeze brought with it the smells of the urban landscape. He smelled food being prepared in restaurants, being vented through ceiling fans, fires burning in a hundred fireplaces... and he smelled death. When he had been born there were no cities such as this. Not with buildings so high. He preferred it. He liked the feeling of looking down on the mortals like the superior being he was, the closest thing to a god in their insignificant little lives.

He felt the blood of his most recent kills coursing through his veins, and he wondered... What diversion tonight?

There were clubs on the street below him. Places dark enough that he might be able to blend in somewhat. That his pale, somewhat translucent skin wouldn't be quite as noticable. And even if it was, pale was the new 'in' look these days. With some of the foolish mortals even going so far as to cover themselves with white powder. They called it 'Goth.'

He chuckled. He supposed he had TV to thank for that. There was even a show with a Vampire hero, he had heard. The irony was not lost on him.

He looked at the moon and waited. He had no need to rush to a decision. He had eternity, after all...

I looked at her and at first I couldn't think of a thing to say but then it came to me, "Okay, please tell me. What am I?"
She leaned forward and in a soft voice said, "I know that you are a vampire. You are an abomination to God."

I leaned back in my seat and thought,
No..... not here. I don't want to have a fight with a hunter in the middle of this club.
I looked deep into her eyes as mine narrowed into slits, "You do not know what you say you stupid little girl. Now get up and leave me be."
"No..... you need to be wiped off the face of the earth and I will be the one to do it."

I got up and looked down at her before I walked away from the booth. As I walked along I could hear her footsteps as she followed me and I knew where was the best place to go. I walked out of the club and headed towards one of the alleys on either side. As soon as I entered it I moved as I could to the middle of it before jumping up onto the fire escape. I crouched there and watched as the woman- the hunter walked into the alley looking left and right for me.

She walked straight past me and as soon as she did I jumped down behind her without a sound. I walked up behind her and said, "Are you really prepared to kill me Sara.... do you think that you can?"
She didn't say a word, just looked at me with wide eyes and I knew that she was having doubts as to what she was doing. I walked up to her and watched her take a step back with a smile.
"You wanted to kill me..... what did you say- wipe me of the face of the earth; yes, that was it. Well I am standing right in front of you and you must have a weapon on you that is capable of doing so. And I really need some exercise tonight- so come on and try!"

Sara stood there and looked at me, her eyes that wide I thought that they might pop out of her skull. I walked up to her, a smile still on my face, "Now if you are done I will go back to my drink. I ask you not to follow me."

I turned and started to walk down the alley, letting out a sigh as I did. It seemed that I would have no peace in this world which is what I wanted more than anything. I walked out of the alley and stopped when I heard footsteps behind me. I knew who it was that was following me but chose to ignore her. She was just one problem that I would deal with later on, right now all I needed was some time to relax.

I walked back into the club and straight back to the booth- it seemed that this was going to be a long night for me.
Fresh from his first kill of the night, Cooper Schoedsack road down the streets on his white Ninja (OOC: motorcycle). It had been twenty minutes since he let the feral beast he called Hyde out of his subconscious prision and he was itching to let the beast out again. With a few other Blood Hawks riding behind him, he sought out somewhere we he could have a little fun.

As they roared down the streets Cooper eyed a local nightclub figuring there would be a lot of people there, or sheep as he called them. He stopped in the middle of the street and stared at the club for a few moments before retreating into the alley across the street. Something about the club made him uneasy, making every nerve in his body scream, drive past this one!!

The others were beginning to get anxious. Rez, a thin man with shoulder length black hair wearing a leather jacket with dark black jeans that had seen better days, became vocal. "Coop what's the hold up?" "I'm not feeling this one Rez, thinking we should go to the park down the road and pick off a few joggers." Rez became annoyed, "That's bullshit man, look at all those jerkoffs with their makeup and dark threads!" Cooper had to hold back a smile when Rez, who wore black every day, started to comment on the patrons clothing. "Rez, what are you Joan Rivers or something ?" The others began laughing. "C'mon let's just go to the park." Having no choice, they all road into the park, but little did they know what they would find there would be more dangerous than whatever they could find in the club.
Nikki left the bar after a few hours of waiting. She couldn't stand all the smoke and shouting. Sighing softly she headed down the dark street shivering in the cool night air. She could hear howls in the distance and knew without a doubt that no normal wolf made those noises. Her hands clenched into fists as she picked up her pace. She heard footsteps behind her and for a moment she froze listening. Was that heavy breathing hers? or something elses? She knew she should not have come out at night but the dream had been haunting her. She began to jog trying her best to ignore the feeling that something was about to pounce on her. She noticed a night club up ahead. She hurried up to the door noticed the doormen flirting with a couple of barely clad women. Without a second thought she slipped inside immediatly taken back by the extremely loud music. Doing her best to control her migraine she hurried past the speakers to the more quiet part of the club. The bar.. she sat down on one of the stools pulling her cloak tighter around her. She would stay here until the danger outside passed. As soon as that thought entered her mind another one followed. What would protect her from the danger here? something in her sensed power. She glanced around nervously... vampires. Everywhere in this club. She liked vampires to a point but not when they targeted her for their evening meal. Her gaze swept over the crowd resting on one man in a booth sipping a drink. He was one, she was sure. She could sense his power and for a moment she almost approached him but she caught herself. She wouldn't stay here long, only a few more minutes. All she had to do was make sure she kept her mental sheilds up against any mind probing Vamps.
Razor Silverfang

Wiping the blood from his muzzle, Razor sat back on his haunches to eat his meal. Cobwebs of thoughts clouded his mind as he tried to remember how he got here. He remembers going into town for the first time in many months, some of the luxuries of his life were not available in the wild. He remembers walking into the CVS parking lot and noticing three young girls in a red convertible. His memory starts to fog, so his usual method of remembering is employed.

Licking the blood from the fresh claw inflicted wound on his face, Razors mind begins to clear. The pain of a fresh wound seemed to create extra clarity in his jumbled mind. He remembers coming back out of the CVS and walking past the convertible. A larger young man had joined them, holding one of the young girls on his lap. One of the other girls looked over at Razor, noticing for the first time, the crisscross lattice of scars all across his face. Razor did not spend much time in human form because of this , but sometimes he had to. The girl screamed in horror at the scary visage thus presented.

Razor turned to the girl. "Shut the hell up you stupid bint. I am sure that without your makeup, your face does not look much better. " Chuckling to himself, Razor turned and walked towards the beckoning darkness of a nearby stand of trees. He did not expect his progress to be halted by a hand on the back of his leather jacket. He heard an annoying voice close to his ear. "You need to apologize to here right now, or I will kick you ass so bad, your ass will look as ugly as your face. " Razor smiled to himself and said in the young mans direction. " You really think so dont you? Let me disabuse you of your preconceptions and probably your life as well. "

Razor flicked out his wrists, his claws escaping his arms, seeking the lifeblood of the one that had offended him. Razor quickly turned and sliced off the young mans hand, watching in satisfaction at the horror on the mans face as he saw his own limb leaking blood onto the cold ground. Razor then sliced the man from neck to groin, reveling in the spray of warm blood across his fevered skin. He heard the screams as the yound women realized that their evening had taken a turn for the worst.
Anastasia turned back towards the growl almost in time to see the four legged figure dart around her to the other side. it appeared almost as a shadow with a voice. Most vampires woudl either depart with such a massive carnivore nearby attack it...she did neither.

Stepping off to the right and away from the shadow she looked hard into the bushes trying to make out the outline. "Easy Fellow" she said her voice mellowed by the English accent. The next words flowed easilly from her..."What's a nice wolf liek you doing in a city like this?" I'm not your enemy yet and I'd rather not make it so."

She held up her hands and slowly backed from it stepping lightly mustering from the depths of her blood the powers of persuasion long developed and using them for an exuding calm.

A second howl split the night air and a nearby clubs beat seemed to match the human and animal heart beats in her mind as she opened up her senses to her surroundings. The information was not comforting as there were many more of them then their were of her even though her blood ran strong. This is the type of work she enjoyed.

She pulled gently at the stoneworked necklace that held some interesting guidances from other people around the world hoping for some insight as to the form in front of her. Likely a scout maybe a lesser. The howl sounds like an alert. If you don't encroach you may get out of this...the thoughts drifted through her mind even as she took stops to prove her non violent but defendable intent.

She growls low putting her 'ears" up and head off to the side...watching and froze in position she was simply waiting.

Even mortal women had thier own appeals. This beauty had been fairly shy about herself, even after I'd relieved her of her fear, even after I'd told her what I wanted. She was powerless to comply, but still, her own insecurity held her back, it's grip so deep that even in a half-subconscious state, her hands found thier ways to her body, covering her here and there.
I wondered what had happened to make the girl feel as such, but decided it didn't matter. She would be mine soon enough, but I would enjoy her firs, get to touch what would very soon barely even exist.
An hour after she'd come into her won bedroom, I was buried deep inside, her, grinding into her in slow, steady thrusts, my teeth already having broken the skin on her neck.
I suckled as I pumped, her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs around my hips and waist, trying to hold me tightly against her as she moaned into my ear.
I decided I'd had enough, already. I wanted to feed, seriusly feed, and I was tired of fooling with the girl's body in such ways.
I pressed harder into her, pounding faster until she almost screamed in my ear. When I came, I let loose inside her and lay there for a few moments, listening to her pants as she tried to catch her breath.
Before she had, I pressed my head into her neck again, kissing lightly, then sank my teeth deep into the flesh, causing her to squeal, and drank, drawing the blood out in a long gush.
My body warmed from the taste.
I drank heartily, barely able to stop myself when it came time.
She lay there, half-conscious by then, and I eyed her limpening body for a moment, thinking, truly a beautiful body and face. She will make a fine addition.
"Shhh," I said again. "Very soon, you'll realize this life was but a dream."
With that, I bit my bottom lip, causing it to bleed, and pressed my lips gently to hers.
Cooper sat on his bike, exhausted from the transformation earlier, while his men drank themselves stupid as usual. It wasn't so much the actual change from man to wolf that wore him out, it was the drugs leaving his system. He didn't want to admit it to his friends, but the abuse was taking a toll on his body. As leader, he couldn't show this weakness to his men but he knew Rez could sense it.

Rez walked over to Cooper with two other men, "So boss, what's up with the club? You gettin' soft or something?" Cooper gave him a tense look as he fired back, "I don't need heightened senses to know you're drunk." Rez jumped as he slured through his accusations, "You're the one that's drunk!!! Drunk with power!!" Everyone else's attention turned to the squabbaling men as Cooper laughed, "Do you know how ridiculous you sound? It's like you're in some bad James Cameron movie." Rez was getting angry, "Don't change the subject you pussy!!" A few of the men surrounded Rez, getting ready to protect him from Cooper's rage. Rather than proceed to claw Rez's organs out, as Cooper had done with dissenters in the past, he simply shrugged. "Hmph, fine if you want to go into the club so much why don't you just go by yourself now!" "Fine!! You monger power!!!"

Rez hopped on his bike and sped off for the club, leaving Cooper shaking his head, "Idiot." His men were dead quiet, he knew what they were saying to themselves though. They thought he was weak, he had lost his instinct. He had to do something to gain their trust back. "Alright we ride to the club in a few minutes, no questions asked." As the last syllable escaped from his throat, that sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach returned. Something very bad was about to happen.
As I sat back and sipped at my drink I wondered what the hell I was doing here and then I laughed at myself- hell, hell has nothing on this place. I am living my own personal hell on this earth and the only thing that would release me was to be killed by a hunter but I knew that nobody would kill me unless I slipped up. I looked around the club and saw several young woman trying to pick up some men and I smiled as I knew the truth about those men, they were not human- I could tell it by the way they moved.

I then looked down at my drink and found to my shock that it was gone and I tried to decide if I needed a new one or if I should get out into the streets again and find something to do. But my need to relax at the moment won out and I walked straight to the bar. I looked at the bartender and asked him for my usual which I got while everyone looked at me in shock. As soon as I returned to my booth I was shocked to find the same woman sitting in the booth.

"What is it with hunters, can they not take a hint. Get away from me now or I will kill you."
"I am not going until you give me what I want."
I moved closer to her and in a voice low enough for just her, myself and every vampire in the club to hear said, "I will not fight you but if you do not leave this club now there are several of my kind that will."

She looked at me with wide eyes and I knew that I had just struck home but I decided to not let her off the hook just yet and sat down so that she couldn't escape.
"Now go. Or I promise you that you will be killed before you even reach your home."
"You misunderstand me vampire. I don't wish to kill you- I want what you have. I want to be one of your kind. I want you to turn me."
I got up quickly and looked down at her with wide eyes, "You do not know what you ask. You will have a life full of persecution, being hunted every day and where your life will be lived in the night and with death as your constant companion. I will not give you that kind of life."
"Please- turn me into one of your kind. Turn me; please."

I backed away quickly, my eyes still on hers. I was not going to give her the life that I had, I had never done that and I never would. I turned and began to walk away from her, my heart starting to feel empty that one so young and full of life would ask me to do such a thing.

The club has the feel of the immortal to it, and his curiosity was piqued. He entered past the bouncers without paying, and stood in the entrance surveying the scene.

Yes, there were many of his kind in attendance tonight, although they were undoubtedly too timid for the bloodbath opportunity that was presented. He could smell the fear in the stale, smoke-filled air. The fear of the young, no doubt. Some of which were probably getting their first taste of standing in a room full of cattle.

He moved over toward the side of the dance floor, his skin giving off a strange transluscent glow from the dim lighting. He noticed that many here instinctually feared him, even without knowing what he was. He would have to do something about his color, next time.

He left the dance floor for the relative darkness of the bar, and sat rather awkwardly on the stool in the corner. The bartender walked over and looked at him a bit oddly.

"What'll you have?"

"Something red..." He gave the bartender a close-lipped smile, and eyed the gently pulsing artery in his neck.

The bartender nodded, not noticing, and poured him a decent Merlot, which Devon took.

The bartender seemed to be waiting for something, and Devon pulled out the folding money he had taken from the prey earlier, and held it out. The bartender reached out and took one of the bills.

"I'll be back with your change."

Devon nodded, still smiling. He always enjoyed toying with the mortals, and he had missed it. Yes... he had slept far too long this time.
Nikki was about to leave when a man a little ways down the bar. Not a man, a vampire. She could almost smell it on him. Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye she could feel the power emanating from him but strangly she felt no fear. She was used to vampires they didn't scare her. Werewolfs on the other hand... she shuddered at the thought. She had watched werewolfs tear apart the only man she had ever loved. She shook her head refusing to let her memories surface. That night was buried deep and she would like to keep it that way. She glanced at the man again wondering if she should leave now or if the wolves were just waiting for her.

I waited patiently as she entered the room, eyeing the items there as if she'd never seen them before.
"How do you feel?" I asked.
She smiled, amazed.
"Incredible," she said, almost whispering with awe.
I stood, walking over to her. She'd gotten protective when she'd seen me before. Now she stepped toward me, almost instinctually.
"Dress," I insisted, "And come. You'll need to learn quickly and there is much to learn. We'll get you more appropriate attire very soon."
She smiled at me as I said this last part, no doubt curious what I felt would be more appropriate. She might very well be surprised.
She dressed quickly in the clothes she'd laid out and we were moving down the fire-escape a few minutes later, heading toward the streets to find Carrion again.
He'd be feasting by now, no doubt, or full and waiting for me to surface.
"Let's check out the nightlife," Grace insisted.
"Not just yet. But soon," I promised. "Very soon, you'll need to feed."
The Hunter

The normal human ear would not have heard it, not at this height, but the trained ear picked up such things. A distant howl, followed by a brief scream, then the regular sounds of the city streets at night overtook them both.
"Should I guess why I am here?" I asked, leaning on the balcony.
The woman was quite sexy, though her age was catching up with her. She wasn't old by normal standards, or actually old at all, but as a trophy wife to a rich businessman, forty was reaching the top of the ladder.
"I want something simple and easy for a man of your nature, Mister..." I watched her lips glide gently against one another as she awaited my response.
"Caine is what I'm often called," I replied, eyeing her long legs, extending from her short skirt. She had kept in quite impressive shape, regardless of what her asshole husband might tell her. I had an image of him in my head, overweight,bald, demanding she look just three years younger than she already did.
"Caine," she said, leaning over the small tray, knowing my eyes would find her cleavage.
She wants an advantage, I thought. My concentration on things other than negotiation."Can I interest you ina drink, Caine?" she asked, lifting her own glass from the tray and pointing to the varous bottles she'd lines on the tray.
"Let's just get to business."
The balcony gave a great view of the city below, and the wind carried too much sound from the city for true comfort or distraction. I noted then that this particular city was already strongly "infected," as I had always called it.
"My husband's daughter is missing," she said. "We are very worried, Caine, and hope that you can be of assistance."
"How's that?"
"You see, he believes in...well, that something in the city, beneath its surface in a sense, has taken her. If this is the case, he wishes her returned, whether harmed or not. Do you understand?"
I nodded. "If she's one of them, it might be necessary to kill her."
She shook her head violently. "No. If you can't do otherwise, don't even go. You are not the only Hunter who can do this job, I'll remind you."
I didn't need the reminder, but I doubted any other Hunter would want to return an infected victim to its family, who'd protect it and keep it hidden.
"I can make no promises, but bear in mind, if she's been taken, she's probably dead, a victim for food or rage, not for companionship."
"He belives he knows the stalker," she said. I admired the way she did this, avoided saying anything to acknowldge the undead's existance. "A man who used to work for him. Night shift at the bank. If you search and donot find her, you will be paid, but a great ransom is offered for her return."
I nodded, looking over the edge of the balcony at the city below. I could see people moving en mass through the streets. Rich neighborhoods were always like this, the people in the streets feeling safer in neighborhoods where money was to be protected. They were like ants to me from here, but worse still, they were cattle to the undead down there.
"I'll investigate, but I make no promises to find her."
SHe nodded. "We're very appreciative," she said, finally smiling.
I saw a look of approval in her eyes that hadn't been there a few moments ago, and something else, as though she were just then seeing me.
A client I reminded myself.
I would wait until the job was done this time.
"I'll be on this right away," I ensured her. "I'll show myself out."