USS Dark Fire OoC


Living Death
Jun 16, 2019
This is a story primarily with occasional sex.

ALL writers and cast would need to be 19 years of age or older. Period. Not even 'My character is 340+ but looks under 19." Not allowed. not happening. Anybody wanting that please find another thread.

The game/ship will start in our future resembling something close to Andromeda/ BSG/ B5/ Farscape/ Firefy/ Orville/ Star Trek/ Star Wars.

This ship and it’s command / Security structure will use the Current Active US Navy Structure

I’m open to race/gender/sexuality. No character may be from canon. be Original
Ie No Darth anything. No Skywalker, Adama, Kirk, Spock, McCoy. Please don't reference being related to or knowing them. I don't want any problems with copyright infringements. This needs to be fun and enjoyable game/story by everyone. This is not a Cannon story, as such certain liberties will be taken to allow a more fun game.

Reference History:
Enterprise: 2151-2155
Discovery: 2256-2259 (S1-S2)
T.O.S. : 2266-2269
Animated: 2269-2270
Motion Picture: 2273
Wrath: 2285
Search: 2285
Voyage: 2286
Frontier: 2287
Country: 2293
ST-tNG: 2364-2370
DS9: 2369-2375
Voyager: 2371-2378
Generations: 2371/2293
First Contact: 2373/2063
Insurrection: 2375
Nemesis: 2379
Lower Decks: 2380
Picard: 2399
Firefly: Battle of Serenity Valley - Planet Hera: 2511
Firefly: 2517
Earth/Minbari War: 2914-2937
Dark Fire: 2987-
Discovery: 3188-3189 (S3)
Andromeda: Nietzschean Coup 4864
Andromeda: Eureka Maru Rescues Andromeda Ascendent 5167

Stardate 2987 05 08.1765
(that’s YYYY MM DD.Hours)

USS Dark Fire, Dreadnaught Class
XDC-4623786 (XDC = Experimental Dreadnaught Carrier 1st of Class)
Heavy Carrier/Battleship/Science (Unique - Experimental)
Posi-mnemonic AI Memory Core in a Crotaline Matrix (47 Billion Data Channels / 575 Quintillion Calc/nanosecond)
Officers: 700
Chiefs: 700
Crew: 13250
Pilots: 2500
. Support: 5000
Ground Troops: 2500

  • Length: 2200 Meters / 7217.8 Feet
  • Width: 800 Meters / 2624.7 feet
  • Height: 350 Meters / 1148.3 Feet
  • 80 Decks (10 feet per deck - 8' Standing room)
  • 30,000,000 metric tons
  • Cargo Capacity: 600,000 metric tons
  • Consumables: 24 months
  • 514 dual point-defense batteries (Computer / Manual Control)
  • Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Composite Hull
  • Parametallic Plating
  • 6m Ablative armor
  • Structural Integrity Field
  • Class 5 Regenerative Subspace Graviton Field
  • Deflector Shield
  • Type X Pulse Phaser Array (5 each)
  • 48 primary batteries (configuration dependent)
  • 34x Primary KEW (30x Twin Turrets, 4x Fixed Twin Mounts) KEW (Kinetic Energy Weapons)
  • 21 Missile Tubes (7 Fore Starboard. 7 Fore Port, 7 Aft)
    • Isolytic Burst Torpedoes
    • Covariant Paratrinic (Modulating EMP)
    • Plasma Torpedoes
    • Photon Torpedoes
    • Antimatter Missiles
    • Trilithium Torpedoes
    • Pulse Wave Torpedoes
    Boarding Pods (21 Troopers each - 3/sqd - 4/sqd - 5/sqd.) (21 deployment is 4/sqd with Snr Officer)
Aviation facilities:
  • 2x Flight Pods
  • 4x Flight Decks
  • 90x Fighter Launch Tubes
  • 6x Raptor Launch Tubes
  • Fighter construction facilities

Flight Wing Complement:

  • 15 Squadrons of Fighters (30@) (450 Combat Capable)
  • 60 Shuttles (20 passenger capability) (300 Capacity)
  • Defiant Class Heavy Fighter/Bomber/Shuttle (2 each)
  • 30 Workbees


  • 6x Warp / Transwarp Engines
  • 6x Sublight Engines
  • 40x maneuvering engines (in 10 clusters of 4)
  • M'Chel (Vulcan High Command) (Weeping_Angel)
    • Security Officer/attaché: Su’Nak, Vulcan Security Division (NPC) (Weeping_Angel)
  • Vice Admiral Roanoke, Thirty-First Fleet (NPC Deep Star 9) brain Aneurysm Stardate 29870516.1354
    • Commodore Daniel MacPherson Seventh Fleet (Parasite infected Replacement) (Weeping_Angel)
  • Captain: Captain Hora Layvnullo (Female, Orion) (MilkMaiden38)
  • Executive Officer: Cmdr. Jordan Reeves (Male, Human) (Weeping_Angel)
  • MACO: Major K'alena Daughter of K’Goz (Klingon, Female) (NPC)
    • Marine: Ensign Stonn (Deceased)
    • Medic: Gunnery Sergeant McPherson (24/Male/Human) (Weeping_Angel)
  • Chief Security Officer: LCdr. Tyrande Aegeri (Male, Zabrak) (Weeping_Angel) (KIA - second Necron encounter)
    • Lt. Zosh Sol (Male, Croco-Lamia) (MilkMaiden38)
  • Chief Medical Officer: Lt. Gil Grissom, M.D. (NPC)
    • Medical Staff: Sara Sidle, MD (NPC)
    • Medical Staff: Lt. Loka Bumme (Twi'lek/Female) (MilkMaiden38)
  • Medical Fields
    • Anesthesiology
    • Biology/Xenobiology
    • Dentistry
    • Emergency Medicine
    • Imaging Systems
    • Immunology
    • Internal Medicine
    • Medical Toxicology
    • Neuropsychology/psychiatry: Counselor XIANA MARLOWE (SereneOtter00)
    • Rheumatology
    • Surgery
  • Chief Engineering Officer: 1st Lt. Kaywinnet Lee Frye (Female/Trill)
    • Asst Chef Engineer: Lt. Doji Fay
    • Asst Chef Engineer: Ensign Cook (MilkMaiden38)
    • Engineering Officer:
    • Holo-Systems Engineer
    • Systems & Maintenance Engineer
    • Weapons Technician
    • Propulsion Chief
    • Maintenance Chief
  • Chief Helm/Navigations (Pilot/Conn) Officer: Ensign Miller (NPC/Female)
    • Asst Chief Conn Officer:
    • Astrogation Officer: 2nd Lt McGee (NPC)
    • Shuttle Bay Manager:
    • Flight Control Officer:
    • Chief Support Craft Pilot (Shuttle):
    • Support Craft pilot (Shuttle):
  • Communications Officer: Lt(jg) Reginal "Ren" York (Human/Male/ 20's?)(NPC)
  • CAG: Lt. Jensen Ackles, call sign “Storm Crow” (NPC/Mentioned only)
    • LCdr. Shino "Tiger" Mc’Leo (Caitain/Male) (MilkMaiden38)
  • Chief Science Officer: Dr. L'Sa T’Ker T’Gahn, Ph.D. (non Command) (Weeping_Angel)
    • Archaeology:
    • Astrometrics:
    • Astrophysics:
    • Biology/Xenobiology:
    • Botany/Xenobotany:
    • Chemistry:
    • Cybernetics & Biosynthetics;
    • Galactic History:
    • Photonic Applications:
    • Quantum Mechanics:
    • Research:
    • Sensor Operations:
    • Subspace Theory:
    • Temporal Mechanics:
    • Unified Field Theory:
    • Warp/TransWarp Theory:
  • Tactical Officer: Ensign Samuel Collins (Dead)
  • Strategic Operations Officer: LCdr. Zeb Stephens (Human/Male) (Dead)
  • Environmental Controls Officer:
  • Computer Operations:
  • Supply Operations Officers/Quartermaster: Petty Officer Peter Handson (Male/Human/Blacl)(MilkMaiden38)
  • Intelligence Officer:
  • Special Services:
  • Ambassador / Diplomatic Liaison:
  • Counselor: Counselor Xiana Marlowe (Human/Female) (sereneotter00)
    • Lead Counselor:
    • Guided Therapy
    • Neuropsychology/psychiatry
    • Psychiatry
    • Psychosomatic Disorders
    • Stress Disorders
  • Mayor/Civilian Rep:

DRADIS (Direction, Right Ascension, and Distance ) for Capital Class Ship. (Three Dimensional Radar)

Battlestar Galactica Ship (1).jpg
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If you'll let me, I'd love to join this thread.
As you know, I also like diverse races.
I'm thinking a human and at least one non-human.
I know the Orville & Star Trek universe well, Andromeda not as much. Star Trek has a LOT of races, so I like that one best, but all can work.

As for a plot... I'm open to anything. I have played/written a "transport mission". Basically ferrying a group of unique races to a new world... The ship is attacked by an unknown enemy, and is heavily damaged.

The survivors save the ship... New, inexperienced, captain need to learn to lead these people. Also they try to figure who and why they were attacked.
I can suggest more plots if you wish.
Dark Fire: Ships AI
• Species: Computer AI
• Gender: Indeterminate


Jordan Reeves: Commander - Executive Officer
• Species: Human​
• Age: 36​
• Gender: Male​
• AgeHeight: 6’1”/ 185cm​
• Weight: 203# / 92kg​
• Build: Average Muscular​
• Hair: Dark Brown, short​
• Eyes: Pale Blue​
• Tattoo's: None​
  • Federation Standard (Birth)
  • Vulcan (Fluent)
  • Klingon (Learning)
  • Tough as Nails. Aloof and standoffish. Doesn’t like not knowing. Doesn’t make friends easily. Avoids parties.
  • Born and Raised on Earth. Rochester Minnesota region. Moved a few times turning school age due to father being unemployed.
  • Graduated from Rochester, Minnesota Corsair High School
Romance and Sex:
  • Heterosexual
Military History:
  • ROTC From the age of fourteen until graduation.
  • Entered Starfleet Command Officer Program upon graduation from High School
  • Awarded:
Assignments:XN-4623786 - USS Dark Fire – Midnight Class (Dreadnought/Carrier)
  • Lieutenant Commander / Executive Officer
  • Stardate 29870516.1200
    • Promoted to Commander
NCC-92765 - U.S.S. Nightstar - Prometheus-class (Destroyer)
  • Promoted Lieutenant Commander
  • Helmsman, Navigation, Comm Station
NCC-62341 - U.S.S. Norway - Norway-class (Scientific / Diplomatic)
  • Lieutenant / Tactical Station
NCC-9134 - U.S.S. Justice - Lancelot-class (Cruiser)
  • Promoted to Lieutenant
  • Pilot – Capitol Class
NCC-9701 - U.S.S. Aries - Hornet-class (Carrier) (Ensign - Pilot)
  • Promoted to Lieutenant JG
  • Pilot - Fighter, Cargo, Shuttle, Combat Shuttle
NCC-63293 - U.S.S. Rabin - Akira-class (Escort) (Ensign)
  • Ensign
  • Fourth Kitomar Conflict​
  • Operation Urgent Fury​
  • Operation Loyal Empire (Klingon/Federation operation)​
  • Operation Prime Chancellor (Klingon/Federation operation)​
  • Operation Snowcap (Andor Prime)​
  • Operation Just Cause​
  • Operation Nifty Package​
  • Operation Desert Star (Rescue of Vulcan Hostages)​
  • Operation Hope Restored​
  • Operation Gothic Star​
  • Battle of Mogadishu​
  • Operation Enduring Freedom​
  • Second Remus Conflict​
  • Operation Dark Sky​
  • Operation Midnight Run​
  • Operation Spear of Orion​
  • USS Maerskadale Highjacking​
  • Red Star crisis​
  • Operation Guardian​

M'Chel Ambassador.jpg
Character Name: M’Chel
  • Ambassador – Vulcan High Command​
• Species: Vulcan
• Gender: Female
• Age: 103
• Body: Slender/Slim
• Height: 5’7” / 168cm
• Weight: 128# / 58Kg
• Build: 34-23-35 in (87-58.5-89 cm) .34D (87 cm)
• Hair: Light Brown
• Eyes: Blue
• Tattoo's: None

About her:
  • Service to the Vulcan High Command began shortly after birth. When her family was exterminated during the Second Romulan War. Raised in a Vulcan/human Orphanage.​
  • Vulcan​
  • Romulan​
  • KilingonHUman​
  • Ferengei​
  • Orion​
  • Deltan​
  • A typical Vulcan personality. Cold, aloof, standoffish. Humourless.​



L’Sa of the Family of T’Ker, the House T’Gahn: Dr.
• Species: Vulcan
• Age: 68
• Gender: female
• Height: 5’6”/ 168cm
• Weight: 116# / 53kg
• Build: 35C-25-34
• Hair: Blonde, Long
• Eyes: Pale Blue
• Tattoo's: None

  • Vulcan (Birth)​
  • Romulan​
  • Klingon​
  • Federation Standard (Fluent)​
  • Denobulan​
  • Quiet and unassuming​
  • Kahs-wan - Stardates 29270607 and 29270617.​
  • Monastic Sanctuary of P’Jem​
  • Vulcan Science Academy​
  • Internship at Sh'vhal city Medical Facility​
Romance and Sex:
  • Heterosexual
Vulcan Science Academy:
  • Xenobiology​
  • Synthetic Biology​
  • Genetic Engineering​
  • Molecular Biology​
  • Chemical and Engineering Biology​
  • Evolutionary biology​
  • Xenological Genome Sequencing​
  • Human Medical degree​
  • Forensic Pathology​

XN-4623786 - USS Dark Fire – Midnight Class (Dreadnought Carrier)

Department Head of Xenobiology​
Bridge Training -​
  • Medical Station
  • Communication
Fighter Pilot - Clearance​
  • Valkyrie Class Warp Fighter
  • Gryphon Class Warp Fighter (Valkyrie Mk II)
  • Shuttle Type II
NX-59650 - U.S.S. Prometheus - Prometheus-class (Destroyer)

Chief Medical Officer​
Bridge Training - Medical Station​

NCC-62341 - U.S.S. Norway - Norway-class (Scientific / Diplomatic)

Medical Officer, Xenobiologist.​
Liaison to Diplomatic Envoy from Klingon - Ambassador Karnak​
Bridge Training - Medical Station​
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Here are some character ideas.
I was thinking... Hora will be the new Captain. This will create a big stir among the crew. She will be "unconventional" as Captain. She needs a good XO, Number 1, Second in command... to tell her what she is doing wrong.

Oh, she did not want to be captain... star fleet ordered to assume command against her wishes.

Zosh Sol is going to be hard ass, ego, all about me, character. Not a team player. However, as the story evolve, he will turn around some and become a great team mate.

Anyhow, those are my idea? Thoughts?

Name: Hora
Age: 25
Species/Race: Orion
Rank: Commander
Division: Science
Appearance: See link. Busty green skinned Orion female.

Height: 5’6”
Hair color: Changes green, or black or Chestnut
Eye color: Blue
Figure: She has a curvy voluptuous figure and the large chest.

Hora is a real character; she wants nothing more than to enjoy life. She is a naturally playful and happy person, and not much gets her down for long. Her world is a fun place—she is not naive, but rather chooses to see the humorous in things. She's very easygoing about things and comes across as genuinely warm, charming, and friendly, which happens often since she deeply enjoys personal interaction (which she does with a lot of laughing, flirting, physical touching, and eye contact).

As much as she likes to talk and laugh with others, she is actually very closed about her internal world and background, and she always finds a slippery way to change that subject. Cultural norms don't play an important role for her, except that she enjoys breaking them—not because she enjoys chaos, but simply because she thinks most rules are uselessly restrictive. This is one reason why she frequently engages in pranks and practical jokes, to shake things up and "punish" people who are too serious.

She is a very erotic creature, largely because she finds flirting and sex to be fun. She can be brazen in her sexual expression, although she knows when to turn it off.

Character Bio/History: Hora is somewhat an outcast in star fleet. She is smart and capable, but many people think she has used her beauty and Orion female pheromones to get ahead. As a result, she went into the science field, where she mainly worked with computers, not people.

Additional Information:
The Orion are a species of humanoids with green to blue skin. Female Orions are masters of seduction, which, in combination with their potent pheromones, are used to their full advantage. While in Orion society, the males were slaves to the women, other species captured the females and turned them into sex slaves.

The female pheromones affect the metabolism and adrenaline production of males in most species, which could turn them delirious with lust. This affect can be “turned on or off” by the female. Another effect of the pheromones' is to make males susceptible to suggestions, essentially turning the female Orion 'slave' into the master, as their owner will do anything they suggested.

Star fleet rule strictly forbid female Orions from using this ability. It is considered a form of rape.


Zosh Sol
Age: 25
Species/Race: Croco-Lamia
Rank: Lt
Division: Security
Appearance: See link. Big, hulking dinosaur in a star fleet uniform.

Height: 6 ft 7 in
Hair color: N/A
Eye color: Golden

Zosh Sol is the Security Officer and a croco-lamia species of unknown origin. He grew up in a colony on a small planet orbiting around a white dwarf star.

Zosh Sol is a very fierce and very powerful fighter. He also has a huge ego. Federation scientists have his race, and Zosh Sol is near impossible to kill. His shoulders store fluids and nutrients, allowing him go extended periods without feeding, He has extra sets of major organs, like 2 hearts and 4 lungs and he can go into a furious blood rage during which he can ignore all pain and will fight to the death.

He joined star fleet expecting to become a commanding officer one day. His inter-personal skill however, have held him back.
Here is my thoughts on the Admiral meeting

Meeting with the Admiral

The aide cracked open the door to the Admiral’s office “Captain Hora wants to see you sir”

"I don't care what the captain wants... I'm not talking to that bimbo! and that is Final!" A man voice yelled. Hora quickly jumped over the receptionist’s desk and pushed past the aide.

She walked into the admiral’s room. The Admiral was looking right at her. He had white hair and a face that looks tired from all the years in fleet.

"Sir... I’m Captain Hora, I’m the bimbo in command. I need to know why the fleet ordered me, a "green" commander, pun intended, lacking carrier experience to take command of the USS Dark Fire? That ship deserves the best officer available. Appoint Commander Reeves as the CO.”

"Captain Hora, you worthless, stupid, cunt! Follow your orders! And by the way, Commander Reeves is not Command Material. I should have him locked up in the Brig. Oh, I just signed your promoted to the Rank of Captain. NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE"

Hora was in shock. In this state it was easy for the Aide to pulled her out of the Admiral’s office.

She walk back down the passageway, wondering what the fuck was going on.
Slight Changes.....

Meeting with the Admiral

The aide cracked open the door to the Admiral’s office “Captain Hora wants to see you sir”

"I don't care what the captain wants... I'm not talking to that her, and that is Final!" A man voice replied rather loudly and sternly from the office. Hora quickly jumped over the receptionist’s desk and pushed past the aide.

When she walked into the admiral’s room he, the Admiral, was looking right at her. He had white hair and a face that looks tired from all the years in fleet.

"Sir... I’m Captain Hora, I need to know why the fleet ordered me, a "green" commander, pun intended, lacking any carrier experience to take command of the USS Dark Fire? That ship deserves the best officer available. Commander Reeves should be appointed as the CO.”

"Captain Hora, Follow your orders! And by the way, Commander Reeves is not Command Material. I should have him locked up in the Brig. Oh, I just signed off on your promotion to the Rank of Captain. NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!!"

Hora was in shock. In this state it was easy for the Aide to pull her out of the Admiral’s office.

Walking back down the passageway, wondering what the fuck was going on, several individuals from Starfleet intelligence walked past her towards the Admiral office. What do a Betazed, A Vulcan, Ullian, and a Psi Corp officer all have in common?

Telepathy… But, why were telepaths talking to an Admiral?​
Zosh will run to cell AA-23 and release the person.
To describe the scene, can I know their race, male/female, etc?

Also I love the thread so far!
Do we want to try and get one more writer?
If that does not happen, shall we divide up the positions? Medical, Science Officer, Engineering, CAG, comms

Just a thought.
Pilot is male. other than your free to call it.

Yes i'd like to get another player
hopefully someone willing to playa pilot and a bridge officer
battlestar_galactica_cic_3d_by_kobol64_dfp9lrf-pre.jpgBSG CnC.png
A: Holographic Imaging system / Master Systems Display
B: Command and Control Station

1: Commanding Officer (Captain Hora)
2: Executive Officer (Reeves)

3: Communications Officer
4: Sciences I – Sensor Monitoring
5: Operations Manager (Power/Life Support)
6: Engineering I - Propulsion
7: Main Tactical/Security (Configurable Console)
8: Astrometrics
9: Navigation Control
10: Main Drive/Warp/Trans-Warp Monitoring
11: Strategic Operations Officer
12: Tactical I – Mission Operations 1
13: General Engineering Monitoring
14: Defense Grid Main
15: Torpedo Control
16: Engineering II – Environment
17: Pilot Health Monitoring
18: MACO Health Monitoring
19: Fighter Craft Management
20: MACO Craft Monitoring
21: Fighter Communications
22: Landing Bay Operations
23: MACO Communications
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I'm assuming Dark Fire, the ship's AI, is sentient. So "reprograming it" would be against the law. However, providing "health" checks (diagnostics) and logic checks is not.
Hora is going to just leave. Dark Fire can go faster than this bio... thing. She will head to nebula... inside a nebula, you can generate a sound wave (fake science here but close enough) Any issues with that?
On Lt Sol...
I think his arc involves the strength of a team is greater than the strength of the individual. Reeves might ask him to join a team sport on the holo deck or something...

I also think he needs a "warm blood" love interest. Someone who can soften his views toward warm blooded races. I might intro a character that shows interest in the big dinosaur.