Using names on Lit.


Anti-M 0derator
Jan 2, 2002
forum rules

(safe link)

I want to talk specifically about this rule.

4. You may not post personal information of other members or, for that matter, anyone else. We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

Ok, I'm not trying split hairs with this topic but what is appropriate and what isn't?

Real Names: Most people post IRL names. The President, stories of people in the news and Lit members.

Where is the line drawn?

To be more specific. busybody posted a letter from a soldier's point of view in Iraq/Kuwait. The letter was not offensive in anyway.

Maybe with me being a Marine I took it a little personal.
PC said (along the lines) "Heavy, the name was published on a respectable website."
I believe EE said something about the use of GW. She said the whole name.

What constitutes a violation? At what point should a post get mod'd?
If you post the name of someone who posts here or suggest they post here.

Any contact information of any person I think is off limits.
HeavyStick said:
forum rules

(safe link)

I want to talk specifically about this rule.

4. You may not post personal information of other members or, for that matter, anyone else. We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

I take that to mean that you can't post personal information, email, Instant Messages, PM's etc... about people given to you in good faith. Nor can you post that sort of information about others not on the site.
What a complex issue - better send this one down to the Lit Supreme Court.
You can post redwave's home address, phone number, picture, she-male lover's picture, criminal record, and full name but everything else is off limits.
I think when it will hurt or perhaps make someone's life different.
We have no right to publicize names and the like that may cause harm.. Or cause anything...

Just my opinion.
Problem Child said:
You can post redwave's home address, phone number, picture, she-male lover's picture, criminal record, and full name but everything else is off limits.

You can't post his employment matter how hard you tried. :D
Annabelllee2003 said:
I think when it will hurt or perhaps make someone's life different.
We have no right to publicize names and the like that may cause harm.. Or cause anything...

Just my opinion.

I like this reply.

I respect a person's privacy. I want my privacy respected. I speak about the president all the time. I'm violating the rules. *spanks hand*

Bob, I agree about personal communication outside of the forums.

But I'm speaking specifically about names.
I thought this was going to be a thread about calling people names.

I had some good ones lined up. :(
HeavyStick said:

But I'm speaking specifically about names.

The way I read it, you can't post the real name of a Lit member or anyone that's not already known by their real name.

BTW, my name really is Bob Bytchin :rolleyes:
Bob_Bytchin said:
The way I read it, you can't post the real name of a Lit member or anyone that's not already known by their real name.

BTW, my name really is Bob Bytchin :rolleyes:

OK, but all it says is, "This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate. "

I would like to see it be more specific. Maybe, "This rule also covers real names of forum members, their employment info, and any other their personal information that we deem inappropriate."
I see nothing wrong with posting the real name of any public figure or whose name is publicly shown in the press or on the web.

I think the rule is about poster's real names or their friends, family, co-workers etc. Phone numbers, Emails, PM's, Places of business and any other info that could lead to a poster's privacy being violated by having their identity known is off limits.

Just use common sense and err on the side of caution.
zipman7 said:
I see nothing wrong with posting the real name of any public figure or whose name is publicly shown in the press or on the web.

I think the rule is about poster's real names or their friends, family, co-workers etc. Phone numbers, Emails, PM's, Places of business and any other info that could lead to a poster's privacy being violated by having their identity known is off limits.

Just use common sense and err on the side of caution.


But what if the Lit member has their real name and contact info on their homepage in their Lit Profile. Can I post that?
HeavyStick said:

But what if the Lit member has their real name and contact info on their homepage in their Lit Profile. Can I post that?

Personally, I wouldn't, but I think it is okay as they are putting it up on this site publicly for anyone to see.
HeavyStick said:

But what if the Lit member has their real name and contact info on their homepage in their Lit Profile. Can I post that?

Just post a link
HeavyStick said:

But what if the Lit member has their real name and contact info on their homepage in their Lit Profile. Can I post that?


Lit profiles are temporary and changeable -- under the control of the creator. When someone else posts that information without permission, the person in question loses control, and the ability to change his/her mind.

This falls in the same logical argument about why it is OK for someone to post their own nude photo -- but not for someone else to post it under the theory that it is already "public".

In my opinion.


Texan posted her info and it was a shitstorm.

If a person makes it part of their profile, I would say yes. But how about when they remove it?

I like Bob's idea of not posting Lit members. No exceptions.

If it is on the Web (mainstream not a shit site) post it. Public fugures post it.
HeavyStick said:
forum rules

(safe link)

I want to talk specifically about this rule.

4. You may not post personal information of other members or, for that matter, anyone else. We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

Ok, I'm not trying split hairs with this topic but what is appropriate and what isn't?

Real Names: Most people post IRL names. The President, stories of people in the news and Lit members.

Where is the line drawn?

To be more specific. busybody posted a letter from a soldier's point of view in Iraq/Kuwait. The letter was not offensive in anyway.

Maybe with me being a Marine I took it a little personal.
PC said (along the lines) "Heavy, the name was published on a respectable website."
I believe EE said something about the use of GW. She said the whole name.

What constitutes a violation? At what point should a post get mod'd?
Your answer lies in the Lit disclaimer for the celebrity stories:

"The stories in the "Celebrity" section of Literotica are all fictional parodies - none are true, nor are they approved of by the celebrities named in the stories. Authors write these fictitious stories about famous people for the same reason that Larry Flynt made fun of Jerry Falwell, because they can. The Supreme Court of the United States, the country where this site is located, has ruled that parodies involving famous people are perfectly and totally legal under the United States Constitution. The specific case law on this was decided in the case of "Hustler Magazine, Inc. et al. v. Jerry Falwell" in 1988. No harm is intended toward the celebrities featured in these stories, but they are public figures and in being so, they must accept that they are fair target for parodies by the public. We believe in the first amendment, and more broadly, in the basic principle of free speech and this section may push the boundaries of that principle, but the United States Supreme Court has approved of this type of material. We believe that the Supreme Court was correct in their decision."

In short, public figures, even those who post their names in a newspaper, have no expectation of privacy here when it comes to their identity. The rest of us do.

So you can mention celebrities or politicians or whomever's real name, and it's no big deal.

But if you post, say, Jay Leno's home address, that post/thread will probably get zonked.

YadaYada said:

Lit profiles are temporary and changeable -- under the control of the creator. When someone else posts that information without permission, the person in question loses control, and the ability to change his/her mind.

This falls in the same logical argument about why it is OK for someone to post their own nude photo -- but not for someone else to post it under the theory that it is already "public".

In my opinion.

Ok, I missed the memo and this isn't really a newb, right? Good answer, either way.

I think the intent of the rule is to protect "real" (i.e. stalkable) people whose names aren't already out there in the public eye, HS.