User name in title


Feb 18, 2022
Might fuck around and finger fuck my phone and create 19 threads with my name in the title like a middle schooler. What do you think? I need attention like a stick figured, fruit fucking bitch?
Beat it with a Mo_Bandy stick (music thread)
What made you want to poke Mo_Bandy with a stick today (pissed off thread)
Let’s play with Mo_Bandy’s carrot stick (music thread)
Mo_Bandy’s skanks with sticks (skanks thread)
Mo_Bandy hits you with the stupid stick (stupid people thread)
Mo_Bandy in the sticks (favourite place picture thread)
Mo_Bandy’s not your average stick (what makes you special thread)
Mo_Bandy stick to you like glue (stalking thread)
Stick your neck out with Mo_Bandy (friendship thread - a long shot I know 😂)
Mo_Bandy’s pick up sticks (what is your best chat up line thread)

A few starter ideas
Mobandy should have been Mob_andy because Unshaven_Shaman was already taken.
Sweating through the sheets seven nights a week
Screaming as I sleep, dreams of demons streaming through the streets
Watch the acid eat away the enamel
Kissing the toilet seat, does it make me an animal?
Sludge through the sewage, it's such a world of shit
Feeling like we live, live on a Diarrhea Planet
I mean you could try doing both. Also film the latter. We’d like to see it.

Mo_bandy’s I’m not bendy thread.
Might fuck around and remove my own ribs like Marilyn Manson or Paul from the Wonder Years.