US government shutdown over

considering what happened, i don't think this is going into extra innings.

The only difference I notice is, the pencil pushers are back, and outside smoking, or inside gossiping.
...or, phrased more simply:

common sense: 1, ted cruz: 0.


Although I agree that the grandstanding probably didn't have any particular positive impact now or in the future......

.... I can't agree that it is common sense that while going back to doing the same old thing of borrowing and spending that we should expect a different result i.e. prosperity employment and debt reduction.
Although I agree that the grandstanding probably didn't have any particular positive impact now or in the future......

.... I can't agree that it is common sense that while going back to doing the same old thing of borrowing and spending that we should expect a different result i.e. prosperity employment and debt reduction.

Isn't there an old Chinese (oh, the irony) proverb about what defines insanity in your words?
query quoth:
although i agree that the grandstanding probably didn't have any particular positive impact now or in the future......

....i can't agree that it is common sense that while going back to doing the same old thing of borrowing and spending that we should expect a different result i.e. prosperity employment and debt reduction.
that depends on how you frame the past 16 days. i frame it as a small group of people deciding to try to take their ball & go home, and finally being forced to stop holding their breath.

emerson40 quoth:
isn't there an old chinese (oh, the irony) proverb about what defines insanity in your words?
that isn't chinese. :>

i have to admit, i found this fucking hysterical.

that isn't chinese. :>


You are correct. It is often attributed to the makers of those old chinese proverbs, who ever these people may be. Probably the same folks who brought us those little fortune cookie paper slips (the original twitter, one asian restauranteur once told me).

It has also been attributed to Einstein, Twain, Ben Franklin, and a variation of it has even been found in a Narcotics Anonymous pamphlet.
i have to admit, i found this fucking hysterical.


The government shut down is a joke. Both sides are fucking idiotic and should be sent home. Democrats (and this country) elected a dipshit president with no fucking common sense. "Raising our debt ceiling does not raise our debt." Maybe not, but a fucking retard with a higher debt ceiling CLEARLY raises our debt. If that statement (along with the behaviour of our government) was true, we would have zero debt. Nothing he says about the cost of anything is remotely accurate.

The republicans have a bunch of retards in their camp as well. Holding people's jobs hostage is no way to win anything. They have to be the most out of touch group of people on the fucking planet, next to our president.

I will not be checking incumbent for any of these fuckers next time. I think they should all have to receive massive wedgies from the American people.

We need a libertarian president. People need to stop voting for these retards in the two parties that run this country and get a party that stays the fuck out of our lives as much as possible (socially and economically) and can run a budget.

Democrats have never seen some entitlement program they don't love and the republicans have yet to see a war they don't want to fight.