Urban Dictionary


Gumby and Pokey
Jan 5, 2024
This is fun for me sometimes. Once in a while, when I’m messing around, I’ll warp a word or blend two words and come up with something new.

I’ll go to the Urban Dictionary, a useful resource, to see if anyone else sees things like I do. If they don’t, UD encourages people to submit the word for listing. They maintain certain guidelines and standards and will give the poster credit.

They seem particularly fond of contemporary or cynical takes. My latest admission was Chimposter. Dirty Sanchez is one of my favorites. It’s silly, I know, but at the same time oddly satisfying. It fuels what creativity I may have at hand.

Remember to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times and have fun. 🐣
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UD encourages people to submit the word for listing. They maintain certain guidelines and standards and will give the poster credit.

They seem particularly fond of contemporary or cynical takes. My latest admission was Chimposter. Dirty Sanchez is one of my favorites
You're the inventor of the Dirty Sanchez? Highfives, my man!
The poster credited for Dirty Sanchez is initialed S.D.S. From 2006
The phrase for the day is Ceiling Titty

I called dibs on Tatterass. And sawcock
This is fun for me sometimes. Once in a while, when I’m messing around, I’ll warp a word or blend two words and come up with something new.

I’ll go to the Urban Dictionary, a useful resource, to see if anyone else sees things like I do. If they don’t, UD encourages people to submit the word for listing. They maintain certain guidelines and standards and will give the poster credit.

They seem particularly fond of contemporary or cynical takes. My latest admission was Chimposter. Dirty Sanchez is one of my favorites. It’s silly, I know, but at the same time oddly satisfying. It fuels what creativity I may have at hand.

Remember to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times and have fun. 🐣
The only problem is that it's impossible to tell the difference between what the users made up and what is real slang used by at least some people. Also, people throw in definitions of their neighborhoods, towns, schools, etc. Gun Hill Road: A cesspit of violence and teen pregnancy. Located in northern Bronx, it is best known for "Buck 50's" and "40's" (types of knives, apparently). Not too flattering.
As far as I know there is no criteria that the word be actual slang. I do know submissions are reviewed for content that is not personal in content or offensive. Visit the site for their standards if curious.
The submissions I’ve had accepted were made up by me.
Tatterass is one. cocksaw has three or four definitions. Not of my making are preparanoia and embonered.

Most are humorous some hilarious. I just enjoy the creativity of undisciplined minds.
As far as I know there is no criteria that the word be actual slang. I do know submissions are reviewed for content that is not personal in content or offensive. Visit the site for their standards if curious.
The submissions I’ve had accepted were made up by me.
Tatterass is one. cocksaw has three or four definitions. Not of my making are preparanoia and embonered.

Most are humorous some hilarious. I just enjoy the creativity of undisciplined minds.
I wonder if some words are made up and then do become slang.

I've also noted that some schools and towns have multiple entries. There will be defenders and critics of the same place. I noted that Cranford, NJ, where I lived for a while has three entries so far. A lot of it will be how it is seen by adolescents, who probably write most of the entries. The amount of drug use is often mentioned. or the amount of pretentiousness if it's a higher status place.