Uprighting the tombstone

P. B. Walker

Literotica Guru
Nov 21, 2001
I really have to just sit back and laugh at this place sometimes. It's a marvel. It's like the laws and behaviors of society are tossed out the window and a whole new set of standards are just made up on the spot. Yesterday, after kicking over the tombstone of a departed fellow before it's even had a chance to grow grass around it, I today see a board member who's biggest concern is making nice-nice with a man she barely knew before today.

Don't get me wrong, I admit and respect Zipman and think he's a great human being. If I were to ever have a disagreement with him, I would make damn sure we worked it out. But NOT before we had fixed the cause of the argument in the first place.

I guess values like honor and respect are really in the toilet and it's more important to be funny, witty, and popular than it is to show just one fucking ounce of compassion. And let's not forget, cashing in on other's misfortunes for your own profit.

I pity the poor fool who dies here next. Hopefully it will be me so I don't have to be around to see the next load of smelly crap that gets dumped.


P.S. This is not meant to stir more shit. I'm just commenting on what I see happening. I love a good rousing flame war just like the next person. But this is a message from the heart about how disgusted I truely am. If you care to flame and attack me, go ahead.
Rosie doesn't do things to be popular or to "cash in". Plus she HAS explained why she posted what she did several times and admitted it was in poor taste.

You just don't want to see it.
Perhaps I'm a little biased on this one, but here are my thoughts.

I thought Rambling Rose's thread title was insensitive. I addressed that throughout the day yesterday. However, she didn't bash Artful in the thread. More than anything, she was guilty of bad taste.

When I logged on today and saw her apology to me, I tried to put myself in her shoes. Have I ever made insensitive comments here - absolutely. Did I mean them to hurt anyone - no, I didn't. If I had apologized, would I have wanted that to be accepted - hell yes.

So I accepted her apology and moved on. I don't know what else she could do or should do to "make it right."

Life is too damn short to miss an opportunity to forgive someone. Hatred, anger and bad feelings are like poison for the soul.

I think the posts that ~Dream~ has made on the Artful sympathy thread on the BDSM forum and the one she created for self-serving purposes on the Playground (despite the fact that AngelofSex had already posted one there) were much worse than what Rambling Rose did. I didn't attack ~Dream~ on those threads (despite my intense desire to) out of a sense of respect for Artful, because if there was one thing he hated above all else, it was flaming. ~Dream~ using Artful's death to gain sympathy and attention is by far the more despicable act in my book.

I'm not telling you what to do or whether or not to believe her, but I am not the most popular poster here nor do people go out of their way to "side with me" on issues.

I think Rambling Rose regrets what she did and did try and make amends. That's enough for me, although it may not be for you.
sunstruck said:
Rosie doesn't do things to be popular or to "cash in". Plus she HAS explained why she posted what she did several times and admitted it was in poor taste.

You just don't want to see it.

What I don't want to see is the way she's doing it. It's uncouth and low-class. Do I think she's sincere? Yeah, she probably is. I just think it's a huge fucking cop out. First she jokes about a dead person after there has already been a big blow up, and in the process pisses off a good man (Zipman). So she probably got "alot" of shit privately from her friends telling her that Zipman is a good person and she fucked up. So she dedicates a thread to Zipman, and "Oh, by the by, I'm sorry for that comment I made". That's just crap in my book. Did Zipman deserve an apology? Yes. But that's not the point.

Now, if it had been a true apology thread that would be a different manner. And of course, she could have made a second post in that same thread making nice-nice with Zipman.

Instead she turns the spotlight away from her bullshit and now she appears so squeaky clean because she apologized to Zipman (who wasn't even the person wronged in the first place!!) and they made up. Now everyone feels all hunky dorry and we see all these comments about what high classed people they are, about half of those comments I agree with, unfortunately, they are all about Zipman.

She can be as sincere as she wants, but asking for forgiveness from the wrong people still doesn't make it right. In fact, I'm inclined to say, my opinion of her has dropped... if that is even possible.

This is all just my humble opinion of course, so if I'm way off base, I apologize.

zipman7 said:
Perhaps I'm a little biased on this one, but here are my thoughts.

I thought Rambling Rose's thread title was insensitive. I addressed that throughout the day yesterday. However, she didn't bash Artful in the thread. More than anything, she was guilty of bad taste.

When I logged on today and saw her apology to me, I tried to put myself in her shoes. Have I ever made insensitive comments here - absolutely. Did I mean them to hurt anyone - no, I didn't. If I had apologized, would I have wanted that to be accepted - hell yes.

So I accepted her apology and moved on. I don't know what else she could do or should do to "make it right."

Life is too damn short to miss an opportunity to forgive someone. Hatred, anger and bad feelings are like poison for the soul.

I think the posts that ~Dream~ has made on the Artful sympathy thread on the BDSM forum and the one she created for self-serving purposes on the Playground (despite the fact that AngelofSex had already posted one there) were much worse than what Rambling Rose did. I didn't attack ~Dream~ on those threads (despite my intense desire to) out of a sense of respect for Artful, because if there was one thing he hated above all else, it was flaming. ~Dream~ using Artful's death to gain sympathy and attention is by far the more despicable act in my book.

I'm not telling you what to do or whether or not to believe her, but I am not the most popular poster here nor do people go out of their way to "side with me" on issues.

I think Rambling Rose regrets what she did and did try and make amends. That's enough for me, although it may not be for you.

I actually didn't know ~Dream~ had started doing that shit either. I kinda expected that from her. And unfortunately arguing with her will have the opposite effect. If I for one second thought, RR was anything like ~Dream~, I would have never responded at all. <--- that was a compliment btw.

I will agree that RR's intentions are probably sincere. I just feel personally that the way she is going about things has made it worse in my book. That's just my opinion. Most will not agree with that and I can accept that. But I felt I had to at least make it known.


I'm not going to argue with you about this and drag it out more than it has already been dragged. It was ugly, it's over. There isn't anything more Rosie can say or do about it and if she did none of it would be enough for you.

Just let it go. There's enough anger around here.
Rambling Rose is brash, bold, says what she thinks and remains true to herself. She's also well known for not apologizing for what she thinks and says. I admire that greatly about her.

An actual apology, which she very admirably offered to Zipman, is worth it's weight in gold. There was nothing offhanded or insincere about it. The parties involved have settled their differences in a way that's amenable to them.

Why are you trying to so hard to shift the focus to yourself, PBW? Are you feeling a little left out of the limelight?
sunstruck said:
I'm not going to argue with you about this and drag it out more than it has already been dragged. It was ugly, it's over. There isn't anything more Rosie can say or do about it and if she did none of it would be enough for you.

Just let it go. There's enough anger around here.

Yeah, you are right, of course. I just can't be satisfied. A true apology to the board wouldn't have had me tapping away at my keyboard with my own heartfelt apology. It is of course too late now, you are right. She played her hand and it is over. I guess that's the great thing about being a cold hearted bastard like myself, I don't ever have to forgive or any of that other shit.


Note to self: Delete typed up apology.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
P.B Plonker

What a fucking lame ass pratt you are

What a fucking twonk

<slaps the cunt about the face>

Hanns: You aren't a bad kid. I think if you just found someone to love you, you'd be alright in my book.

Nora said:
Rambling Rose is brash, bold, says what she thinks and remains true to herself. She's also well known for not apologizing for what she thinks and says. I admire that greatly about her.

An actual apology, which she very admirably offered to Zipman, is worth it's weight in gold. There was nothing offhanded or insincere about it. The parties involved have settled their differences in a way that's amenable to them.

Why are you trying to so hard to shift the focus to yourself, PBW? Are you feeling a little left out of the limelight?

Oh I agree. That was a beautiful apology to Zipman. I saw nothing wrong with that *part* of it. But if you'll go back and read my previous posts in this thread, you'll see the problem I had with it.

Pfftth.. as if I give a shit what you or anyone else on this forum thinks about me. I already knew half the people here disliked me before I set foot here from this past summers' "unpleasantries". If I cared about being liked, do you think I would have started posting here? Not.

Now... if nobody else wants to kick me... I'll happily (as is GB tradition) shut the fuck up.

I'm frightened by my incognizance of what goes on here.
Listen up, boy. You don't know me. You don't have one clue about my motivations or what makes me tick. You demanded an apology from me that you will never get, because it would be insincere of me to do so.

The one person who voiced his anger and disappointment in me that I regretted upsetting was zipman7. You are right in the assumption that we do not know one another, but I have followed his postings (just as I have followed yours) for many months.

While I find you to be a hot head and a loose cannon, I find him to be reasonable and mature. I appealed to him today because I respect him. I posted irresponsibly yesterday to prove a point that really didn't need proving at the expense of someone I did not know. It was an error in judgment on my part, but your response to it did nothing to further my own feelings of guilt. I refrained from responding to you yesterday, and you've begun a new post this afternoon to ostensibly rub salt in my wounds and grandstand a little more. Your posturing and bullying is a waste of time.

Put your energies into something more worthwhile. Move on. I have.
P. B. Walker said:
Yeah, you are right, of course. I just can't be satisfied. A true apology to the board wouldn't have had me tapping away at my keyboard with my own heartfelt apology.

She doesn't owe the board an aplogy. You owe her one though.
I don't owe anybody anything. I am now and have always been responsible for my thoughts, words and actions here. I am not one-dimensional or predictable in my thinking. I can be compassionate and thoughtful and I can be to the point and even cruel at times. I can bate and I can defend.

I don't expect or desire an apology from this man. I'd bet the farm pigs would fly before he'd even see the reason why he might tender one.
Rambling Rose said:
Listen up, boy. You don't know me. You don't have one clue about my motivations or what makes me tick. You demanded an apology from me that you will never get, because it would be insincere of me to do so.

The one person who voiced his anger and disappointment in me that I regretted upsetting was zipman7. You are right in the assumption that we do not know one another, but I have followed his postings (just as I have followed yours) for many months.

While I find you to be a hot head and a loose cannon, I find him to be reasonable and mature. I appealed to him today because I respect him. I posted irresponsibly yesterday to prove a point that really didn't need proving at the expense of someone I did not know. It was an error in judgment on my part, but your response to it did nothing to further my own feelings of guilt. I refrained from responding to you yesterday, and you've begun a new post this afternoon to ostensibly rub salt in my wounds and grandstand a little more. Your posturing and bullying is a waste of time.

Put your energies into something more worthwhile. Move on. I have.

You are right, I don't know you. Don't care to know you. I would NEVER demand an apology from you. Unlike your supporters are demanding from me. A true apology comes unbidden. You supporters meerly said I owed you one, and I responded (probably about the same way you would have in my shoes) with you'll see mine when I see hers. I never thought you would apologze nor did I expect you to apologize. I had pretty much gone to sleep last night forgetting about the whole incident. But today I found out it was more important to you to apologize to Zipman, than it was to the person you really wronged, Artful. I commented on it. Hey, it's a fucking forum, what else are we here to do, but comment on shit.

You are right, I am a hothead. I've never hidden that fact. But at least I have some fucking morals. And I deem this a worthwhile pursuit, I'm sorry if you don't, but then we've seen what you feel is a worthwhile pursuit.

Moving on,

sunstruck said:
She doesn't owe the board an aplogy. You owe her one though.

No, I actually owe the board an apology for being hotheaded and raw in my approach to righting what I felt was a wrong. I apologize to the good and decent people who sit here and read this board for using obnoxious words and foul language in support of something that would have been better served with calm, rational reasoning.

RR will get my apology when hell freezes over.
