Uploading profile photo/avatar

I have the same question...i'd like to upload an avatar also, but don't know how. hopefully someone can help!
I found the answer, warmsoul. You must have at least 100 posts before you are allowed to upload an avatar...
Sometimes you have to sign out of Literotica and sign in again once you have reached the 100 posts.

But if you participate in some of the word threads in the Authors' Hangout, or join in the arguments in the General Board (if you have a very thick skin!), you could reach 100 posts in a single day.
What an unusual rule...

It's not unusual at all for forums to grant users increasing privileges/perks according to their post count and/or seniority. Just about every free forum I've visited associates user titles and avatars/other image posting with post count. :)

Why? Especially with enormous communities like this, a gazillion people register for forums and maybe post a bit, then disappear. If all of those people were allowed to put up an avatar from the start, tons of server space would be consumed. Then the site owners would have to buy more servers at a quicker pace to maintain the site's performance.

So, the rationale for associating avatars, user titles and PM box space according to post count is to conserve server space and encourage people to keep posting here. Even though this forum is totally free and has zero ads, having a huge, very active forum can help the site owners generate revenue in other areas of the site (toy store, webcams, ads, etc.).

As mentioned, it's not difficult to get 100 posts in very little time, if one so chooses. If someone wants to post on fluff threads and the like, it can be done in hours. Even making a hundred quality posts took me less than a month, IIRC.

My advice is to relax and enjoy posting. The avatar option will open up for you soon enough, and it can be fun to explore the diverse forums and get to know other members (and vice versa) while you're increasing your post count. :)

For anyone who's a newer member or wants quick answers about how things work around here, I'd encourage you to check out our FAQ sticky.

Welcome, and enjoy your time here! :rose:
Not really. Can you imagine how many stupid one-post wonders' dick pics we'd have to wade through if anyone could put up an av?

Just trawl randomly through the list of Literotica members names. There are thousands who have posted less than 10 posts and many more who have never posted a story.

Contributing has a few privileges. Having an avatar, changing from being a 'Virgin' and getting to post your own tag are appreciated.