unregistered postings


i am what i am
Feb 1, 2002
i promise not to swear but dear god, i just spent i don't know how long, in the story dicussion circle area on a long posting only to discover that at the end when i had hit 'submit' it wouldn't post the posting as it told me i was unregistered.

i should have learned by now, but i forgot to copy the posting before i hit the submit button. i lost the whole thing.

this is so disheartening.

i haven't changed anything on my computer. i haven't done anything with cookies. and yet, every now and again, i go through the odd day or two where i am constantly being told i'm unregistered on Lit.

please, please, please tell me what i'm doing that isn't right.
Sorry WSO, but AFAIK, there's very little that you can do. It's just a quirk of the bulletin board. I get that sometimes too. Can't you just press back to get back to the reply screen?

The Earl
nope i tried that, it didn't retain the posting prior to hitting the submit button.

i also tried hitting control z - some kind person mentioned it months ago when it happened before to me.
control c = copy
control v = paste
control z = undo work disappearance.

ps: why is it that every time i see your AV, i squint to actually try to read it? like it's gonna be different or something...? ;)
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wildsweetone said:
nope i tried that, it didn't retain the posting prior to hitting the submit button.

When you have this sort of problem, go to file > Work Offline befor hitting the back button tokeep the page from refreshing when you hit the back button. That will preserve your post so you can save it and log in.

Ctrl-Z is "Undo" and doesn't always bring back lost work -- most often, it deletes the last thing you typed.
Just keep a word processing program up, write your long posts in that program, and copy (not cut) and paste into the text box when you are ready to submit. If you went unregistered, the post will be there and waiting for you in the word processing program. A bonus is the spell and grammar checking in word processing.
thank you Weird Harold for that... i'll try it next time i play in the SDC.

taking chances (nice to see you :) )... what happens to the formatting of my word processing document when i copy it into the posting box?

is there a time limit on submission of postings? does anybody know why it happens?
wildsweetone said:
taking chances (nice to see you :) )... what happens to the formatting of my word processing document when i copy it into the posting box?

is there a time limit on submission of postings? does anybody know why it happens?

Copy and paste from MS Word to the text box removes most formatting from the text. However, it's not hard to get used to what you need to do to reliably predict what it's going to look like. Just remember to use two paragrah breaks between paragraphs.

If you use Outlook (or something similar) for your e-mail, you can open a new e-mail, compose your post and spell check it without the problems a Word processer can cause with special characters that don't translate. You can also compose your posts in WordPad or NotePad although they don't have spell check.

Manu has the BB software set to consider 15 minutes without activity as mening you've left without logging out. That means the BB software automatically changes your status to not online.

If you know that it's going to take you a while to compose your message, then opena second Literotica window and refresh it every few minutes while you're composing your post -- that will keep you logged in.
wildsweetone said:
i promise not to swear but dear god, i just spent i don't know how long, in the story dicussion circle area on a long posting only to discover that at the end when i had hit 'submit' it wouldn't post the posting as it told me i was unregistered.

i should have learned by now, but i forgot to copy the posting before i hit the submit button. i lost the whole thing.

this is so disheartening.

i haven't changed anything on my computer. i haven't done anything with cookies. and yet, every now and again, i go through the odd day or two where i am constantly being told i'm unregistered on Lit.

please, please, please tell me what i'm doing that isn't right.

Let it be known, she sacrificed all that for me and my story. :kiss:

I :heart: you, WSO!

that's why it never happened while i was giving feedback in the Story Feedback Forum!!!! i used to keep two windows open. gee whizz i wish i'd remembered that.

thanks for the help and suggestions honey, i appreciate you. :)

ohhhhhhh Manxy.... i'd sacrifice life itself to help if i could. i'm glad i managed to get back in there and shed a little light (albeit dim) on my thoughts.

I :heart: you too dear, thank you for having patience with me. :)
Similar problem with PM's

I've noticed this problem too. It's particularly disturbing when you click on an email notification of a PM. The system notifies you that youhaven't logged in, subsequently you login and then when you click onthe Control Panel to read the PMyou get ANOTHER notification of not being logged in.
I solve it by using a seperate window, but you have to keep watching to post into the right one.

I'm a total software no-no, but this does look like something that should be solvable; other theme-boards never give me this problem.

if your computers are set up for cookies, you'll remain logged in every time you come back to lit.

btw...laurel has now banned unregistered posts
deliciously_naughty said:
if your computers are set up for cookies, you'll remain logged in every time you come back to lit.

btw...laurel has now banned unregistered posts

my machine stores no history (unless i want it to), but i am logged in to Litland automatically, i.e. i never log out. there are however, days where the system (mine or Lits) doesn't seem to hold my logged in status. i guess that's when Manu is fiddling with the system in some way... probably cleaning out the rubbish i leave lying around ;)

the banning of unregistered postings explains why it wasn't kept when i hit the 'back' button or the Ctrl Z combo.

I guess it just happens to remind me that the machines are in charge of me ;)