Unholy grunt


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
I was sitting here, listening to my music, drinking my tea, and generally minding my own business. When suddenly the thought of a knock down drag out old fashioned fistfight with God struck me. I went so far as to grunt in mild amusement.

thus it was an unholy grunt.
pretty_lil_stranger said:
ROFL, you goof ball.

What are you fighting with God about? You know he'll win, right? ;)
Indeed he will,
Yet the thought of the All mighty uttering catch phrases such as
"That's gotta hurt"
"You want some of me?"
"Put em up, Put em uuuup"
"I could have been a contender"
Would make the inevitable beating at the hands of the Lord well and truly worth it. Just for giggles mind you.
Aquila said:
Indeed he will,
Yet the thought of the All mighty uttering catch phrases such as
"That's gotta hurt"
"You want some of me?"
"Put em up, Put em uuuup"
"I could have been a contender"
Would make the inevitable beating at the hands of the Lord well and truly worth it. Just for giggles mind you.

I bet He'd tweak your nose - "ya ain't so bad, ya ain't so bad!"
"And you shall know my name is the LORD when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
I had an unholy grunt today. Went shopping, came back two hours later and the bathroom still stunk.

Go ahead - make my day.

(the perfect thing God would say before kicking your ass)
When God grunts, it's called THUNDER. And that thing that comes just before His grunt, beats the hell out of a left hook.
