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Asymmetric Snowflake
Feb 1, 2014
Shutting down threads because of excessive story development is not helpful. We were bouncing ideas in a friendly fashion - surely the whole point of the forum - and no more might have been said, so why shut it down?

~ (trying very hard to be polite) ~
Trading paragraphs of stories is more like collaboration and not the same as 'bouncing ideas'.
If it actually progressed into a collaboration, you might have a point. I threw out a few paragraphs as an idea that the OP was free to use or ignore. I often do that.
read the forum rules... especially the one stickies to the top of this forum.
do you want the entire forum shut down?
There was talk of it in years past, when it began being a series of threads and posts with extracts of stories in progress.
The owners want chat here, and stories on the Story Index side. If you want to workshop, do it ptivately.
and that's enough off topic here.
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