Unf*cking Believable


Nov 1, 2002
I apologize for my vulgarity in my subject for this thread, but what has happened to me regarding this site has me rather ticked off, I submitted my first story (The Birthday Boy) to this site about a week or so ago, and this morning I woke up to find that finally one chapter out of 6 that I submitted, has been approved, the rest, still waiting, and what chapter do you think they approved? Chapter 1? hell no, they approved Chapter 2, Chapter 1 is still pending, and then I read some of the feedback that I've already recieved so far, and I discover, they've put a bunch of odd characters at the bottom, making people think that part of the chapter has been cut off. WTF is going on! I dont see anyone else getting this sort of treatment. Someone want to explain this to me?
How about moving this thread to the "Author's Hangout" or the "Story Feedback" ?

edited 'cause Spelling Buddy told me so
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First of all you can say "fuck". Second of all, no one is actually "approving" anything, it's all being done by robots, and you saw what robots did in "Westworld", they can't be trusted.
I hate it when Chapter 8 get published at first, before any other chapters.
First of all youd be better seved asking this in the Authors Hangout....but let me try to answer you.

Never submit all chapters to a story at the same time....EVER.....

Release one a week to Laurel......

If it is a one chapter story that is really long.....say......15,000 plus words or more....do not separate it and send individually.......send it all and they will set it up on separate pages with links at the bottom.

You can try and email them and explain your situation.....using a better tone than you did here......but...my experience is that the emails go un noticed......
And when you contact them keep in mind that the stories are managed by one person, and hundreds of submissions come in weekly. AND it's a free site that will permit tens of thousands of people all over the word to read your story, so you might actually want to replace the word "fuck" with the word "thanks".
Dixon Carter Lee said:
And when you contact them keep in mind that the stories are managed by one person, and hundreds of submissions come in weekly. AND it's a free site that will permit tens of thousands of people all over the word to read your story, so you might actually want to replace the word "fuck" with the word "thanks".

Right on....
Unholy1 said:
I submitted my first story (The Birthday Boy) to this site about a week or so ago

First of all, Laurel reads through all of these stories herself. It takes a week sometimes, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Depends on how many other stories she has to approve.

Unholy1 said:
this morning I woke up to find that finally one chapter out of 6 that I submitted, has been approved, the rest, still waiting, and what chapter do you think they approved? Chapter 1? hell no, they approved Chapter 2

Secondly, congrats on your first accepted story. I'm sorry that it wasn't #1, but it's probably just a mistake. Don't worry about early votes and early feedback, it'll all get evened out over time.

Unholy1 said:
Chapter 1 is still pending

The last time that I submitted two stories together, one slightly before the other (maybe 5 minutes in between) the second one was accepted first, the first submission remained pending for an eternity. What happened? It was rejected, sent to Extreme. One suggestion I have for you is that you read over your other chapters, especially chapter one, since I believe Laurel would do her best to get your story up in order, and find out if anything is "iffy" - you might go to the Author's Hangout or Story Feedback and ask some peers if you don't find anything.

Unholy1 said:
and then I read some of the feedback that I've already recieved so far, and I discover, they've put a bunch of odd characters at the bottom, making people think that part of the chapter has been cut off.

What kind of word document did you use to send this story in? Some types of formats don't go quite as well with Lit as others. My stories submitted from my mac, for instance, ended up with funky characters.

One thing to do to fix this is to copy and paste from the document into the text area on the submission. Post "Title - Resubmission" in the title area, and click Submit. In a couple of days the edited, funky-character-free story will be up and running for everyone to see.

posted by chicklet

First of all, Laurel reads through all of these stories herself. It takes a week sometimes, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Depends on how many other stories she has to approve.

This isn't really true.....she makes Manu read, edit, and uplink all the stories while she sits wearing a short mini, nylons, and a white blouse, feet up on her desk, shoes off and talking to me on the phone about everything under the sun, and everything under her skirt........at least thats my next story line......see if THAT gets printed.
Rex1960 said:
How about moving this thread to the "Author's Hangout" or the "Story Feedback" ?

And just how is it that you expect me to know thats where I should have put this?

Dixon Carter Lee said:
First of all you can say "fuck". Second of all, no one is actually "approving" anything, it's all being done by robots, and you saw what robots did in "Westworld", they can't be trusted.

First I can say it, but I choose not to, Second, if no one is approving anything, then explain to me why in my submissions page it says for the rest of the chapters, "not ever approved" and know I dont know what the robots did in "Westworld" and couldnt care less anyways

Killswitch said:
Never submit all chapters to a story at the same time....EVER.....

Release one a week to Laurel......

If this is so, then why doesnt it say this on the submissions page?

If it is a one chapter story that is really long.....say......15,000 plus words or more....do not separate it and send individually.......send it all and they will set it up on separate pages with links at the bottom.

I think I've read enough stories here to figure that much out

You can try and email them and explain your situation.....using a better tone than you did here......but...my experience is that the emails go un noticed......

Been there, done that, response? nothing.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
And when you contact them keep in mind that the stories are managed by one person, and hundreds of submissions come in weekly.

Well theres problem one

AND it's a free site that will permit tens of thousands of people all over the word to read your story, so you might actually want to replace the word "fuck" with the word "thanks".

Been there, done that, response? nothing.

Killswitch said:
posted by chicklet

First of all, Laurel reads through all of these stories herself. It takes a week sometimes, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Depends on how many other stories she has to approve.

This isn't really true.....she makes Manu read, edit, and uplink all the stories while she sits wearing a short mini, nylons, and a white blouse, feet up on her desk, shoes off and talking to me on the phone about everything under the sun, and everything under her skirt........at least thats my next story line......see if THAT gets printed.

Problem Child said:
I'm not in the mood for this right now.

But that could change at any moment.

And these replies are suppost to help me in some way?
Another bitter dimwit that thinks this site "owes" him something. I thought we had a couple of dozen of these in the stockroom already?

Why are we ordering more?
Unholy1 said:
And just how is it that you expect me to know thats where I should have put this?

Uh, cuz it's called the author's hangout?? Maybe?
Problem Child said:
Another bitter dimwit that thinks this site "owes" him something. I thought we had a couple of dozen of these in the stockroom already?

Why are we ordering more?

look you little piece of shit, I never said this site "owes" me anything
Unholy1 said:
look you little piece of shit, I never said this site "owes" me anything

Ok you can leave now. Your questions are answered and we are full up on trigger happy, emotional unstable freaks right now.

Try back next spring.
Problem Child said:
Correct. The problem is your whole attitude.

I tried to keep calm about this whole problem, read the first line of my first post, maybe then you'll figure out what my attitude was when I first started this
Now, say "thank you" to the nice Chicklet who did give you some good information and Killswitch who did as well.

Better luck next time.

Now that you know where to post your question, I am sure the Author's at the Author's Discussion Forum would be able to perhaps help you further.
I tried to stay calm when I started this thread, and I'll admit that I may have been better off posting this in the authors section, but if you have a problem with the way I choose to phrase my replies here, well good for you, I dont care. As for Problem Child, well, the first part of the name says it all, nothing but a problem.

Yes Chicklet did give me some good information, and thank you for that, as for Killswitch, most of what he/she said was already known or just obvious, as for the part about how far apart I should space my submissions, perhaps thats something that should be shown elsewhere, like on the submissions page, but thats probably out of his/her control
Unholy1 said:
As for Problem Child, well, the first part of the name says it all, nothing but a problem.

Undoubtedly the worst insult I've ever had to suffer in almost two years here.

So original, too.
There is redeeming value in this thread. Click on unholy1's WWW button and go to pics.

You hockey fans won't be disappointed.