Underage in incest story - where are the boundaries?


Apr 26, 2012
Hey All -

Just had Chapter 2 of Awakening Eden rejected. The only comment, not too specific, was "Is there a sexual relationship with characters who are underage?"

What is meant by sexual relationship? In a typical family, there are many instances of nudity and touching as children grow up that are entirely normal and non-sexual. Would a parent (father or mother) seeing their 6-ish daughter in training pants be an allowable recollection? How about squirting her and her GFs with a garden hose when they are 10? The daughter is 20 at the time the story is set, and the father recalls many such events to which he had occasional sexual responses but took no action. The recollections come to him as the two become sexual in present day.

Would someone viewing a video the girl made of herself at age 13 be a forbidden scene?

I have looked and looked at editor profiles and could not find one who offered any particular strengths on this question, so I am turning to the forums.

What say you all?



BTW can anyone recommend a good structural/plot editor (not another spellchecker!)?
Laurel is the site owner. The bold is mine to point out the part you might want to read.

Hi writers! :rose:

For clarification and future reference: we do allow characters under the age of 18 in stories. What we don't allow are stories in which characters under the age of 18 are involved in sexual situations. This includes as voyeurs, as the object of a voyeur, masturbation, having sexual thoughts, and so on.

We do allow references to past activity in stories so long as it is not explicit. For example, an adult character referencing his or her history - "I lost my virginity when I was 15" - is fine. Explicit and/or salacious details are not.

These are not new rules nor have our content rules changed in many years.

As far as things slipping through: one thing to realize is that the stories are not approved by a robot or script. They are approved by human eyes, which tire easily as I age. :D Every story must be formatted; tags, title, and description checked; and skimmed for content issues. The daily update takes hours. If I could find a way to do all this properly with a script, I would. But in the last 12+ years, the only way to do things right is to do it by hand, so to speak.

Mistakes happen. The site has been on a huge growth streak in the past year, with readership & unique visitors up nearly 20%. This means a corresponding growth in submissions. We want to post stories to the site as quickly as possible for you authors. We also want to make sure that the updates are as top-quality as they can be - with a minimum of formatting errors and no forbidden content inadvertently posted. Thorough checking of stories and timely posting is a balance we will continue to work to get right.

I'd like to be able to read every story through, but I can't. Reading 100+ stories/novels a night - much less formatting, tagging, etc. - is just not possible. So, if while skimming I see something that sends up a red flag and further reading doesn't clarify things, I often send it back to the author. If I stopped and read through each novel we receive to check on whether an underage character is sexually active at any point, I would be even further behind than I already am. :)

When a story is sent back to you for any reason, this is not a final rejection and it is not meant to be taken personally. This just means we have issues or questions. You are free to resubmit either with corrections - or, if you think we're wrong, an explanation of why we're wrong in the NOTES field.

If you believe your story was rejected in error, please open the submission, respond to the rejection in the NOTES field of the submission, and hit SUBMIT. Please do not add the word EDITED to the title, as that denotes someone editing an already approved story. Since we process all edits after the new stories are posted, adding the word EDITED to a title will cause a delay in the posting of your new story. If you are submitting an edit of a rejected story, simply open the rejected form, make the changes in that form, and hit SUBMIT. Do not start a new submission.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me anytime. PMs are faster than emails.

Thanks everybody, especially those who let me know about this thread - and have a great weekend! :rose:
The daughter is 20 at the time the story is set, and the father recalls many such events to which he had occasional sexual responses but took no action.

I'm not Laurel, but I would think something like "I got an erection looking at my 13-year old daughter" would probably be crossing the line. Or even a recollection of such an event.

Can you re-word as something like "as his daughter grew up he noticed she had blossomed into a woman" or something along those lines?
Tx has posted the relevant stuff -- it doesn't matter what the rest of us think or say about it, them's the rules.

I would go over your story and either take out the things you mentioned or remove the sexual observations that went with them. Also, when you resubmit, include a note at the bottom stating that all characters engaged in sexual activities are over eighteen and make sure it's true.

This comes up a lot.
Yeah you would have to be really vague with the under 18 references.

You said she's 20. so maybe all the sexual tension starts when she's 18, instead of referencing 13 and even younger.

You can have comments like, "ever since I was a little girl he loved me in red", or even try a "daddy always seemed to love ,me sitting in his lap, but leave it like that and don't embellish.
Thanks Everyone

TxRad I appreciate the clarification. It will enable me to resubmit with a clear purpose.

Thanks all for your pointers.

<<We writers submitting all the time... does that mean we're all submissives? Resubmissives?>>

Last edited:

<<We writers submitting all the time... does that mean we're all submissives? Resubmissives?>>


We're topping from the bottom.

Get the plot wrong and hell hath no fury like an author scorned.
good one

topping from the bottom...

Now out on the range, when we speak of 'topping off' the horses, what we really mean is....
Don't look now but...

I think the underage boundary got stretched a bit...

Awakening Eden centers on a masturbation video a girl made when she was 13. There are many references to it throughout the chapters. Everything she does sexually is at her current age, which is 20, But since the video is evidence in a legal matter we get to watch it. Several times. Ooh, naughty, viewing underage porn on a computer through the eyes of a literary character which we view on a computer, oh the vile shame of it.

Also Ch 5 is due out in a day or so...

Hogwash! No one under 18 has sex. Ever.

Of course they don't. Sex organs aren't handed out till your eighteenth birthday. I still remember that glow of pride when I unwrapped mine for the first time.


I think the underage boundary got stretched a bit...

Awakening Eden centers on a masturbation video a girl made when she was 13. There are many references to it throughout the chapters. Everything she does sexually is at her current age, which is 20, But since the video is evidence in a legal matter we get to watch it. Several times. Ooh, naughty, viewing underage porn on a computer through the eyes of a literary character which we view on a computer, oh the vile shame of it.

Also Ch 5 is due out in a day or so...


I'd be careful about calling attention to that. If you have explicitly described a 13yo girl masturbating, then you've broken the rules. If you're just saying that people are watching a 13yo girl masturbating, you're probably fine.
Me neither (unless you count with myself).

However I wasn't consciously following any damn rule.