Under Her Spell: An Interview


Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
Do you know Annie aka UnderYourSpell? If you don't please come into the thread and meet her and her poems. And if you do know her, come and bring your comments and questions, questionnaires, etc., too.

I met UYS in 2008 when she started submitting poems here. I remember reading a handful and thinking, this is a person who rhymes and writes traditional forms and makes me want to read more of it. And boy did she provide. The 242 submissions on her poem page represent only a fraction of her output here over the years.

Once Annie found her way to the forum she never turned down any sort of challenge, nor has she even seemed to blink at supplying a staggering amount of form and free verse poetry. We're not just talking ballads, sonnets or even sestinas either, but double acrostics, rees, higgledy piggledies, pantoums, illustrated poems, the Anniekey (which she invented) and on and on. Annie is a fearless writer. In 2009 she was voted Most Influential Poet by her peers and is the only person on the forum to complete our only Poetry Survivor Contest. (Read the rules thread if you want to see what a challenge that was.) She never even turned down a forum "gunfight"--a contest wherein two poets agree to write to a certain form and/or theme within an hour or less and then be judged by three peers. It is a daunting challenge to write under fire like that and then be judged on the spot. And Annie is the only poet ever to have won a gunfight with a unanimous vote.

But what about the poems? Our poetry world has its traditional form aficionados and those who are less enthusiastic. That should be obvious to anyone who spends time reading here. Of course we also disagree on the nebulous questions of what a poem is and what purpose it should serve. But let the poems and Annie speak for herself on that.

I asked Annie's permission to post this first poem in its entirety and she agreed. So first here is her Ode to a Dung Beetle.

Higgledy piggledy everso squiggerdly
rolls the dung beetle all over the land
picking up masses and even morasses
making the most of whatever's at hand.
Little dung beetle, oh little dung beetle
why does your heart sing for buckets of it
life rolling onwards backwards and forwards
shovelling up elephants bit after bit.


What matters where my body lay
released from torture on this day
yet death will be but a pause
my soul shall rise above the fray.

I see my home in my minds eye
life has been just a passing sigh
for the peace of my years
not lost even in this last goodbye.

To look to the sky as in a dream
beauty of earth below would seem
in the long green grass
reflected my final passing gleam.

excerpted from A sleep I shall have


You filthy gerund rubbing whore,
afflatus in each stanza lie,
alliteration never knowingly nudging
bawdy bacchic lines.
Your cadence rises and falls.
Kitsch obliterates each
scriblerus club that dares to
enter there.

excerpted from Filthy gerund rubbing whore

When it's time to harvest the pom-poms
The pygmies turn out in twos,
One to gather the fruit in,
And the other to spread the news.
He climbs to the top of the pom-pom tree
And waves his semaphore flags,
While his friend shakes the branches around him,
And gathers the fruit in bags.
So if your hat has a tassel
Hanging for all to see,
Remember the place far, far away,
And the pygmy stuck up in a tree.

excerpted from Pom Pom Picking

I could have posted many more examples. Annie has such range that it's hard to choose favorites, but those are some of mine.

So welcome Annie and thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. This is going to be fun! When did you begin writing poetry, what attracted you to it and how would you define good poetry?
Thank you for all this Angeline though if I will be thanking you by the end remains to be seen .......... I'm quite frankly terrified!
When did I start writing poetry? Well apart from the obligatory stuff in High School I didn't really get into writing until I was in my 30s and in a less than happy marriage, but once I started there weren't enough hours in the day to get it all down. It literally poured out and not particularly angst stuff (although there was some) I wrote about anything and everything. When I walked my dogs I composed it in my head, rushing home to write it down before I forgot! I've still got it all somewhere books and books of it!
I tried a couple of minor competitions and got into a couple of compilations of winners. So if you come across some ancient poetry books that were sold for the charities Age Concern and Guide Dogs for the Blind (that was judged by Caterina Irene Elena Maria Imperiali di Francavilla !!) I am in them!

"Ode to a Dung Beetle
" is my most favorite word play poem on Literotica.

The first line sets the stage for what follows, and the "Oh little dung beetle" sounds like a satirical amalgamation of Keats and Tennyson, at least to me.

And then the last line: "shoveling up elephants bit after bit" is priceless.

"Ode to a Dung Beetle
" is my most favorite word play poem on Literotica.

The first line sets the stage for what follows, and the "Oh little dung beetle" sounds like a satirical amalgamation of Keats and Tennyson, at least to me.

And then the last line: "shoveling up elephants bit after bit" is priceless.

Thank you so much, I must admit that my Little Dung Beetle is in there among my top three favourites :)
I have to say that filthy gerund whore poem is a perverse delight. Every time I reread it I catch something different. The amount of craft that went into your poem to create both lilt and irony impresses me.

My father loved Ogden Nash and would quote him at times and I've long been a fan of a form called the Grook, created by the Danish poet Piet Hein. Some of your poems remind me of them. They have a lot going on in a little space.
You always say edit, edit, edit, is there anything you would change in your favorite 3? Welcome to the hotseat and the Trestess inquisition.
Are you having fun?
You always say edit, edit, edit, is there anything you would change in your favorite 3? Welcome to the hotseat and the Trestess inquisition.
Are you having fun?

I would hope by the time I got to submitting I'd done enough editing but then I suppose fresh eyes look at our poems and see more we could have done.
Take my favourite Theme a little Theme (of me) I'm pretty sure I couldn't cut that back any further. So many Sestinas are heavy going (at least to write) but somewhere along the line I read one that was one word per line which I thought was taking it a bit far. But I still wanted to write one that was light and uncomplicated and this was the result and I'm proud of it :)
My 2nd favourite is the Dung Beetle who is still trundling onwards and I think he's doing ok as he is too.
Which leaves the 3rd The man who wasn't there which is a Pantoum and I think it has all the edits it needs but I'm sure there are others that could point out glaring faults!
Hi. (Geez. I'm actually in town for one of these things. :happyface: )

So, what's the appeal of form for you? Why form rather than free verse?
I have to say that filthy gerund whore poem is a perverse delight. Every time I reread it I catch something different. The amount of craft that went into your poem to create both lilt and irony impresses me.

My father loved Ogden Nash and would quote him at times and I've long been a fan of a form called the Grook, created by the Danish poet Piet Hein. Some of your poems remind me of them. They have a lot going on in a little space.

Well what do you know?! I write Grook :)
Don't be scared, it really doesn't hurt much. :D

You know Annie, I can remember going to read the new poems of the day in a foul mood and finding one of your first in Lit. You made me smile and continue to to this day.

Do you prefer to write form poetry? You did so well in Laurens dreaded challenge. Or is a rhyming scheme your fave?
Hi. (Geez. I'm actually in town for one of these things. :happyface: )

So, what's the appeal of form for you? Why form rather than free verse?

Don't be scared, it really doesn't hurt much. :D

You know Annie, I can remember going to read the new poems of the day in a foul mood and finding one of your first in Lit. You made me smile and continue to to this day.

Do you prefer to write form poetry? You did so well in Laurens dreaded challenge. Or is a rhyming scheme your fave?

Sorry - a bit of overlap here, :eek:
Hi. (Geez. I'm actually in town for one of these things. :happyface: )

So, what's the appeal of form for you? Why form rather than free verse?

When I first came to Lit I didn't know anything else existed to be honest! It wasn't until I visited this forum that I was steered (none too gently on some peoples parts I might add! :) ) into trying free verse. But my great love has always been form ........ it has beat, it has rhythm, it is the music of poetry. I hear it as an orchestra each line playing it's part to make the whole and I'm the conductor if you like bringing in each instrument at the right time. I've seen other people say it has too many restrictions but I don't see them as such, if an orchestra didn't have it's woodwind or percussion or even it's humble triangle it would just be a cacophony of noise. Each needs to play it's part. I am so sorry for those that can't hear the music I hear. Oh and I see there is a thread on here for Hip Hop Music ............. don't you realise that is form poetry too?
Don't be scared, it really doesn't hurt much. :D

You know Annie, I can remember going to read the new poems of the day in a foul mood and finding one of your first in Lit. You made me smile and continue to to this day.

Do you prefer to write form poetry? You did so well in Laurens dreaded challenge. Or is a rhyming scheme your fave?

I will repeat again you thought I was a man!! Actually I was dragged kicking and screaming into Survivor, I was dreading it and had no idea what I was doing! Once I got going I loved it and loathed it but I couldn't stop and I must admit at the end I was struggling and it drained me dry for a long while. But oh the joy at winning!! I knew there were better poets than me in the running but it wasn't just the poems that got me there, it was my stubborn bloody mindedness I would not give in nor give up!
Just wanted say I love this poem:
It's not easy being an Angel

It's not easy being an Angel
take wings for instance, they come in pairs
and have to be grown from the shoulder blades.
Think cutting teeth.
Don't even talk to me about moulting,
if you find a feather floating around
you'll know I passed that way, shedding.
Halos don't shine themselves
a lot of elbow grease is required
every evening without fail
usually with Gabriel breathing down your neck.
No extra decoration is allowed
not even a jingly bell at Christmas.
White shifts must be kept spotlessly clean
no spaghetti bolog stains if you please,
a tasteful side split showing shapely thighs
is highly frowned upon.
We do get to wear ordinary clothes
on assignment and that's fun
when you figure out how to tuck your wings
out of sight of prying eyes.
Children will poke at anything unusual
so it's quite an art.
Anyway I must away to harp class
Gabriel says I need to keep up my plucking lessons.
You don't think he meant anything by that do you?
No of course not him of all Angels,
How could I even think it?

It reminds me how my grandmother who passed away in '08; be sassy like this as an angel. She of course never admit it.

Annie's work is one of the two here I like reading their form poetry. She writes very well and I don't feel like I need to push through and read the poem, which I confess I do on most of the other form poems submitted here.
Annie, which poets here or elsewhere have inspired you to write form poetry and why form poetry?
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Hello. I was wondering which form or style you find to be the most versatile or flexible in writing. Do any feel like they have more room for arrangement, or less restrictions on how the ideas flow?
great to see you stepping up to the chair, annie!

i'll come back later with some questions, since you have plenty to deal with immediately. it'll give me time to go read through your submissions. :rose:
Just wanted say I love this poem:

It reminds me how my grandmother who passed away in '08; be sassy like this as an angel. She of course never admit it.

Annie's work is one of the two here I like reading their form poetry. She writes very well and I don't feel like I need to push through and read the poem, which I confess I do on most of the other form poems submitted here.
Annie, which poets here or elsewhere have inspired you to write form poetry and why form poetry?

Sorry I've been out ........... but now back to answering. Thank you Neo that means a lot :) Who inspires me here? Well Tzara of course whose Thread of Forms is my Bible! Although not all forms are to my taste, I don't think I wrote a single Onegin Stanza in Survivor nor do I intend to!
Hello. I was wondering which form or style you find to be the most versatile or flexible in writing. Do any feel like they have more room for arrangement, or less restrictions on how the ideas flow?

I would say the Ballad, as long as you stick to the basic rhyming lines of B/D and 4 lines per stanza you can take it as far or not as you like. Not that it's necessarily the easiest form to write, that I think is the Triolet where you only need two rhymes and five original lines in an eight line poem!
How do you find your title and from wence cometh your inspiration?

Tess I am crap at Titles and they take longer to come up with than writing the poem! That was one good thing about Survivor, I got given the titles already!
My inspiration comes from many places, for example I was watching a trailer on TV the other night for an American programme and completely misheard what was said (foreign accent dontcha know!) and I thought it would make a great line for a poem. Unfortunately I didn't write it down and the next time the trailer came on I realised I'd got it wrong initially! Ooops! Otherwise I can read a good line in a book or hear a conversation that strikes me as absurd.
Maybe trying a new slant on something that's already been written i.e we have a legend here of St. George slaying the dragon ......... well I for one feel sorry for the dragon! All those manly types going round flexing their muscles and killing off dragons, no wonder we have none left have they never heard of conservation?!
how would you define good poetry?

I haven't forgotten this! and it's the hardest (so far!) to answer! I think a poem that makes me think "I wish I had written that " is a good place to start. It doesn't have to be form, I'm not stuck exclusively in that rut. Anna Swirls wrote a marvelous piece about her son playing in the back garden and her neighbour's reaction. She wrote it many years ago now but it's still stuck with me all that time, I'm sorry I don't have the title for you to go and have a look but believe you me it was and is good. For the ones of you that never knew Wicked Eve well that is a great loss. Eve was one of lifes great poets although I must admit she scared the hell out of me when I first came here! She didn't suffer fools gladly and had no compunction about telling it as it was .......... and yes she did tell me on more than one occasion! But Eve had her fun side too and I will never forget her Hugo and her Dildo chair! See what you missed?!! There are many 'big' names I could mention on here that write poems that are good but to put it in a nutshell anyone that takes the trouble to perfect their craft can achieve greatness. By the way I do not get Prose poetry ........ free style yes after much coaching, but so often I have seen a random paragraph with nothing poetic about it being classed as a poem and I've read more poetic books. Perhaps someone can teach me and in return I will try and show you that Form isn't that hard .......... whatever happened to the Teach-Ins?
How anal are you about following the rules when you're writing a poem within a defined form? Does it bother you to squeeze in the occasional word that doesn't quite fit the meter? An extra syllable here and there? Approximate rhymes?
I will repeat again you thought I was a man!! Actually I was dragged kicking and screaming into Survivor, I was dreading it and had no idea what I was doing! Once I got going I loved it and loathed it but I couldn't stop and I must admit at the end I was struggling and it drained me dry for a long while. But oh the joy at winning!! I knew there were better poets than me in the running but it wasn't just the poems that got me there, it was my stubborn bloody mindedness I would not give in nor give up!

And I will repeat it was an honest mistake and not intended as an insult. You must have been convincingly masculine because I always check the bio if in doubt. :eek:

Which is more important to you, favourable comments or a high score.
I haven't forgotten this! and it's the hardest (so far!) to answer! I think a poem that makes me think "I wish I had written that " is a good place to start. It doesn't have to be form, I'm not stuck exclusively in that rut. Anna Swirls wrote a marvelous piece about her son playing in the back garden and her neighbour's reaction. She wrote it many years ago now but it's still stuck with me all that time, I'm sorry I don't have the title for you to go and have a look but believe you me it was and is good. For the ones of you that never knew Wicked Eve well that is a great loss. Eve was one of lifes great poets although I must admit she scared the hell out of me when I first came here! She didn't suffer fools gladly and had no compunction about telling it as it was .......... and yes she did tell me on more than one occasion! But Eve had her fun side too and I will never forget her Hugo and her Dildo chair! See what you missed?!! There are many 'big' names I could mention on here that write poems that are good but to put it in a nutshell anyone that takes the trouble to perfect their craft can achieve greatness. By the way I do not get Prose poetry ........ free style yes after much coaching, but so often I have seen a random paragraph with nothing poetic about it being classed as a poem and I've read more poetic books. Perhaps someone can teach me and in return I will try and show you that Form isn't that hard .......... whatever happened to the Teach-Ins?

Dear girl I knew you had not forgotten and I didn't mean to ask a tough question though I guess it is: so much has to do with personal preference.

I think it is great when people start threads that are mini-challenges or teach-ins, even these interviews don't have to be some kind of official forum thing. People should just do them! In fact I am doing maybe one more of these interviews and then taking a break to do other stuff, including focus more on my poems lol. If people want to do things, they should. And I'd be happy to stick an interview thread whether I did it or not.

When I first came here there were a lot more spontaneous challenges and such happening all the time. And people can join in or not. It's a big tent.

Sorry for the detour from you, Annie. I better slip away as I hear the theme from Jaws approaching and it's not a Sharknado either, but Tristesse and M. Proust. :D