UK Christmas under a right wing government. we're fucked

UK Muslims help feed poor non-Muslims​


So we now, due to the vicious anti working class policies of this evil right wing tory government, supported by the Lib Dem lick spittles who are in cohort with them, have food banks to feed the poor.

God help us all.

FFS how short memories are.

I may not agree with a lot of the coalition's economic policies - they are cutting too fast too far, BUT what the LAbour party did to this country over 13 years is nothing short of treason.

See last week's immigration figures from the Census?

Sorry, but 3 years of the coalition trying to cope with bare cupboards doesn;t come close to the shit the Labour PArty and the war criminal Blair put us through.
FFS how short memories are.

I may not agree with a lot of the coalition's economic policies - they are cutting too fast too far, BUT what the LAbour party did to this country over 13 years is nothing short of treason.

See last week's immigration figures from the Census?

Sorry, but 3 years of the coalition trying to cope with bare cupboards doesn;t come close to the shit the Labour PArty and the war criminal Blair put us through.

you struggle with capitals don't you. Are you a child of thatchers generation?

First thing though, bliar was a traitor to the working class he claimed to represent, he was the first Labour prime minister to refuse to attend the Durham miners gala. his government failed to repeal one item of tory anti union legislation during 13 years in office. He should be tried for war crimes.

How does food and fuel poverty equate to any reasonable form of social justice?
Here in Oz, I am perfectly content with my sitting gov't.
The alternative is simply too horrendous!

We have the alternative. a gov no one voted for! a coalition of power hungry social misfits and tories! the lib dems got a sniff of power, they have used it to ensure their total destruction at the next election, and, the destruction of generations of families to come during there , the lib dems, short heady period of power acting as toadies to the tories.

may they all rot in hell.
In Scotland we have a choice. Several actually. Voting Green here actually makes a difference, as we have a fairly democratic voting system.
I have two votes for the Scottish Parliament

Green on the 'list'. So Patrick Harvey is my green list MSP. And SNP for the constituency.. So I have an SNP constituency MSP.

I voted Labour all my life. Till Bliar's lying adventures into Afghanistan and Iraq.

Never again. My vote will never support imperialism.

In Scotland we have a choice. Several actually. Voting Green here actually makes a difference, as we have a fairly democratic voting system.
you struggle with capitals don't you. Are you a child of thatchers generation?

First thing though, bliar was a traitor to the working class he claimed to represent, he was the first Labour prime minister to refuse to attend the Durham miners gala. his government failed to repeal one item of tory anti union legislation during 13 years in office. He should be tried for war crimes.

How does food and fuel poverty equate to any reasonable form of social justice?

And you you blame that on 3 years years of a coalition govt who came to power in the worst depression since 29?

Some of Brown's wonderful policies (that's the guy with the moral compass, goes by the alias of Mr Prudence AKA 'No more Boom and Bust')

Sold all of our gold reserve at a time when gold prices were the lowest in decades;

Brought in PFI and had loads of new hospitals built by private companies who we now lease back to over anywhere from 30-50 years.

Original cost of each hospital? Around £300m. Cost to the tax payer over term of lease? Around £3b (notice how some NHS trusts are NOW going bust struggling to pay their private pay masters?). That shit hasn't even STARTED to hit the fan yet, trust me.

Refused to tighten up regulations within the square mile resulting in the the toxic debt fiasco, corporate greed and a run on our banking system which the tax payer had to bail out.
Reason for unfettered financial markets running amok? Short term tax gains, not least from property stamp duty.

Watched (and did nothing) as youth unemployment rose during his tenure despite presiding over one of our biggest post war booms.

Used the Public Sector as a 'job generator', responsible for the largest imbalance between public and private sector in our history.

General Labour policies

Unfettered, unregulated mass immigration, creating a massive strain on local and regional economies.

Some evidence that this may even have been a deliberate policy since generally migrants are more likely to vote labour.

Think that's paranoia? Here, read this:

Ever heard of Chris Mullins diaries? They're a riveting read. Great bed time reading :)

Used false intelligence to build a case for invading a sovereign nation (Iraq) which has cost the UK tax payer over £20b.

Those are the main gripes for me.

I don't agree with the coalition's cutting - they've gone too far IMO but please, don't start looking at the world through labour tinted spec.s Those arseholes have TOTALLY SCREWED this country and we haven't even started paying for it yet.
We have the alternative. a gov no one voted for! a coalition of power hungry social misfits and tories! the lib dems got a sniff of power, they have used it to ensure their total destruction at the next election, and, the destruction of generations of families to come during there , the lib dems, short heady period of power acting as toadies to the tories.

may they all rot in hell.

Thirteen years of socialism fucked everything up. The current shower of bastards have only been in power 2 and a half years. The left are having a party when Thatcher dies, well I will too when someone puts a bullet in Blair and his bitch. I'm on about Cherie btw not Brown.
UK Muslims help feed poor non-Muslims​


So we now, due to the vicious anti working class policies of this evil right wing tory government, supported by the Lib Dem lick spittles who are in cohort with them, have food banks to feed the poor.

God help us all.

Right wing government my arse! Have they cut immigration? have they slashed welfare for the workshy and malingerers? have they introduced a more robust criminal justice system? have they told the EU to get fucked? noooooooo!

A few fucking junkies and winos in Blackburnistan get a free curry and suddenly it's a religion of peace and love. These people have no dignity anyway. Anybody with dignity down on their luck would go elsewhere.

Happy Christmas mate and I must admit Gary is a first class pundit.
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Right wing government my arse! Have they cut immigration? have they slashed welfare for the workshy and malingerers? have they introduced a more robust criminal justice system? have they told the EU to get fucked? noooooooo!

A few fucking junkies and winos in Blackburnistan get a free curry and suddenly it's a religion of peace and love. These people have no dignity anyway. Anybody with dignity down on their luck would go elsewhere.

Happy Christmas mate and I must admit Gary is a first class pundit.

Do you get out much :confused:
And you you blame that on 3 years years of a coalition govt who came to power in the worst depression since 29?

Some of Brown's wonderful policies (that's the guy with the moral compass, goes by the alias of Mr Prudence AKA 'No more Boom and Bust')

Sold all of our gold reserve at a time when gold prices were the lowest in decades;

Brought in PFI and had loads of new hospitals built by private companies who we now lease back to over anywhere from 30-50 years.

Original cost of each hospital? Around £300m. Cost to the tax payer over term of lease? Around £3b (notice how some NHS trusts are NOW going bust struggling to pay their private pay masters?). That shit hasn't even STARTED to hit the fan yet, trust me.

Refused to tighten up regulations within the square mile resulting in the the toxic debt fiasco, corporate greed and a run on our banking system which the tax payer had to bail out.
Reason for unfettered financial markets running amok? Short term tax gains, not least from property stamp duty.

Watched (and did nothing) as youth unemployment rose during his tenure despite presiding over one of our biggest post war booms.

Used the Public Sector as a 'job generator', responsible for the largest imbalance between public and private sector in our history.

General Labour policies

Unfettered, unregulated mass immigration, creating a massive strain on local and regional economies.

Some evidence that this may even have been a deliberate policy since generally migrants are more likely to vote labour.

Think that's paranoia? Here, read this:

Ever heard of Chris Mullins diaries? They're a riveting read. Great bed time reading :)

Used false intelligence to build a case for invading a sovereign nation (Iraq) which has cost the UK tax payer over £20b.

Those are the main gripes for me.

I don't agree with the coalition's cutting - they've gone too far IMO but please, don't start looking at the world through labour tinted spec.s Those arseholes have TOTALLY SCREWED this country and we haven't even started paying for it yet.

I think you have a high opinion of gordon brown.
Looks like my position as the token Brit right-wingnut (i.e. centrist) is coming under threat.