
you're obviously a neglectful pet owner.

it's not something to brag about~but then i wouldn't expect you to know better.
Morning, Indigo :kiss:

Sorry to hear about your kitty. I just got mine before Cmas and already just love him to bits.
Indigo.Rose said:
My cat has worms. The thought of him sleeping on my bed these last few months is making me sick to my stomache. I wonder how many times a worm has been stuck in his ass fur and fallen into my bed in the night. I think I'm going to hurl.

this is not the statement of a sincere person.

you wanted the attention~you got it~now you're whining about that too.

you tasteless cow.
Forget trying to reason with him Rose.

He calls you neglectful, and turns around and is willing to have unprotected sex with any guy that moves.

Cats get worms.....Its a fact of life.

I am sure you will have him treated. At least there is a treatment for the ailment your cat has gotten. We wont be able to say as much for Glam when he gets Auto Imune Deficiency Syndrome.

My cat knocked a terrarium off the back of the TV this morning.......
You are not a neglectful pet owner

Most puppies or kittens are born with worms and they tend to get them again about every month or so. Ursula’s the first pup I’ve ever had so I read up on them as much as I could and spoke with my vet. It’s no biggie just disinfect everything (bleach, anti-bacterial stuff) keep him/her clean and try not to let him/her wander around too much. Right now my pup’s going through de-worming we’ve confined her to only one room and made sure it didn’t have carpet so it’s easier to keep clean. Cleanliness is the main thing here.
Give your cat deworm med's every few months and no problem.

I don't think her cat getting worms make her an evil bitch tho.
Wow, I'm sort of shocked at Glam's post, but I'm not going to step in the middle of it.

Indigo, if you can obtain a fecal sample from your cat, take it to your vet and they'll identify what type of worm your cat has. This isn't happening because of neglect, you were right. Dogs and cats will get a variety of different worms throughout their lives due to many different things.

IF your cat goes outside, and happens to eat rodents - you should be keeping her on a treatment for tapeworms year round.

Talk to your vet, this is really a small issue that can be easily delt with.

Good luck!
Indigo! :)

good morning....missed ya around here.....yikes...lil yuck there on the pussy butt that does suck....

have you ever seen the Stepford Wives?
Wash your bedding in hot water on the longest cycle your washer has.

I'm so glad people don't get worms.
Freekin fleas were a huge problem for us last summer......I've had cats for 25 years and never had a flea anyone else experiencing a big flea problem with thier animals? Weve been using the treatments you place between thier shoulder blades...I forget the name.....they work, but shit....we had fleas up the ying yang last year.
As a matter of might think the cheetah in my AV is chasing down a gazelle or something....he is actually running away from a gang of fleas!!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Ugh.

Indigo.Rose said:
Because I posted one thought that was going through my head at that time, did I have to post the rest of the cat's life story? Is there a rule that states I can only post happy things? At the time of posting I had just woken up, I had been dreaming about worms in my bed because I discovered the cat had worms the night before. I was disgusted by the dreams and the thoughts that the dreams stemmed from. Big fucking deal. I wasn't aware that I wasn;t allowed to post a random feeling without posting a 12 page medical history of myself and the cat for your viewing enjoyment.

LOL tasteless cow? You're becoming more and more tactless as the days go by. Try putting aside your irrtational hatred for me for a while, you might find that I'm not such a terrible person after all. ;)

i don't hate you at all.

i just think you need to figure outte kind of person you want to be.
I'll take fleas over those blood-sucking, Lyme-disease ridden deer ticks they have in CT.

I didn't find one flea last summer though. Maybe it's the altitude here.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ugh.

Indigo.Rose said:
Funny, I think I need to be more flighty and carefree. I think my biggest problem in life is that I know exactly what I want and how to get it all of the time. I know myself too well, there is no mystery! It's a good thing it's not up to you to know me though huh?

i know you well enough.

and switch~you're more likely to give your kid aids than i am to catch it.