Uatu has a brand new thread...


No Room For Long Titles
Jul 10, 2002
Hi, I'm known as Uatu.... some of you will remember me from prior threads, and the associated pics in various states of dress. :) For those who have not...

I'm 30 years old, an SF fan, writer (though with very little time to write lately), who has enjoyed this site for a while. I've read some great stories (including a few I foolishly didn't bookmark at the time and can no longer find) and will probably write something at some point... I have a lot of things on my plate, so I'll probably rarely make forays into many of the other boards, because when it comes down to it, "this is my bag, baby!" :)

I have Yahoo, but between work and kludging together a camera that works, any fun there is pretty much going to have to be a scheduled thing. :/

But anyway... how did I get this way?
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My first flirtation with exhibitionism was at a convention in my late teens. I was there with a bunch of my friends from college. I was still rather modest at the time, and slept in a pair of shorts. Waking one morning, everyone was getting dressed when the girlfriend of one of the group came in, and many of my friends continued, oblivious to her presence.
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She enjoyed the views, then asked me if I was going to show her my underwear, too. I actually thought about it, but I knew the thought excited me and showing her my underwear (briefs at the time) with an erection... well, I wasn't going to do that.

She did help me notice another of my interests (seeing women in their underwear) as through the course of the con and a couple of other occasions I did see her in her bra.

But I do imagine, sometimes, having the courage to show her this...
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A con or two later, we were having a "no pants" party, and I was in trenchcoat. :) I ended up asking a particularly sexually free friend of mine (we had discussions on a number of occasions, and she liked to tease me every once in a while) if she wanted to see what I was wearing under the coat.

"What are you wearing under it?"


"What's the point, then?"
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"Well... do you want to?"

"Okay, if you want to show me."

And I did. I had trouble unbuttoning everything (being somewhat tipsy) so I settled for the bottom button.

I did, the following night, go out in just the trenchcoat. I didn't flash anyone or anything, but one curious woman looked down the front of it quickly... and somewhat more slowly when I offered the opportunity for a good look. She approved.
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The friend's reaction, though ("AUGH! PLAIN WHITE UNDERWEAR!"), among other things, led me to adopt boxers a few years later. So here I am today.

I don't know how often I'll get back here, but I'll certainly try to get back regularly.

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Ah, thanks y'all. :kiss: :kiss:

I'm debating what to do with my night. Might go out, but I do have a foray out of town next week that I have to save up for. So I might just stay in.

Ye Ghods, it's chilly tonight.
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The heat is on now, so it's a little better. :)

I decided to stay in tonight, so finally got around to getting undressed...
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Time to sit back and relax. :)
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Getting rid of the pants altogether...
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I've mentioned I get excited by the thought of women seeing me, even just in my underwear. A little something is starting here, I think...

So, any ladies have any confessions to make about seeing me in my undies? Or less? ;)
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Yep, excited. ;)
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That was kinda fun. :)

It's been a good day overall. I'm ready to get some sleep soon. I sleep in my boxers, too, should anyone be inclined to think of that.

(Perhaps I shouldn't be quite so "in your face" about this... I do enjoy the thoughts, though.)

I should have an extra day off in a couple of weeks.

And I should make sure, at some point, I can get my camera working on Yahoo. Just in case, of course. :)

Good night, all. :kiss:
Hmm... should get this going again. :)

Just got out of the shower a little while ago...
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Felt like taking a few pics...
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Had to lose the wrap eventually...
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And things just.... grow from there. :)
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Let me know what you think, dirty thoughts or not. ;)

As for myself, I've spent the last few days in shock over Jam Master Jay and generally being worn down at work.

I'm travelling for a few days tomorrow. When I get back on Wednesday night, I'm thinking about trying to hook up the other camera and mess about on Yahoo. It'd be after 11pm eastern, if it happens. Any thoughts?

Anything the ladies would like to see from me? ;) I admit, I thrive on attention. :)

Good night all. :) And keep me in the listings. ;)
just pet said:
Just popping in for a hug
How was your weekend?:rose:

:hug: and :kiss:

A little rough, but I got the usual time with some friends here, which wasn't to bad, even if the usual taunting of bad movies didn't happen.

Tonight I'm packing, and eventually have to load songs onto my mp3 player for the trip.

Should be a nice couple of days.

Glad to hear from you. You're well, too?

uatu said:
:hug: and :kiss:

A little rough, but I got the usual time with some friends here, which wasn't to bad, even if the usual taunting of bad movies didn't happen.

Tonight I'm packing, and eventually have to load songs onto my mp3 player for the trip.

Should be a nice couple of days.

Glad to hear from you. You're well, too?


I am
great weekend
and looking forward to the week
Have a safe trip
I'm baaaaaack...... :)

Had a fun few days wandering around Cincinnati. Made it back in one piece. Watched movies, visited an art museum, and now I get to yearn for a return.

So how is everyone else doing?
Just a quick shot before I head to work.

I think I might do more tonight... anything the ladies want to see? ;)
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