U.S.-Trained Afghan Commandos Fled to Iran With Weapons


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

U.S.-Trained Afghan Commandos Fled to Iran With Weapons, Report Finds​

Elite Afghan forces bring U.S. training to Tehran, according to whistleblower interviews
Adam Kredo • August 15, 2022 1:50 pm

Elite Afghan soldiers trained by the United States fled to Iran with weapons and specialized combat training following the Biden administration’s bungled withdrawal from the country that let the Taliban regain power, according to a report by Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee based on interviews with whistleblowers and internal State Department documents.

"A ‘significant’ number of Afghan special forces and about 3,000 Afghan security forces, including high ranking officers, crossed the border into Iran," according to the report, which was released on Monday to coincide with the one-year anniversary of the deadly U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan. "Some brought military equipment and vehicles with them. We believe this happened because they were not evacuated by the U.S. or our allies, and therefore had no other option."

These forces were trained in combat by U.S. special operators, in some cases within the United States, and "could be a serious national security threat to the United States if they are captured or turn," according to the report. They "know not only our tactics but who these elite [U.S.] military officials are."

The findings detail months of chaos following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and indicate that the tumult in the country has provided an opportunity for regional enemies like Iran to regain a foothold in the war-torn country. Details of Iran’s ties to these U.S. trained fighters comes as new threats from Iran are making headlines across America, with the arrest of an Iranian national who'd put a bounty on former White House national security adviser John Bolton's head, as well as the attempted murder last week of the novelist Salman Rushdie, who has long faced threats from Iran’s clerical regime.

"The recruitment of former Afghan military and intelligence personnel poses a major national security risk due to the fact these Afghan personnel know the U.S. military and intelligence community’s tactics, techniques, and procedures," the report concludes.

More here: https://freebeacon.com/national-sec...andos-fled-to-iran-with-weapons-report-finds/

Another glaring example of Joe Biden helping our enemies get a leg up on the United States military.
Iran is a nuclear power. I seriously doubt a handful of Afghans is going to add much to Iran's military capability.
They're buying the technology we left behind, as are the Chinese.
It was always the plan to leave that equipment.

Woulda been a dick move to spend 20 years building an army and then taking all our toys when we left.
They're buying the technology we left behind, as are the Chinese.
You act like we left unassembled bionic man tech there.

Calm your titties, right wringer. It's just upscaled slingshots with different paint jobs.
Do people actually believe that the soldiers we trained and armed wouldn't end up elsewhere or in armies that seek to do us harm?

Much of the middle east are full of soldiers we had trained once upon a time...thanks to Reagan and Clinton and HW and GW.....etc...etc

That doesn't matter who is currently President or what party label they have.
What did you expect them to do? Stay to be shot as traitors?

Of course they bugged out.
Made in the U.S.A. weapons being spread around world is capitalism at it's finest and good for American business. I don't see why any flag waving, Trump voting, right wing conservative patriot would have a problem with that.


How could they do this to america? Lol

You're a clown, klanguide. Do you get tired of being wrong and laughed at? Still waiting for the kraken!
BTW, when did he do that?
Over all the years that he was President. If he hadn't the Afghan Government would have collapsed earlier.

The IFOR countries also paid Afghanistan many billions as well.

When are you going to answer my questions in post #11?
What did you expect them to do? Stay to be shot as traitors?

Of course they bugged out.
One would have expected them to stand and fight
Trump also gave billions to Afghanistan. So what?
150 billion flowed into Afghanistan between 2001 and 2020, so yes Congress would have appropriated money for Afghanistan during the 2016 and 2020 period. I don't know how much of that total amount was to finance our military operations and how much for domestic purposes,
One would have expected them to stand and fight

As I expected, your military knowledge is as useless as everything else.

How could they fight when their allies, the Americans and IFOR had abandoned them?

They were vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

There are times when a fighting retreat is a sensible option.

But you don't do sensible.
As I expected, your military knowledge is as useless as everything else.

How could they fight when their allies, the Americans and IFOR had abandoned them?

They were vastly outnumbered and outgunned.

There are times when a fighting retreat is a sensible option.

But you don't do sensible.
I don't give 80 billion in the best military technology to the enemy either. Democrats do that. They left 15 billion to the North Vietnamese when they bugged out of there.
I don't give 80 billion in the best military technology to the enemy either. Democrats do that. They left 15 billion to the North Vietnamese when they bugged out of there.
Remind me again, "who's they" administration that was that bugged out from Vietnam was?