

ground zero
Mar 13, 2004
my repose is italicized, since the thread is closed

Now, Mr. Numbers did not exactly make me "laugh/cry/etc." but he sure as hell made me think, which I would hope would count as "influential."

that is the numbered one, i like the play in the words
did not make you laugh, com'on T, i'm the funniest guy here - like all six marx brothers all rolled into one.
besides are sure it wasn't you not getting the joke

cry? are either one of us capable of it? besides i could always kick you in the balls..ya got enuff of them

I would also point out how much he focused on the need of poets here to comment on poems. Others' poems. I think that is critical, and I think that he was very influential in convincing me of that, even if I thought his comments were often even less than superficial. The idea was right, anyway.

my ideas on that were expressed in a thread last year, that and did have a little problem with reading

I sure as hell now believe we need to comment on each others' poems as much and as often and as detailed as possibly we can be. On the forum, on the new poems, wherever. It's perhaps the most important thing we can do to further poetry here.

Oh. One final reason. This nomination likely will piss him off.

And that really pleases me.
well since no one seconded me, it's mote. so not really, so there

"but he sure as hell made me think, which I would hope would count as "influential.'"

but this coming from you? Rodin's model?
10,000 laurel wreathes, 10,000 beds of roses and 10,000 ass kissings from lesser folks wouldn't compare
no, my greatest friend/adversary, if i make you (re)think...well that probably says something more about you...and you know the feeling is mutual...i felt touched and greatly honoured
For those of you that don't know, a bit of history.
About seven years ago I had posted something called "Under the Black Flag", Tzara comes out of nowhere, tears it apart, pointing out that it looks like a polemic. Aha, good point, I make some changes, like mainly changing the title to "Polemic" and its been seven years of intermittent warfare.

You see we come from opposite ends of the spectrum.
Tzara's MO would be something this Work, think, refine, mine completely different something like explore, think, work. Do you see this vast difference? Since both of us, opinionated, dedicated and geniuses* to boot when we are in proximity, we have a tendency to go after each other, not to convert each other, more so to set the other off on a different spin, knock the rough edges off.
After seven years here is where Tzara stands: Refine Explore, whereas I am the total opposite: Explore Refine, A mirror image, so Tzara's left becomes my right, Which is why we can never agree, it's sort of like matter and anti-matter, you know what happens then, here's the equation:

matter + antimatter = nothing matters

and you'll wouldn't want that to happen, now would ya.

All real writers here exhibit some degree and mix of all four qualities (Work, think, refine, explore) but the first two are crucial and the real war has always been against those that "just want to express themselves" and because some friends "felt something"
- but there maybe something to that. metaphorically speaking, because sometimes I just want to express myself by carrying a big piece of lumber and making something felt.

*Edison defined genius as 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration

Real poets sometimes just like to see other real poets "sweat".

p.s. i hope you didn't mind me calling you friend, i did put the slash qualifier at he end, you know that matter/antimatter thing, were i didn't we go into a parallel universe and i'm the good guy and you're dr. doom shitting in an iron suit.

p.s.s. good luck with the change, unless it's something like running off and heading one of neo formalist gangs
there will be parodies

Mr. Lee

"I'm a writer who likes to be influenced." Kenneth Koch

From my beat stained book of Burroughs
a bookmark made it's slow descent
like some leather angel's journey into hell
but the destination was aborted
intercepted by Hervé Villechaize
Tattoo to those that knew him well
ees a ticket boss
and in that frozen moment
the ticket explodes

Mr. Lee says what we have
here is a fork

now i cannot say
what the ticket was

go back to the fork
Agent Lee says
this ain't no
on the road
there are four tines
on a fork
every word is its
own viral load

yeh loaded

and i dimly remembered
two literary hot dogs
sitting on a gray futon
in a roach roamed apartment
with needles on the floor
arguing endlessly
about who wears
the shot glass
on their head

yeh loaded

A big country for cheap philosophizin

From my tattered book of Comac McCarthy
the drug money fell, scattered.
Splattered like a shower of lead.
Yep, no good will come of this.
my repose is italicized, since the thread is closed

Now, Mr. Numbers did not exactly make me "laugh/cry/etc." but he sure as hell made me think, which I would hope would count as "influential."

that is the numbered one, i like the play in the words
did not make you laugh, com'on T, i'm the funniest guy here - like all six marx brothers all rolled into one.
besides are sure it wasn't you not getting the joke

did you get my message?
for rollspac, pornobunny, and T.; long live Leon Trotsky Trout!