Tucker Speaks To Hungarians About Biden's America


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Tucker's Remarks in Hungary Nail the Uniparty​

By Nick Arama | 10:35 AM on August 26, 2023

"The ruling party is the party of the childless, the unmarried, the people working for low wages for large corporations and living in tiny apartments in overcrowded cities that are rife with crime...Who votes for the people who run the United States right now? People who are again, working for big non-profits, banks, living in crowded conditions, very often alone, in big soulless cities, having their food delivered by immigrants, and spending their time glued to a screen."

Carlson compared that to prison, where people sit, isolated and cut off from nature for years. "That's the life of your average Democratic voter," he exclaimed.

"Who are the people who oppose this?" he asks. He judged them to be the "majority of the people in my country." He notes that they're poorer "on paper."

"But are their lives worse if you live in a place where you can see the sky," he asked. "Where you can make your own food and maybe even know where it comes from? If you can go outside and identify three species of trees or hear birds, or experience silence, the rarest commodity in the modern world."

More here: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/08/26/tuckers-remarks-in-hungary-nail-the-uniparty-n2163067

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Joe Biden is extending his vacation in Lake Tahoe for unstated reasons we all know have to do with his complete lack of functionality as President of the United States. His administration is a disaster and his band of weirdos, communists, and social terrorists are running the country into the ground.
Tucker has a thing about Hungary.

He went there on holiday during the pandemic lock-down thus betraying his fully vaxxed status when he returned (whilst bleating to the idiots that it was the cause of a sure and certain death). He's bestest mates with the Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, an extreme right-wing populist politician.

Because Hungary was occupied by the USSR after WW2 people think that it is left-leaning however prior to that it was the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, as RW as it gets.

Tucker's Remarks in Hungary Nail the Uniparty​

By Nick Arama | 10:35 AM on August 26, 2023

"The ruling party is the party of the childless, the unmarried, the people working for low wages for large corporations and living in tiny apartments in overcrowded cities that are rife with crime...Who votes for the people who run the United States right now? People who are again, working for big non-profits, banks, living in crowded conditions, very often alone, in big soulless cities, having their food delivered by immigrants, and spending their time glued to a screen."

Carlson compared that to prison, where people sit, isolated and cut off from nature for years. "That's the life of your average Democratic voter," he exclaimed.

"Who are the people who oppose this?" he asks. He judged them to be the "majority of the people in my country." He notes that they're poorer "on paper."

"But are their lives worse if you live in a place where you can see the sky," he asked. "Where you can make your own food and maybe even know where it comes from? If you can go outside and identify three species of trees or hear birds, or experience silence, the rarest commodity in the modern world."

More here: https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/08/26/tuckers-remarks-in-hungary-nail-the-uniparty-n2163067

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Joe Biden is extending his vacation in Lake Tahoe for unstated reasons we all know have to do with his complete lack of functionality as President of the United States. His administration is a disaster and his band of weirdos, communists, and social terrorists are running the country into the ground.
Ya really need new reading material.
Some of this is true but much of it is the fault of conservatives. I wonder how much of this he actually believes? Does he live in the country side?
I will not listen to T. Carlson until he starts wearing a bow tie again and confirm the dumb ass he is.
Talking to people in HUNGARY, a nation led by Victor Orban, a notorious despot, tyrant and proponent of authoritarian regimes.

You know, I remember a day when conservatives actually believed in protecting and preserving FREEDOM. Not like today, when they celebrate taking freedoms away.
Yes he believes or yes he lives in the country? If its the former, well we all know he's sick in the head, if its the latter fine by me.
I've read he lives in a rural setting. He isn't sick he's just correct and the left (two prime examples above) can't handle the truth.
I've read he lives in a rural setting. He isn't sick he's just correct and the left (two prime examples above) can't handle the truth.

Well good for him. He is so sick Fox News had to dump him because he was liability with his pathological lying which was no small part of how J6 fucking happened. It gets worse when you hear his behind the scene recordings that he hates Trump and can't wait not to have to talk about him any more. If he KNEW which it seems that he did, that the voting machines were not hacked then J6 SHOULD have been the breaking point if he loves America. Do you have any clue how quickly the Dems would dump Hillary or Joe if there was solid evidence they had done something like that?
I've read he lives in a rural setting. He isn't sick he's just correct and the left (two prime examples above) can't handle the truth.
Neither can you.

Because whenever the actual truth contradicts or debunks your toxic and dystopian views, you call it "Fake News" and go off on the perceived evils of the so-called "Liberal Media."

So you turn to an "alternative" media that has to lie or make up blatant falsehoods to affirm your already fucked up opinions.
Talking to people in HUNGARY, a nation led by Victor Orban, a notorious despot, tyrant and proponent of authoritarian regimes.

You know, I remember a day when conservatives actually believed in protecting and preserving FREEDOM. Not like today, when they celebrate taking freedoms away.
You are probably not going to like this but Viktor Orban was elected following an EU approved democratic process. Last election the EU, and US as well, were really looking for election fraud but never found anything. Turns out that most of support is from country peeps.
He may have been elected in a fair election by an EU approved democratic process. That is true.
He is also a tyrant and a despot who cares nothing for individual liberties or freedoms and rules his country with an iron fist. Elected fairly or not, this is also true.
Interestingly, while Trump cried on about "Election fraud," Government officials as well as independent election monitors scoured the country looking for election fraud, and never found anything. But yet, certain childish grown men who refuse to accept the results, still insist that such fraud occurred.
You are probably not going to like this but Viktor Orban was elected following an EU approved democratic process. Last election the EU, and US as well, were really looking for election fraud but never found anything. Turns out that most of support is from country peeps.
Correct, elected by right-wing rural mountain folks who outvoted the left-leaning city dwellers. Sounds familiar.