Tucker Carlson is in Moscow being groomed to take Trump’s place


Abusive Little Bitch
Nov 22, 2013
Donald Trump is now too old and compromised to be an effective Russian asset.

Carlson is much younger, doesn’t have the same legal troubles, and has a huge MAGA fan base.

As Trump dwindles, Russia will push Carlson to run for the Presidency as the new Manchurian candidate.
It'd be an awful pity if he happened to cross paths with a drone.
Putin doesn't mind who he owns, it's an investment in disrupting America's capabilities on the world stage.

Trump was perfect, the US was in tailspin during his term. Tucker is second best but with a large uneducated base willing to swallow any lie or foreign propaganda he comes out with. For the price of a couple of million dollars (less than one decent aircraft never mind a submarine) Putin ruled US policy.

Just like the MAGAt’s racism is now fully out in open, their treasonous tendencies stemming from their confederate sympathies are now fully out in the open.

Fucker Carlson is now the second biggest MAGAt traitor.

Putin’s orange puppet is still the biggest MAGAt traitor.


It would be a shame if he had an accident over there.

I believe President Biden can order a drone strike or Seal team Six to eliminate the traitor, Fucker Carlson, and President Biden would be immune from prosecution…


Tucker is in Russia?
I pray Putin takes him as a prisoner
Dumb fuck!!
IT would be nice of Putin captured him, perhaps over a very small amount of cannibus. And Biden can flat leave them there.
Doesn't matter, China, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, and every illegal in the country still has Joe. No one is topping that.
Doesn't matter, China, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, and every illegal in the country still has Joe. No one is topping that.
Illegals don't vote, no reason to be China or Iran would ever back Joe over Trump if they bothered with either. Palestine has every reason to hate us as does Iraq. Does this crap make sense even in your head?
Will Tucker get to do the golden showers thing in a hotel room too?

I take it this is what you’re referring to:


From the article:

“You need to understand that if Europe is under attack we will never come to help you and to support you,” Trump said, according to Breton, who was speaking at the European parliament.‘

“According to Breton, Trump also said: “By the way, Nato is dead, and we will leave, we will quit Nato.”

Seems kind of pointless. I don't think Tucker's audience is that large, and Tucker has lost most of his ability to set any type of agenda. I haven't seen too many references to any of Tucker's productions in months, other than mocking references that only enforce how irrelevant he has become. Just the fact that he has been in Moscow for three or more days only shows up as a footnote on all of the media outlets (right and left) is proof of that irrelevance.

While Putin will happily use anyone who is willing to offer their platform, Trump remains his most useful tool for propagandizing the MAGA cult.
I hope you're right. I mostly see Ben Shapiro these days. I can't even remember the last time I saw Alex Jones but I'm not super news obsessed so maybe they are getting referenced more than I think. Not to mention things like The Young Turks have a decent audience, not great but big enough that its odd Cenk is making a pretty solid case that the 14th Amendment means he can run for president. On paper I can't see where he's wrong. That's if I even thought that law made sense in the modern world.
Seems kind of pointless. I don't think Tucker's audience is that large, and Tucker has lost most of his ability to set any type of agenda. I haven't seen too many references to any of Tucker's productions in months, other than mocking references that only enforce how irrelevant he has become. Just the fact that he has been in Moscow for three or more days only shows up as a footnote on all of the media outlets (right and left) is proof of that irrelevance.

While Putin will happily use anyone who is willing to offer their platform, Trump remains his most useful tool for propagandizing the MAGA cult.

Putin is constantly recruiting / developing useful American traitors as assets.

BSG could be right to suggest that Fucker Carlson may be the next in line to serve Putin’s purposes / be Putin’s puppet.

Fucker Carlson checks all the boxes.

Wealthy: Check.

Media personality: Check.

No moral compass: Check.

A total asshole: Check.

He's also not super bright and I have serious doubts he would be able to keep anything secret for long enough for it to benefit Putin. I don't get the impression that Putin is a stupid man. Not to mention it seems like Putin hasn't been making a lot of public appearances
I am waiting for the (probably photoshopped) pics of Tucker with Russian military hardware, and then the hypocrisy of attacking him while still defending Jane Fonda. 🍿
I've never really heard anybody defend Jane Fonda. Some of us are too young to have any strong feelings about her mind you.
Jane was a world renowned entertainer who, having won a number of awards went to NV to visit US POWs and see firsthand what was happening, one of some 300 Americans to do so.

Cucker is a Russian propagandist.
Just like the democraps the republican'ts have no one to offer that is worth a shit.
Doesn't matter, China, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, and every illegal in the country still has Joe. No one is topping that.
I didn't realize it was Biden who had businesses in China and his offspring held patents on voting machines etc there. I'm surprised that it was Biden's family that took $2billion from the Arabs.

I thought it was someone else.