Tucker Carlson hits a new low


Literotica Guru
Jun 4, 2021
Over the Buffalo massacre.

The hypocrisy was stunning, even by Tucker Carlson’s standards. During a broadcast of his show "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Monday, the Fox News host blamed Saturday's mass shooting of 13 people in a predominantly Black neighborhood of Buffalo, N.Y. by a radicalized white gunman on the policies of President Joe Biden, the Democratic party and pretty much anyone who's called for a stop to the hate speech and racist ideology espoused by the suspect — and Carlson himself.

Outcry that Carlson address his part in spreading a xenophobic philosophy known as "great replacement theory" — a paranoid notion that white, Christian people are being intentionally replaced by people of color, Jews, Muslims and immigrants — was met during Monday's telecast with no acknowledgement whatsoever of the role Carlson himself has played in energizing white nationalists, but plenty of moaning about who the real victims are in this tragedy: those in the right-wing media and Republican party who were swiftly connected with the horrid ideas in the shooter's apparent manifesto.

“You probably haven’t learned a lot about the people who were shot, beyond that they were Black,” Carlson said in the episode's opening moments, after pointing out that there had been more than 100 deaths over the weekend in metro areas and that gun violence was "typical" in metro areas like Los Angeles and Chicago. Then, as if uncovering a nefarious plot, he danced around the subject of why the killings in Buffalo received the most attention. Using pretzel logic, he blamed the liberal media for targeting the right with woke politics, thereby inspiring the rise of "white identity politics." He didn't mention gun control, of course, or present any new details about the victims of the Buffalo shooting he criticized the press for ignoring: The only person Carlson went on to to name, and talk about at length, was the gunman.

Under the circumstances, with the nation reeling from both the general regularity of mass shootings and its plague of racially motivated ones, Carlson's display may have constituted his lowest point yet — at least in terms of humanity (never to be confused with ratings). He turned the very tragedy he accused Democrats of politicizing into an argument the secondary targets of the Buffalo shooting are folks like him, who believe “All lives matter, period," who "would like to see a return to the American way of life," who would like to be judged "by the content of my character, not by the color of my skin.”[./quote]
There are limits to free speech. This guy continues to test them. I mean, spouting off this kind of hate speech in private or to a small audience is one thing, but to a national audience? Not okay, and while I am not for curbing free speech, I am ALL IN FAVOR of de-platforming him, booting him off the national airways, marginalizing them like they deserve, or at least taking away the ability people like this to spread this kind of hate on a national scale.
And lets be clear, this is NOT censorship, but rather, de-platforming; let him speak, but not to a wide national audience on a national news network.
Tucker Carlson knows his audience. He knows what they want to be told. Nevertheless, when he preaches to the choir he loses effectiveness as a missionary. If he was more sensible and had more integrity he would acknowledge that Payton Gendron's crimes have discredited legitimate concerns about demographic changes in the United States.
Tucker Carlson knows his audience. He knows what they want to be told. Nevertheless, when he preaches to the choir he loses effectiveness as a missionary. If he was more sensible and had more integrity he would acknowledge that Payton Gendron's crimes have discredited legitimate concerns about demographic changes in the United States.
I'll probably be very sorry I asked, but...what legitimate concerns?
I'll probably be very sorry I asked, but...what legitimate concerns?
Diversity is not our strength. It is the main reason for the polarization that makes it difficult for the United States to solve problems that would have been manageable before 1964. Diversity is the reason the white working class left the Democrat Party, and began voting Republican. Because I am a Democrat I regret that. For most people most of the time loyalties of race, nation, and ethnicity are stronger than loyalties of class.
Ben Shapiro says the Great Replacement is a left wing theory.
Seems to me...turnaround is fair game. If they choose not to prevent violence....why should we? You can't fight Fascism by being nice.

Mr. Anderson...I do not approve of you taking this investigation into the gutters...
God damn it...these bastards crawled out of the sewers...maybe the gutters is where we should be?

The Buffalo Shooting Is the Latest White Rage Backlash, Brought to You by the GOP

Would this Buffalo shooting have happened if Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson didn’t exist? Maybe.
But the gunman, Payton Gendron, is still alive and in police custody—a somewhat unusual set of circumstances.
I’m very interested in learning where and how he got his racist and fascist ideas, and where he first heard about
“replacement theory,” a recurring topic on Carlson’s Fox News show. Buffalo authorities owe it to America to ask him detailed questions along these lines and videotape it and show it to us so we can see how this poison infects angry young brains.

White supremacist hatred is a global phenomenon, of course—this shooter said he was inspired by the
2019 Christchurch, New Zealand, shooter, who killed 51 people. What’s notable about New Zealand, Norway,
and other countries where mass shootings inspired by racist ideas have occurred is there is broad consensus among the governing and media elites that such occurrences are bad. Here, the Trump-Carlson faction of America is no doubt celebrating.
Yes, they’ll denounce the shooter publicly. It’s likely that Carlson will go on his show tonight and say he condemns the killing and abhors violence. But he incites such violence all the time. White rage is the heart of his message; Trump’s as well.

The Buffalo Shooting Is the Latest White Rage Backlash, Brought to You by the GOP


Yes, they’ll denounce the shooter publicly. It’s likely that Carlson will go on his show tonight and say he condemns the killing and abhors violence. But he incites such violence all the time. White rage is the heart of his message; Trump’s as well.
Perhaps take your racist earmuffs off and take a gander at Joy Reid the ultimate race baiter and Mika who's just a plain demented idiot.
The shooter himself says he was radicalized by the left.
The Fascists and Nazis were defined by being anti-Communist reactionaries, and would not have existed had there been no Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. That does not make Communists to blame for their existence.
More lefty loony bullshit, democrats came out in droves right from the get go blaming republicans for the Buffalo massacre. Fuck off dipshit.
Are you denying Tucker said what he said? This kind of massacre is a predictable consequence.
Are you denying Tucker said what he said? This kind of massacre is a predictable consequence.
Carlson is not responsible for what this murderer did. Get a life! There were many warning signs leading up to this demented killer going berserk.
The shooter himself says he was radicalized by the left.
He told a lot of lies in his manifesto. Which were your favorite parts?
Perhaps take your racist earmuffs off and take a gander at Joy Reid the ultimate race baiter and Mika who's just a plain demented idiot.
Perhaps, unlike you, I have better things to do than watch a bunch of chuckleheads on the idiot box all day.