TSCLT 5.0:The Hemi Dungeon Powered By Bacon

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Fuckin' Sunday weasels . . . .


My JR sent me out into the low temps to look for her. She didn't come back with the other 2, or so I thought; and this was odd. After calling for her and not finding her in any of the usual places, I came back in only to find her bedded down in a corner. She had somehow slipped past me and had been inside the whole time. That explained the door that was slightly ajar. The one I blamed on the cats.
My JR sent me out into the low temps to look for her. She didn't come back with the other 2, or so I thought; and this was odd. After calling for her and not finding her in any of the usual places, I came back in only to find her bedded down in a corner. She had somehow slipped past me and had been inside the whole time. That explained the door that was slightly ajar. The one I blamed on the cats.

She's a JR. She colluded with the cats. :D
She's a JR. She colluded with the cats. :D

And much like a cat, she chose not to come to me as I stood at the open door calling to her BEFORE trekking outside for 15 minutes. When I found her she did the head cocked to the side thing as if to say, "Well, I was right here!"
And much like a cat, she chose not to come to me as I stood at the open door calling to her BEFORE trekking outside for 15 minutes. When I found her she did the head cocked to the side thing as if to say, "Well, I was right here!"

And no doubt biting her tongue to keep from smiling.
I did have fun at the range, the one I go to is small so you have to book ahead but each area has a private booth with a full table so you can reload or make adjustments easier.
Home. Snacking.

I think we all feel better about the building. Praises to Allah for his manifold blessings and great mercies . . . .

I think that it would be great fun to sit, sip coffee and sniff cordite fumes watching a short woman shoot all her goodies. :D

Since I got off a bit early, I think I'll go look to see if I can find Dawn anywhere. I wager I can . . . .

LOL I'm sure I was a something to see, I had one man ask about it and I started pointing out my favourites and calibers before I realized he was clueless beyond his deer hunting rifles.

LOL Deranged Chainsaw Wielding Rabbits

Wat, Endrura has done it again. That has to be the name for the next thread.
No, the following thread.

The next one is about Intensive Care Bears, Hemi Bacon Intensive Care Bears.

I thought that switchblade wielding deranged baby ducks killed people.

At any rate, my guns are defective. I'm still here.


Happy Monday!!!

It certainly doesn't feel like Monday. Working weekends will do that to a body.

The snotz seem to be abating a bit. It's about fucking time.

The coffee is all right. I have to stop today and get some more . . . .

I see that Laurel has fragged another GB thread.

Probably except for the Not Now Cunny/L000k thread. Like Wat gives a shriveled fuck.


34º outside.
Oh how I wish it would freeze, so I could get off the allergy meds because between them and the forced heat. my nose is so dry that it itches...
It's 30* here. Good crisp mountain air.

Speaking of which, there was a Dawn sighting last night. She had on her Under Armour t-shirt and it stretched just right, what I could see under her vest. She is Awfully Darned Cute, methinx . . . .

Still on the meds for the moment. We'll see how this wraps up.

Off to see what mischief these weasels are up to.

Morning all.

Mid 50's here but that is soon to change.

Woke up with one hell of a knot in my neck. Hopefully the liniment will at least moderate it. I have things to do today. The discomfort has soured my attitude so the weasels had beat beware.

Wat, you know you're teetering on the edge of stalking. :D
So many tasty deranged animals out there, no wonder hunting is so much fun.

I got to sleep about 8 times last night, I just couldn't manage to stay there. Either way my rear was in gear this morning, work is happening, things are progressing, and strong coffee is making sure it stays that way. There may however be a bacon cheeseburger in the plans for later today, with a house of sore throats we've had soup for way too long and I want some solid not-good-for-me food.

34º outside.
Oh how I wish it would freeze, so I could get off the allergy meds because between them and the forced heat. my nose is so dry that it itches...

Really? Judging from the quality of your pists this week, one would have assumed you've been off your meds for quite some time.
It is reported that you have a better chance of simultaneously being struck by lightning and bitten by a shark than hitting the mega millions lottery. (Mega Billions?) My question is, who on earth would want the problems winning would bring. Geesh talk about opening Pandora's box.
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