TSCLT 5.0:The Hemi Dungeon Powered By Bacon

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She was present when I got there.

I got to sit within eyeshot of her.

I miss mah kitteh . . . . :(

Happy Saturday!!!

Looks like we get cold-n-wet for this weekend. Oh boy, nothing quite like it this time of year.

So it looks like breaking this building down into its basic blocks is going to be the best way to get through it and wrap up its tidbits. So that's what we's agonna do, I reckon.

One foot in front of the other, then repeat . . . .

There's something about weasels.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Kinda like herpes, I reckon.

Off to see the outbreak . . . .

We're getting a reprieve from the crap weather for a few days. Sunny and in the low 70's until the next front comes through.
Same here, fortunately I'm not a sufferer. Or should I use the currently more popular term 'victim.' :D
I am a sufferer, but the medicines for controlling it are so much better than in the past in controlling the symptoms.
Little one was with her dad for the weekend, the grownups can manage on their own and I got some stress relief this morning at the range. Other than a couple of sites I'm really happy with how they handled.
Home from workage. All motherfucking day long.

Folks are getting tired. The other super blamed the Mexican joint he stopped at for lunch today for his foul bowel this afternoon. Could be that, or it could be stress and fatigue.

Last Saturday, we got the email and the sketch for the cane rails under the stairs. Couldn't make the fuckers out. No matter, because today, Wat built them sumbitches. All of them. The paint boss was so happy. Wat reminds him that he's the only one there who actually tries to look out for him. And he says that Wat is the only gringo who works like a Latino.

Oh, and had to go to Lowe's to pick up shit for tomorrow. Store doesn't open until 8 in the morning, and we cunt be wastin' that time waiting for that shit.


I, am also home. We have gone from summer to late fall/early winter. The end of last week, our temps were in the 80's. This weekend, snow is forecast in the higher elevations. Shoot,the trees are still in full leaf and haven't begun to change color yet.
Yeah, no shit, they're as green as two months ago.

So much for the lovely autumnal foliage display.

Too bad the sun is basically down when I cruise through anyway.

Meh . . . .

We haven't even had a frost yet. At this rate, the peak color here won't be until Thanksgiving. Should make for a pretty Holiday, but it's also gonna make for a challenging hunting season.
We did have a light frost a couple of nights ago.

Likely we get one tonight, too.

Like as not because the temps dropped like a rock this afternoon. It's that time of year, an' sich.

Off to hit the rack . . . .

AncestryDNA finetuned and updated their database.
Yes, testing is improving, errors are made, but that doesn't justify why the 13% of bits and pieces from a couple of miscellaneous regions are now completely gone!
I hate to admit it, but that was a bit unsettling for me. I had to accommodate to a certain view of my identity a year or so ago, and now I’m back to scratch again.

Which made me think:
You often hear people online volunteering with pride “I have German or Irish or Italian or Native American DNA”.
But what about those who discover that they have the DNA of some stigmatised or discriminated group?

So while DNA tests are cool on one hand, they Can be a bit racist or reductionistic. And being forced to construe your identity in that concrete biological way feels Very weird.
I’m waiting for a time when these commercial DNA tests will be more broad in scope, and cover also certain genetic markers for disease prevention and so on.
Happy Sunday!!! Just another day here - nothing but it is what it is.

Mom is having fun with the DNA stuff. She met a new close cousin who had been out up for adoption that way. We met him. He's a decent sort.

Looks like a coldish autumn day today. But the sun will be out and the wind will have died down. We have to start getting these insides ironed out.

It's all just something to do . . . .

I have not done the DNA testing although others in the family have. Connections have been made. That seems to be a good thing until it is not.

My concern is that the data will come into hands of evildoers. For now I will keep the bodily fluids in house.
Right, something like that. Spit that stuff in the drain where it belongs - Teh Sewer!!!

Besides, if Mom knows, that covers half of it.

I already know. And I've lived this long without knowing the rest of it, so I don't care.

There was one trace element that did disappear . . . .

Good morning.

Looks to be a sunny autumn day here today with out next wave of crap weather not coming in until tomorrow night. So I think I'll head out to the range this AM and the the afternoon bring what it may.
Which reminds me, Congrats, Endrura, on getting to go play range. Glad you enjoyed it.

And Wat needs to go.

Wat didn't sign up for this year, so he'll have to finagle an invite with his brother.

The M14 calls. El Catorce . . . .


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