TSCLT 4.0: Bitchy Malevolent Baby Ducks

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I remember days like this when it's 100* . . . .

From the "if you can't kick it, you can't ride" days:


I have hair still, but I keep it so short that most folks can't tell.

I fired the barber.

No snow outside. I think we're getting gypped.

Maybe I'll wear my East German army hat to work today. It's the height of fashion . . . .

We hit negative fourteen last night, the furnace is struggling but the baseboard heaters are compensating. My biggest fear now is the pending utility bills lol

The roads were good this morning, work is chugging along, my planned activity last night was cancelled because of the cold, and instead of going out a friend and I shared a minor pity pot party. Today is a new day and I'm grateful to be here, it's kind of cathartic to let the bad stuff go and move on.
The beach is an essential. I'm the guy in the commercial, in my tiny Speedo with my tony drink driving all the ladies crazy.
I miss the beach, the warm sunshine, the sound of waves on the shore, shithawks fighting over the bread chunks I tossed out for them. I think I need to find a soundtrack and a tanning bed.
You know, that's like a visual earworm that's going to take drugs to make go away.

~~~ and ~~~ I drive a bitchin' Cougar! Better than being married to one.

I miss the beach, the warm sunshine, the sound of waves on the shore, shithawks fighting over the bread chunks I tossed out for them. I think I need to find a soundtrack and a tanning bed.

I love the Redneck Riviera. Tail tat heaven.
Home. Tired. Got Chinee from the new joint I found. It's some better, thanks be to Allah.

Saw some snow today. It amounted to very little. Got a bit more back to home, but it oughta be clear enough to get home tomorrow night.

We're going to get this building done for this week with a more extensive punchlist than I would like. Next week, we have two, and we're behind of the finish trades already. Fuck it, so it goes . . . .

That's what the Imam of Punch is for . . . .


Happy Friday!!!

These are the long days, the ones at the end of the workweek followed up by 6 hours of pounding pavement.

I wonder if I could doze off for awhile somewhere this afternoon.

I don't know, but time passes relentlessly, and not on my plans and designs . . . .

Only have one work-related meeting today and I'm off for the weekend. Probably be searing a rib-eye tonight.
FASCINATING. Hey guys, I'd like to hear your opinion on this.

I'm not the sharpest tool when it comes to History or Politics, but I'm very interested.

So I went out with this Asian - Budhist friend of mine. And we butted heads and he annoyed the hell out of me with his is glee regarding the mass immigration of Muslim young men to Europe.
Is he happy that they're trying to breed us out coz European men are getting lower in sperm count by the minute? After centuries of wars and sacrifices against the Totallitarian, genocidal invading Islam, are we now we're witnessing a peaceful engineered Islamic invasion?

So I called my cousin who gave me an entirely different picture:
Apparently -and unlike Europe or the Middle East- Christians in Asian countries are guilty of really bad things even genocide against Muslim Asians. See the Rohingya in Bhurma. And Muslim Asians are far more moderate and peaceful.
So acvording to him, it makes sense that my friend is so pro-Islam and anti-Christian. Given that he saw an entirely different side of things.

What do You think? Taa…
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