Trying to find a D&Desque based story


Jun 8, 2014
I loosely remember this story, but I have not been able to find it yet.

Basically a champion of a goddess is in an adventuring party. They find some big bad, most of his party is dead, he destroys some macguffin and in doing so releases a bunch of gods who had been imprisoned by the bad guy, including the hero's goddess. As a reward this guy's goddess bends the arms of the other gods and they all agree to give him one of their followers as a reward, and a harem story is started.

It was a multi-part story, set in a dungeons and dragons style world. I don't think it reached it's conclusion, but the author had several great stories, if I recall.

Thank you for your time.
Necroing my own thread to check again, a new story today reminded me about it. Anyone recognize this story?