Try This - Thread


Literotica Guru
May 9, 2001
AFter recent renovations on the page I noticed that my TRY THIS thread had disappeared. I'd like to thank Lady G (no relation) for finding it, opening it and reposting the whole damn thing in the HOW TO CAFE area.

You can find it here:

Don't be shy. MUCH MORE research is needed.


Try this. I know some of you have already but for those who haven't it'll just blow your minds.

The Technique is simple once you get the concept. The mechanics are set out to facilitate an extended session of G-Gasms - something women DO want to experience once they get to know the feeling. Many posters have stated that they orgasm up to and sometimes more than 100 times a session with their lovers using this or other similar techniques. The way I suggest is slightly different than the description above because after only a dozen or so G-Gasms using the above method the person giving the orgasms will need carpal tunnel surgery. My suggestion uses the same joints and muscles as SAWING WOOD so you can go for as long as you like ... in other words you can keep your partner orgasming for as ,ong as you want her to or as long as she can take it. If she's in good shape one and even two hour orgasms are possible for many / most women.

Here is the URL :

Here is the Technique.


Quick Back-grounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphins (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not really protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up! (use common sense here, guys but you can really thump on this spot with NO oversensitivity issues - ONLY repeating MASSIVE orgasms) Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NOT so for the G&A Spots.

Basic Technique ideas:

The Technique is simple once you get the concept. The mechanics are set out to facilitate an extended session of G-Gasms - something women DO want to experience once they get to know the feeling. Many posters have stated that they orgasm up to and sometimes more than 100 times a session with their lovers using this or other similar techniques. The way I suggest is slightly different than the description above because after only a dozen or so G-Gasms using the above method the person giving the orgasms will need carpal tunnel surgery. My suggestion uses the same joints and muscles as SAWING WOOD so you can go for as long as you like ... in other words you can keep your partner orgasming for as ,ong as you want her to or as long as she can take it. If she's in good shape one and even two hour orgasms are possible for many / most women.

#1: Make sure she urinates just prior to this. The first sensation is needing to pee. With an empty bladder she'll know it is just a sensation and not a full bladder.

The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. For many women the GSPOT simply does NOT exist until it is stimulated - properly. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back as soon as it swells. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from a build-up and "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling.

#2 is: when you've triggered that first G-gasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. It'll happen over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise (ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded. Many women, if you have spent a long time on foreplay will EJACULATE during these orgasms too. It is NOT urine.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm every few downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.

The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get to the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what - then repeats every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 or more !!! She WILL have trouble walking the next day but Man O'Man is it worth the shakes the next day.

One word of warning, guys, NEVER have her squat over your face, suck her clit and poke her GSPOT with your fingers. She will cum so hard and her pelvic thrusts will be so out of control that she will BREAK YOUR NOSE. Trust me on this. To combine the two (oral on the clit AND Gspot - mindblowing if you can COMBINE both types of O's at the SAME TIME) she should be on her back and your face should be sideways to her.
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AFter recent renovations on the page I noticed that my TRY THIS thread had disappeared. I'd like to thank Lady G (no relation) for finding it, opening it and reposting the whole damn thing in the HOW TO CAFE area.

You can find it here:

Don't be shy. MUCH MORE research is needed.

Having that thread gone would be a travesty to Lit. I'm happy to read it's making a come back.
The way you shill that thread Mr. G has me wondering if you are putting a little jingle in your jeans from the click-through traffic. ;)

schill ... ? $$$'s

I wish.

My objective, from the start, was to SHARE. Don't forget when I started this thread none of the porn queens were "squirting" and most of the top sexologists on the planet were still befuddled at whether there was a G-Spot or not. Many still are. There are still articles in magazines and research papers that are published both acknowledging its existence and ridiculing "CLAIMS" that women can actually orgasm that way.

820,000 + reads later and a TON (4,000+) of emails, IM's and other posts and notes and I am happy it has helped so many find a higher level of pleasure and a closer more trusting and more adventurous relationship.

I bump it now and then because I get a note asking where it went.
I'm grateful for that thread, as it's what brought me to Lit in the first place! Sadly, I haven't had anyone to try it with yet though.
I'm grateful for that thread, as it's what brought me to Lit in the first place! Sadly, I haven't had anyone to try it with yet though.

It's just like square dancing....grab a partner and docie doe! (sp?)

Seriously I have been without a regular partner for what, four years I think.

I have had good results as far as the mechanics with casual play partners. I have noticed though depending on the partner it can freak them out a bit when it seems that something "happened" that they weren't prepared for.

It seems awkward to get all clinical and explain what it is I am about to do that might be different than fingers down there have done in the I have adopted a give a little bit, back off and let them absorb the sensation, THEN discuss as needed.

It's a work in progress....but it is a labor of love.
It's a work in progress....but it is a labor of love.

Believe me, it is for me too. The thread, I mean. The feedback has been great knowing so many have discovered this really works (with almost everybody - eventually) and how much it has brought them closer if it's a long term relationship or how it has completely blown a G/F away when shown for the first time the wonders of the MIGHTY G !!!
From Post #1

We Are All Different. Our Responses Are Different Between People And Even On Different Days, Under Different Degrees Of Stress Or Exhaustion. I Have Been Lucky Because The Ladies I Have Done This With Have All Reacted Immediately And Were Completely Hooked From Then On. For Reasons I Have No Clue About There Are Women Who Simply Do Not Respond Or Enjoy This Technique. There Are Women Who Have Found That This Technique Works But Not In The 2 Minutes I Suggest - It Takes An Hour Or More. There Are Women Who Would Rather Get Poked In The Eye Than Give Up Control Of Their Orgasms Or Are Stymied By Guilt And Resist The Release Of This Degree Of Sexual Abandon. There Are Women Who Have Had Operations And Normal Nerve Function In The Area Is Reduced Or Damaged. There Are Women Who Have Virtually No Muscle Tone In Their Vaginas And Generally Any Orgasm Is Highly Dependant On Muscle Contraction To Produce The Waves Of An Orgasm. There Are Some Who Seem To Feel Nothing When This Happens To Them. I Don't Know Why Except To Say, Again, That We Are All Different.

Strangely As Women Age The Rate Of Success Seems To Increase So If You're Young And This Doesn't Work - Keep Trying. Don't Make It A Central Theme And Do Nothing Else Ever And Consider All Participants Failures If It Doesn't Happen But Don't Give Up Either. Keep Trying.

There Are Women Who When Turned On And The Technique Is Used On Them The Very First Time React By Having Screaming, Thrashing, Heart Pounding Orgasms - Over And Over And Over Again Until They Can't Take Any More. Many Couples Have Found This Out. Many Couples Feel Frustrated That They Don't But They Don't And If It's Happened To You, You're Not Alone. Ok?

In Short If It Works, Great !! But Far In The Future I Have Been Roasted For More Or Less Suggesting In These First Few Posts That This Happens To Everybody All The Time And Instantly (or Almost) And Enough Of You Have Not Had This Happen That Through The Miracle Of Technology And At Great Peril To Myself, I Have Travelled All The Way Back Here To March Of 2002 Just To Tell Ya'll That If It Doesn't Happen The Way I Describe Above You Are Not The Only Ones On The Planet That This Happened To. Don't Go Jump Off Any Balconies. Keep Trying. Join The Discussion And With A Little Luck And Persistance You Can Probably Make It Happen. The Fun Is In The "research" Anyway.
Bump ...

CUZ it won' let me just BUMP the thread

Mr. G, just want to thank you for starting this discussion. I stumbled across this forum, and ended up reading it from front to back. Quite extensive!! Fantastic information here. Luckily my wife was a willing participant to begin our research. Initially I had some trouble finding the right spot, my instinct was taking me to deep. We tried your suggested method but found it was better for her to lie on her back while I give her oral and use my finger for the G. After some trial and error and good communication on my wife's part, we found it. WOW! I have never heard her moan like that and for sooo long. She had roughly 5 or 6 in a matter of a couple of minutes. Up until this experience 2 was the most I had ever gotten from her. Now we were not looking for a marathon night, and it was so intense that she could not go any more by hand. So I climbed up, slid inside and she fired off another 2 or 3 in a very short amount of time. When we finished our session as you described she was completely spent and almost in a drunken state of mind. Fantastic! I encourage others to try this and post results so that we can all learn from each other! .... Yes, this has enhanced our sex life tremendously. She always asks what can she do for me. My response is simply to let me please her this way. She doesn't seem to understand the shear pleasure I get just hearing her shreeks of pleasure. That is all I need and it sends me over the top! Again this has been amazing and thank you! K9rockstar

A bump so some newbies can find the thread they're looking for.