Try Something New...


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
One of my favorite features of "Gear" magazine is the one in which they try something new. Y'know, something that a million people do but for some reason or other you don't like or just don't do.

This month it was reading the "Wall Street Journal" for a week.

This week my experiment has been to eat lunch with people from my office I don't really know.

"Big leap" you say.

Well for me it is. I generally like certain steady people as lunch companions but I figure there's something to be learned from everyone, right? Right?

Monday: I eat lunch with Andie. Andie is a short blonde, late 40-ish, with 2 kids in high school. We discuss NASCAR and the war. She's in favor of both. I get back to work in 30.

Tuesday: I eat lunch with Tara. Tara and I have eaten lunch together before, but for the purposes of this experiment, she's new for 2003. Tara's about my age, single mother, and blacker than a struck match. She's kinda pretty but not as pretty as she thinks she is and her supposition that I think only White women are pretty is wrong...I like Hispanic women too.

Wednesday: I go to lunch for the first time with my cubemate. As well as we know each other, this is the first time we've eaten lunch together. She's a lot of fun. We go to a lunch and learn session downtown about diet and nutrition held by the state office. Funny thing, the dude running the class is at least 40 lbs. overweight. Yes, viva la state!
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i like my comfort zone, and i just got back after a week long absence. i think i'll stay right here.
Problem Child said:
I'm going to smear my boogers directly onto my monitor instead of under the table from now on.

heeh you do that too? :D
Problem Child said:
I'm going to smear my boogers directly onto my monitor instead of under the table from now on.

Ya know, your gross out factor can, at times, outweigh your suave hottie factor. lmao

This was an actual assignment in one of my humanities classes in college. I tried being a vegan for two weeks. It truely sucked ass. lol
since it's a little late to try something new this week. i will start monday. i think i will try to watch the news every day for a week.

i hate watching the news. imagine that..shallow blonde hates the news...big surprise, no?
I bought a homeless guy lunch today. It's not new, but you can't beat the karma points.
Thursday: I go in search of a book for a friend. I find the book and decide to try pizza from a stand on the edge of the mall. The man behind the counter is Latino and friendly. After I order, two Italian businessmen begin to order. They order in Italian and the Latino guy answers in Spanish. This goes on for some time and I finally ask the Italian guys where they're from. "Rome," says the older one. The younger guy is fixated on the Atlanta booties passing before him. He even does that cliched biting of the fist thing that Roberto Benigni does when he sees a hot babe. Sometimes people refuse to let you down.

After I get my slice, I sit in the foodcourt and start to read the Esquire I picked up earlier. A mini-table over is a slightly overweight blonde woman who I believe to be made completely of breasts that for some reason she tries to house in an oversized red sweater. She's reading along with me I think. When I flip the page she looks away then immediately her eyes dart back. I try and accomodate her by sticking to pages with large pictures.
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Problem Child said:
I'm going to smear my boogers directly onto my monitor instead of under the table from now on.

I somehow see you forming an onscreen mosaic; a Byzantine booger icon if you will.
I've got a pretty good mound of boogs stuck to the monitor already.

I'm thinking Venus de Milo or maybe something abstract. I dunno.