Try sniffing a pussie and watch.......



it drives them crazy for some reason. If I make sniffing noises at mine they'll go into attack mode in secons.
guilty pleasure said:
it drives them crazy for some reason. If I make sniffing noises at mine they'll go into attack mode in secons.

Damn, I thought this was going to be a thread about oral sex.
intrigued said:

Wait a minute! You can sniff yours?

some women can... *grin* I'm bendy....

for example.. when I shave, I put a foot up on the counter, and literally bend over and look up at my pussy.
it's the high pitched sound that makes them react actually
CoolidgEffect said:
How about humming. Does that excite them too?

I'll try it and get back to you. If I don't appear for several days send out the medics, please.
Re: Try sniffing a pussie and watch...

bknight2602 said:
Damn, I thought this was going to be a thread about oral sex.
Damn, I thought this was going to be a thread about olfactory sex.
vixenshe said:
some women can... *grin* I'm bendy....

for example.. when I shave, I put a foot up on the counter, and literally bend over and look up at my pussy.

Vix, do you practice yoga? That might explain your sex drive as well as your bendiness. :D
Re: Re: Try sniffing a pussie and watch.......

Emerald_eyed said:
sniff mine, and Ill attack a good way of course!

Like a Houdini leg clamp? :eek:
Wiggles said:
I tried it and he just ran away.

But that could be because I've got a stuffied up nose.

LOL ~ I don't think that'll have the same affect. Also, you mighht hurt yourself tryint to sniff with stuffy nose. :(
guilty pleasure said:
Vix, do you practice yoga? That might explain your sex drive as well as your bendiness. :D

I was a gymnast for 6 years when I was younger. I had an uneven paralell bars accident, and injured myself badly, so I never went back.

But yes, I do practice yoga, and my rehab specialist (rehab from car accidents) says I have a level of flexibility that only about 15 % of the north American population has.
I got my pussy in my lap and sniffed at him, and all he did was touch noses with me.
Susano said:
I got my pussy in my lap and sniffed at him, and all he did was touch noses with me.

He must be a wussy pussy. You're lucky.

I'd never dare do that if one of my, generally civilised, cats was in my lap. I'd have a striped nose -- at least.

Maybe it's because we have several and it's a threatening thing to "The Pride" to make sniffy noises at them.
Well, he's easily offended and doesn't take lightly the slightest affront to his dignity, but he's very gay. Maybe that has something to do with it?
Susano said:
Well, he's easily offended and doesn't take lightly the slightest affront to his dignity, but he's very gay. Maybe that has something to do with it?

Don't knock it. Cats have such dignity. I value that. Hey! maybe I could introduce one of my cats who's showing definite homosexual tendencies to your guy. He's very dominated by the females (that were) and needs a boost to his confidence.
Oh, you'd want my other cat then. This one's a definite top.