Trump's loyalty is a one-way street


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Feb 9, 2015

DONALD TRUMP HAS said he only hires “the best people,” but he stocked his presidential administration with a historically incompetent collection of fools who have no business working in government.

Just ask Donald Trump.

The former president has thrown countless figures he appointed to critical positions under the bus, deriding them as inherently stupid losers incapable of doing the job. The latest is John Kelly, who served as Homeland Security secretary under Trump before moving into the White House as chief of staff. “John Kelly pretended to be a ‘tough guy,’ but was actually weak and ineffective, born with a VERY small ‘brain,'” Trump wrote Friday on Truth Social. “He had a hard time functioning in a political world, and was truly an exhausted and beaten man when I fired him. In the end he was a ‘mummy’ who sat in his office and stared at the ceiling – he was ‘shot.’

Kelly had some thoughts about the charges, prompting Trump’s outburst on Friday. “He’s scared s—less,” Kelly told The Washington Post for a piece about Trump’s post-arraignment showmanship. “This is the way he compensates for that. He gives people the appearance he doesn’t care by doing this. For the first time in his life, it looks like he’s being held accountable. Up until this point in his life, it’s like, I’m not going to pay you; take me to court. He’s never been held accountable before.”

Mattis, Kelly and Bolton are not radical Dem’s. The only R’s who are not going on record that Trump is a crazy ass loser are those who are easily intimidated by this narcissistic psychopath.
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Former Donald Trump adviser Steve Cortes questioned on Friday why anyone would want to work for the former president when he has “viciously” attacked “nearly all his former senior staffers.”

After Trump lashed out at his former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, claiming he was “born with a VERY small brain,” Cortes took to Twitter to question why anyone would want to work for the former president.

“A very serious question: Who would work for Trump?” Cortes asked. “If he wins, what people of gravity and substance would volunteer to work for his administration, knowing how viscously he’s attacked nearly all his former senior staffers?”
Trump should run with that. His administration will be 90.9% great.
Shouldn't Baier ask him at some point to list some of the 'best people' he employs?
We've always known he ultimately doesn't care about anyone but himself, but it was quite a surprise to hear it in such stark terms!