Trump presided over the largest manufacturing boom since the 1970s


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Since the Trump Administration’s red-tape–cutting policies and the tax cut and reform law passed in December 2017, manufacturers added 467,000 jobs, more than six times the 73,000 manufacturing jobs added in Obama’s last two years.

Looking at Trump’s first two years, the revised BLS data shows that more than two manufacturing jobs were added for every one job added in government at the federal, state, and local level. In contrast, under Obama, almost five government jobs were added for every one manufacturing job.

Since President Trump took office in January 2017, employment in manufacturing has increased 3.7 percent. Over the same period during the last two years under President Obama, manufacturing payrolls grew by only 0.6 percent.

Haskins noted that the Trump administration had signed 16 bills to slash regulation and eliminated 8 and a half rules for every new statute instituted. “Since January 2017, more than 480,000 manufacturing jobs have been added to the U.S. economy, following two decades of sharp losses,” Haskins wrote. The Heartland Institute editorial director explained that during President Clinton’s final three years in office, the country lost more than 430,000 manufacturing jobs, and during George W. Bush’s time in office, Americans lost millions of manufacturing jobs, even before the 2008 financial crisis. “Roughly 300,000 manufacturing jobs were lost during the eight years of the Obama administration, including minor losses in Obama’s final year in office.” Haskins emphasized, “In terms of the percentage of manufacturing job increases, the gains made thus far under the Trump administration surpass the performance in the first term of every president since the 1970s.”
I for one sure do trust their math

It includes Obama's first years that included the Great Recession and excludes the pandemic to boost Trump's "success".

Par for the course for partisan reporting.
It includes Obama's first years that included the Great Recession and excludes the pandemic to boost Trump's "success".

Par for the course for partisan reporting.

We have a bingo! Of course they took the numbers from 2020 out otherwise he’d be one of the worst.