the US $ is doing very well, thankyou... trump blames strong economy for losing exports


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
despite trump's declaration in 2020 that a strong dollar is a good thing, he's attempting to knock the buoyant economy under President Biden by saying the strong dollar's making America weak. like... wtf? (of course we know why)
Due to a mix of relatively robust growth in the U.S. economy and the Fed’s efforts to stamp out inflation with higher interest rates, the dollar is stronger today than at most points over the past 10 years.

“Our economy is going to hell. You have to see what’s going to happen with the way with the outflow of jobs, with the dollar the way it’s situated,” he said in a Thursday interview with the local Fox affiliate in Detroit.

The Detroit interview follows a Politico report last month citing unnamed sources that Trump’s economic advisers are ”actively debating ways to devalue the U.S. dollar if he’s elected to a second term.”
High inflation means the opposite of "strong economy."
High inflation means the opposite of "strong economy."
No it doesn't, inflation is a measurement, it has nothing to do with the economy. In 1932 inflation was -9.2%. So are you saying the economy was strong in 1932??
High inflation means the opposite of "strong economy."

If the economy were weak, inflation would be much easier to squash. Demand caused by our strong economy is propping up inflation.

Anyway, inflation that’s under 4% is no big deal.

Real Americans celebrate our continued employment growth and the longest streak of unemployment under 4% since the 1950s.
We don't really have inflation. This is mostly greedflation - corporate profiteering.
despite trump's declaration in 2020 that a strong dollar is a good thing, he's attempting to knock the buoyant economy under President Biden by saying the strong dollar's making America weak. like... wtf? (of course we know why)
It's important to remember what his excuse was the last time he got caught promoting one thing positively while president and doing a 180 and criticizing President Joe Biden for the exact same thing he'd done a few years earlier.

When an announcer dogged him three times to explain his flip-flop, he simply smirked and said "well I was President back then!"

tee comma hee you better believe MAGA nation had a good laugh...he'd certainly owned THAT libtard interviewer!!