Troll Wood Park


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2001
OOC: A pre cast thread with an OOC created for the purpose of questions....Please enjoy as we do...and use the OOC if you wish to comment

IC: The sign read as you drove past it on the highway. "A great place to live"

The town was prosperous, the homes shined in thier own beauty and obvious well kept condition. The small river gurgled happily as you walked over the bridge, echoing the sentiments of each person you met on the streets...or in the shops as the bell rang merrily as the door opened and closed.

2002, the calender said if you looked...Present day where ghosts, ghouls and ghoblins didn't exist.

"So why the name Troll Wood?" You might ask the shop keeper and you'd smile gently, laughing at the legend....Just polish to the image you would tell your lover as you took a ride in the small boat made for just that....

Life was good in Troll Wood Park. So good. But then why did the name trouble you just a small bit?

We are about to find out the story behind the legend ourselves...

Emily Wiggenhorn sneezed repeatedly as she brushed the dust from the crate of books that had just been delivered from the town hall. The box had been found during recent renovations and luckily someone had thought to send it to the library for cataloging. Emily, who had been the chief librarian in Trollwood Park for the past six months, was entrusted by the City Council to see that the job was done right.

“Treasure!” she thought, and her hands shook a bit as she pried the top from the old box. She knew that the delivery driver must have thought her quite mad when she had directed him to leave the box on the large desk in her office. Perhaps she was a bit mad, but antique texts were her passion, and the idea of being the first person to handle documents that could be hundreds of years old was thrilling!

The interior of the box was bone dry and showed no sign of past moisture; at this discovery she gave a relieved sigh, so often these old texts were damaged by water or insects or sheer human mistreatment, but she found no evidence of that here. The scent of old paper, leather and days past rose from the piles of books and rolled parchment and Emily inhaled deeply and smile in pure bliss. She slowly removed each volume and document, carefully putting it aside on a cloth covered table that she had set up for this purpose; each item would later be photographed and cataloged. Eventually, everything would be placed in the librarys’ private collection where few would ever touch or see them again.

The box contained the usual jumble of official records and deeds to property; maps of the original boundaries of the colony that had become the present day city and even a few renderings of some of the founding fathers. In the bottom of the box, buried beneath the other items was a small packet covered in fabric. This was something special! She could feel a tingle in her hands as she touched it, and her instincts told her to treat it carefully.

Emily placed the package on the table and seized her camera; she captured several images with the digital, then set it aside to remove the first layer of wrappings. Beneath the linen was another covering of leather concealing an item about the size of a journal. The leather was oddly bound by a fine linked chain from which hung a plain silver cross. It never occurred to Emily not to open the package and in her excitement, she began reading the strange volume at once; becoming quickly absorbed in what she discovered was the personal diary Father Thomas Smith.

She briefly acknowledged the other members of her staff as they left for the day, and only paused to turn on the lights of her office as the bright day darkened with a coming storm and the setting sun.

“…and so the good people of the town determined that the only course was to kill the wild folk if we could not compel these practitioners of witchcraft to be gone from the woods that border on our settlement. Knowing that they would not leave, and the idea of killing them being abhorrent to me, I sought to find another solution. After much study and prayer to Our Heavenly Father, I determined to confine the trolls within a seal of holy blood and bind them from us forever. It is with a heavy heart and a troubled mind that I so consign these beings to the darkness, but it must be done, lest their evil corrupt our fellowship and doom us all to the pits of Hell.”

Emily read the passage for the third time; she could hardly believe what the words implied. Trolls, witches and secret incantations? Circles of blood? This had to be some kind of hoax! The journal predated the Salem trials, and although Emily knew that such superstition was common among the largely uneducated population, she had never come across anything so fanciful. She continued to read, hoping to find some clue as to the reason for what could only be mass hallucinations.

“The wild folk were called to share a meal with the people of the town, and were fed with diverse meats and bounty of the field. None of the town did eat with the folk, saying that they wished their new friends to first have their fill. By and by, the folk fell into a state of deep slumber by means of various herbs well cooked with the food. The people of the town gathered together all of the folk, male and female alike, and laid them in a place prepared. Within a circle of consecrated blood the folk slumbered, unknowing that they were soon to be cast from this plane and into the merciful hands of Our Dear Lord. The elders of the town gathered round about the circle and as they prayed fervently, I uttered the words to send the forth the wood folk into a place of confinement.”

The words on the page blurred and Emily rubbed eyes now tired and strained from hours of reading. On the final page was a short paragraph, described as the incantation used to drive the unfortunate wood folk from the settlement. The final line of the journal admonished any reader to take all care to prevent the release of the folk, now called Trolls, from their confinement, lest the world be overrun with their evil.

Her grumbling stomach reminded Emily that she had missed her dinner and as she peeled an apple she began to read aloud the final entry.

Blessed Father, we, Your faithful servants, place into Your care these agents of Satan; We beg Your mercy upon their souls and ask that You forever seal them within the bounds of our blood, which comes from Your precious gift of life.
Let no man shed blood upon this place and so break this covenant with You to hold this evil in confinement. So let it be written, so let it be done.
In Your Precious name we pray. Amen

The final word still echoed in the nighttime silence as the sky opened and a driving rain began to fall. Emily started at the sudden noise, and the sharp knife slipped away from the apple, nicking the skin of her hand. Time seemed to slow; a single drop of bright red blood fell to the page of the open book landing with a splat upon the incantation. At that same instant, lightening struck an ancient tree outside causing an explosion of noise and debris and Trollwood Park was cast into complete darkness.

Tonight was the perfect night to see the predicted meteor shower. Smiling, I packed up everything I would need to watch and photograph this event. Astrology was my lifs love, and it wasn't often I actually got a chance to just sit and watch the heavens. So tonight I would make time, even if I had to leave my cell phone behind me.

The hospital was famous for calling me in on one of my two nights off, always seemed to be an emergency here or there, but nothing ever life threatening. This town was peaceful and the folks here were like a large family. Well maybe excluding the mayor and the chief of police. Those two always fought.

Packing everything into my old worn out 'Bug', I grinned brightly and took off for the clearing. It was a medium sized meadow, out in the middle of no where that no one seemed to own. Not the locals and not the government. This was the only piece of 'public land' for miles and miles. So of course I used it often. From dates way back when in highschool, to studying the stars.

Turning off the highway to the old dirt road, I drove for another fifteen miles before pulling over and parking. No light ever seemed to reach out here but the moon's, it was a serene setting, my little hide-a-way from reality.

Hiking along the worn path, I made it into the clearing and began setting up everything. The telescope and camera were last, it took the longest. Setting out the camera on my blanket and locating a few lenses, I paused to listen to the sounds of the night. Inhaling deeply, I smiled softly once more and continued getting things ready.

I heard a crack of thunder and then a bright shot of lightening hit near by. "Shit! Figures.." grumbling I glanced overhead to the night sky. It was freakin' clear just three seconds ago! Standing, I placed my hands on my hips and turned around to check the skies above. Turning I halted in my steps as around me the ground began to glow faintly. Following the glowing with my eyes I turned in a complete circle.

"Oh my, this is..." Studying it I couldn't seem to lable what this was? Was it a miricle of nature? A prank by someone I knew? I walked over to the line and checked the ground for water or something to refleck this strange glow, but I found nothing. Kneeling down I ran my hand through the grass, checking for something to give off this glow. Perhaps some of that halloween stuff?
Jumping I turned as the ground began to rumble under my feet.
"Oh shit! Earth quakes here!?" I backed up out of the circle glancing around for a safe place to move to. But surrounded by tress this was just not the place to be right now.

The ground virbated harder, like in the cartoons where everything was jumping from a stampeed or likeness. I heard something pop and a small tree fell to it's side as slowly it began to rise. The ground was rising!? I looked longingly towards my camera, wishing I had the gumption to race to it and take pictures.

I glanced behind me, making sure nothing was going to fall on me, but outside this circle not a single thing moved? It was like this circle's center was in a time warp and nothing outside of it was effected by this earth quake.

I had to, i had no choice! Jumping suddenly I ran quickly and snatched my camera. Pointing at the cone shaped mound that was slowly rising upwards. The steady clicking could be heard and the flash went off with each downward press of my fingers. Walking and half stumbling around the mound, I took shot after shot of this phenominon.

Perhaps something geological for the local college to study? But watching it form was something entirely new, something I wasn't sure anyone else had seen before. A brief thought flickered in the recesses of my mind, should I be worried about this being a volcano? I shook it off, this cone was too small to be any threat. Or so I thought.

The ground shook harder, my legs folded under me, dragging me to the rumbling ground. I was inside the circle, thinking perhaps that was bad? The ground shook harder and more dirt and rock was forced upwards. Eyes widening further and further, head tilting to watch is rise, until all of the sudden it stopped.

Quietness seeped back around me, as if nothing different had changed. The crickets began to chirp once more and the night sounds good be heard. But in the center of my lovely little meadow stood a very large cave. I heard a couple of little peddles fall down the entrance, making very little noise and none at all when it hit the grassy meadow.

"What in the world?" I whispered, rising and dusting off my butt at the same time. My knees were scraped since the shorts didn't offer much protection, but I really didn't feel the cuts. I was entranced with this new finding. And a little upset with my ruined meadow. The skies were clear again, nothing to indicate why or where the lightening came. I glanced back at the cave entrance, taking more pictures before setting down my camera.

Now, do I explore this cave, with no light and no friends, or do I just sit and watch it until I get tired? I was like a little kid in a candy store, I wanted to go inside there oh so badly! Brushing my hair back, I sat down indian style and waited as my mind mulled it over.

The small drip of water was driving me crazy.


I set two fingers to my temple and began to massage it softly. Looking out the window of the diner at the dark night. My eyes swivel to Mandy the waitress as she begin to sweep at the florr closing down.

"Mandy I'm ganna leave head home have a good night." She gave me a flashy smile and nodded. I smiles back and grabbed my rather plain lether jacket swinging it on.

As I got out in to the wet drizzle I patted my Jackets pocket feeling the firm metal. I glances around smiling slightly. Won't need a gun in this town. As I started walking down the street there was a loud roll of thunder jogging my thoughts. I ducked my head instinctevly and spun around.

I blinked as the lightning seemed to strike rather close to town to close. There's a grove some ware around there ain't there? I smiled slightly and decided my life needed some excitment this town was dead. So I started jogging as the rain fizzled down. Probably not raining at that grove... yet.

I jogged most of the way and only about few minutes out I saw the sky was perfectly clear not a hint of clouds. Quite a while later I guessed I was getting close. As if to confirm my thoughts I saw some body's car parked there... looked fimilar oh yes Mandy's daughters old one. She visted her mother at the diner fairly often.

I pushed some scrub away the bush making a light scraping sound against my jacket. I blinked as I came slightly in to the clearing but still in the shadows. My eyes widened silently as I crouched to the ground seeing the cave opened up in the middle of the clearing. My eyes swiveled to the attractive young woman seated infront of the cave. I reconised her as Mandy's daughter. My eyes lingered on her for a moment longer then went back to the cave.

"Amazing." I wispered softly but being the distance between us easily heard. I forgot the fact that I might had scared her.
"Come my brothers and Sisters, we return"

The words were victorious in thier sound....the barrier had been removed by some unsuspecting human above and we were now free and able to rise and reclaim what was ours so long ago.

"Use the talents we have perfected...Find out the strength and intelligence of the humans in this era, then we will meet where we always did to celebrate the coming of the lunar rising"

My legs carried me joyfully as I climbed the dusty, stone step and pushed open the ancient doorway and breathed....breathed for the first time in 450 years the air. Air as fresh and pure as I remebered it, air of the forest and the grass thar grew beneath it's mighty branches.

"At least this has not changed" I mused quietly, scenting a new smell..the perfume of a human woman...After all this time I was going to meet a human woman first? I would make my greeting one she would never forget....if we were destinied to meet. Another scent came to me...a male this time and I held back at the entrance of the dark eyes watering at the nights partial light as it filtered thru the grass above torn from its roots.

"I will wait, I have waited four hundred years...Another hour will only increase my appetite"
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I turned at the sound of a voice, nearly jumping out of my skin in the process.
"JESUS!" I grasped my chest slightly, my heart pounding as I stared at Kyle.
"You can't go around scaring people like that!?" I scolded a second then laughed.
"Sorry.." Shaking my head, I rose from the ground and glanced around my clearing.
"Well so much for my meadow.. What brings you out here Kyle?" I turned back to him, holding my camera at my side as I waited for his explanation. I heard something moving and turned to glance around the area.
"well ahhh.. You have fun.. I think I will head home now.. Come back bright and early and get some help with this place. perhaps explore this new cave as well.. Take care.." I moved over, grabbed my things and walked to my car. Ignoring him was rude I knew that but I felt an uncanny sense of being watched and it wasnt by kyle himself.
I turned back to him, rubbing my hands on my shorts as I glanced around the darkened forrest.
"Want a ride to town?" I offered, knowing I wouldn't want to be out here alone right now with that erie feeling all over.
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The young male and female stood talking and facing each other, distracted by each other as I turned and bid farewell to my own people.

"Spread to the village and assume positions where you can gather knowledge and strength, be careful in the revenge you take at first"

I knew each wanted to exact the price for our wrongful banishment...

"The full moon will be upon us in 6 days, we meet then"

And then I moved...Into the grass of my beloved forest...parting its long length before me as I ran thru it, moving quickly and silently towards the noise and smell of the city...

I would find the person or persons who read the words...and thank them in a way I had dreamed of for centuries...
Light fingers traced the ancient door, now standing ajar against the world. A symbol of the old spell that had been casts hundreds of years ago, now nothing more than a relic that simply existed for the purpose of existing.
It brought so much anger into his eyes, hate and rage tossed and tumbled across his irises, chasing each other as a single tear went down his dirty pale cheek.
The hand traced along deep grooves in the wood. Grooves that he himself had fasioned on the door time and time again. He had thought.... no, he had hoped, for thought and reason were not things that one wanted to keep company with down in the dark... he had hoped to be able to break the spell. It never happened, not even close. Blood ran from his fingers onto the wood.
Blood and tears for hundreds of years of oppression.
To be swept under the town because of indifference.
Sudden, Hate and Rage caught up with each other. They formed one single entity, pure hot anger boiled deep inside of him.
They would pay, yes, they would all pay.
His hand left the now useless door, outstretched before him. A thought, a single thought scraped across his mind, and it exploded before him. Shards of wood and splinters flew around his form, as he finally walked outside.
The nice clear sky welcoming him. Hundreds of years and it had never forgotten who he was. It held out it's arms, to this underground prisoner, and comforted him after all of the tyranny.
He breathed in the air, and almost coughed. The sweet and untainted breath that he had take so many years ago was gone. He could taste it in his mouth, a spoiled, poisoned air was there.
No, no, this was not what he remembered. The air was pure, sweet, almost like sap when it met your nose. This was almost as hard to breath as down below.
They had hurt it. They had made it this way. The humans, the fallible infestation to this country and it's sweet smelling air. They would pay.
He would make sure they paid.
Beow saw two of them, and had to smile. He really did. Something child-like that would have almost seen cute if not fort he putrid sharp teeth that was revealed as his lips glistened back.
"You came," his voice was scruffy and tired, as if he were trying to speak with two concrete slabs slamming together, "I'm so glad. I wanted people to come, and witness all of this."
As he spoke, he raised his arms. Up in the sky sparks began to fly down. First a couple, then a dozen or more, and finally.... finally the entire black void lit up with fire and stone.
He looked toward the sky and he laughed. A great cackling that had neither a soul, nor a human could ever produce. It showed no remorse, no consolidation. If someone had to pinpoint what was wrong with it, they'd have to say that it was just evil.
An inhuman evil laugh that pierced through the night just like the meteors.
It was beginning.

(Scraggly tuffs of curly brown hair, something of a loincloth too cover his unmentionables, and very dirty. Think of a tarzan who has just slidden to third base)
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It had been so long that the stars looked like diamonds to her. "Wonderful!" she hissed.

She looked as the men began to acsend the staires to their freedom. HOw long had it been since they had wanted to do such? It was a wonderous thing for them to be going to the human population.

Her eyes blinked several times as she caught the scents the others most likely knew about. They would go getting revenge, but she was one to make sure that it took long horrid turns before they were finished.

"Beow, be careful. You do not know what the humans hold to hurt." I warned, scared, but yet excited all the same.
Dale O'Bly

"Is anyone here?" I called out to the dredges of books neatly arrayed on the shelves, my nose wrinkling at the combined smell of paper, glue and ink. "Hello?"

I could smell the woman, sense her moving about in the rear of the old building as I looked at the high ceiling and the coarse textured walls. Memories came back and I grinned, this was the same building...Incredible, but it had survived time as well as I.

I had stolen a pair of pants with someones name on them, a shirt as well and then the soft white shoes all now seemed to wear, knowing the difference in clothing was as different as the era I now walked about in.

She came forward, her hands holding an old book...Old because it's smell was familiar to me, the yellow tint of the pages and the smell of the flowery hand written words telling me of it's relation to my time..

"Can I help you?" Her words came to me and I thrilled at the melody of thier tone.

I grinned, putting on my best face and letting my white teeth shine in the dim lighting, sending out "vibes" that would hopefully appeal to her, attract her even.

“I’m from the University? I’m the new Historical Geologist and am looking for the head librarian? A Mrs. Wiggenhorn?”

I had pulled the name off the bronze plaque half buried under the front desk…Hoping it was a recent name and not one from a dead librarian…

“I asked to be transferred here because of the lore regarding the town and it’s beginnings?” I said mildly, interested in her suddenly as she brushed her hair back over her ear and showing her long neck. “I’d like to talk to the old gal if she has the time?”

This young beauty had more to her than she knew…or would admit it seemed. If I had the time it would be interesting to see the rest of her.

“I’ll find my way to her if you’d just point it out? I can see you’re busy..” I offered

I glanced over my shoulder as a vagrant of some kind tried to approach the car and us. Not sure what to do and a little frightened I made my excuses and quickly jumped into my car. Speeding off I raced towards town as fast as I could get my little bug to go.
My thoughts turned to the cave and how much I would love to explore it. I wanted to find out more on it, how it formed so quickly and just where it went? But it would wait until day light and the chance those nasty bums were gone from the area.
Derilicts always made me nervous, and I still did not know why.
Parking outside the diner, my mother was still serving people so I found a seat and sat down.
"What ya want to eat pea?" I glanced up at my mom and smiled, "Some fries please and a chocolate shake?"
"Alright.. where ya been tonight?"
I told her I was in the meadow watching the meteor shower but decided to call it quits for the night. Leaving out the important parts so not to upset her.
"Sounds fun. I am off in a few hours, so if you want you can head home I will get a ride with nancy tonight."
"K mom." I sat in silence, my mind going over the things i saw. I couldnt wait to develope the film and check it out some more.
The excitement of the discovery was too exciting to keep restrained. I kept grinning as I thought, but no one mentioned my happy face. Perhaps they thought it was normal? I was always a happy camper, so my mom said.
OOC: Sorry been gone for a little while hope not to long? :)

IC: She practicly screemed. "Jesus!" I jumped slightly at her raised voice. I sigh slightly as she starts to calm down not wanting to hear some one screem bloody muder. I shift my eyes about slowly at the cave and such as she said some thing to me.

I answerd her question. "The lightning." I saw how freaked she was and didn't mind the fact she was trying to get out of here as fast as she could.

"No I think I'm going to look about this cave." She nodded and glanced at some body moving the dark. I slid my eyes over the person trying to catch a feature mabye there face but it was no good to dark.

I glance back at her hoping mabye that she might stay and sees her jump in to the car and speed off. I Sighed as I figured mabye I could ask her out one of these times.

Some thing moved. I stare at the cave entrence trying to pick out what I had seen move.

Bloody Hell!

Emily yelled as the lights went out. She was more annoyed that she had bled on the book than by the small cut. She wrapped her hand in a tissue and hoped that the emergency generator would kick in soon. She wanted to clean the blood from the page before it dried. As if on cue, the lights flickered, and then stayed on; Emilys’ gaze went to the page but found no blood. Her brows knit together and she looked closer, sure there must be some mistake, she had seen the drop fall to the page. It should be right there in the center. Strangely, the page was clean. She quickly scanned the ones before and after; perhaps the page had turned at the last second. Nothing, no blood anywhere. She shook her head and rubbed on hand across her face.

You’ve been at this too long old gel, now, you’re seeing things that aren’t there. Time to put away your prize and head home.

She tidied up the remaining documents, carefully placing each back into the box. The journal, she kept out, this would go into the vault for the night. Before she could complete the storage of the book she heard movement in the stacks. Odd that someone had gotten that far. She had excellent hearing and usually heard the large door open first. The book had distracted her though, and the wind was still howling. Satisfied with her own explanation, Emily gave no further thought to the library visitor.

“Is anyone here?” The voice drifted through the library. She saw that the speaker was some distance away, if she felt it strange that sound should carry further than the volume allowed she let the feeling pass. At the moment, she was more interested in the speaker than the acoustics of the room.

A handsome young man was the source of the question. Emily pegged him for a grad student, one of those long-term members of the university community, moving from class to class, program to program, year after year; unable to leave academia long enough to build a life outside campus environment. He certainly looked as if he’d been spending more time with his books than in the sunshine. His skin was so pale; he could have passed for an albino, had it not been for the full head of dark hair.

Can I help you?

She asked politely. His response was something of a surprise. A new transfer to the university, well that would explain the pallor, she thought and smiled slightly; and he was a historical geologist. This could be a wonderful stroke of good luck. She would need trained help with the contents of the crate.

His request for directions to the “old gal” did not endear him to her, though. Apparently either he thought that 35 was ancient, or someone was playing a prank and had told him to look for an old woman. Since she knew everyone in the history department at the University, and didn’t think that it was their style to embarrass a newcomer she concluded that it must be the former; a thought that annoyed her more than she liked.

Well, young man.

She said, while putting on her best “Your book is long overdue face.”

You’ve found me, and just for the record, it’s Ms. Wiggenhorn. Now, what can I do for you? It’s late and this "old gal" is ready to go home for the night.
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Dale O'Bly

The smell of fresh blood drew my eyes to her tissue bound hand and my brow wrinkled. So she was the one? Then another bit of information made me smile...I had insulted her by the referal to age...and her identity as well.

"Pardon me Ms. Wiggenhorn, I never imagined such a beautiful young woman such as yourself would be kept inside these walls. Beauty such as you possess should be nurtured outdoors where it can blossom, sunlight is such a terrible thing to waste."

I could sense the irritation in her, the anger rolling towards me in waves as I moved closer to her and reached for the aged book. I had it within my grasp...nearly and her hand moved to cover it...

"Let me look at that wound" I spoke softly taking her hand in mine, waving her objection away as I removed the tissue. "A cut from old parchment can bring immediate infection if not treated properly"

Something had happened when our hands touched, her eyes widened and the words she was going to say suddenly stopped...I felt it, so did she...and to cover the awkwardness that came with it I did something familiar to old custom that was accepted in my time...I raised her hand and kissed the tiny cut...

The slap that came surprised me...her hand fell from mine as I looked at her eyes for understanding and then apologised for the second time as I found the reason...

"Again forgive me Emily. In my country it is accepted custom to greet a lady as such. I meant no offense nor discourtesy"

Her eyes softened again as she listened and accepted, the color of her eyes intriguing to me...

"I will beg your leave, Ms. Wiggenhorn, I came to offer my assitance and friendship, it seems I have failed in both. Again forgive my manners"

I had failed to retrieve the transcript, but now knew who possessed it, a vital bit of information as well.

"Despite my failure I would still be willing to offer any help I could, Ms. Wiggenhorn"

Exiting the diner I glanced down the street at the Library. Ms. Wiggenhorn might have an idea of who I could contact who specialized in Geology and rock formations?
I paused outside the steps and shook off the weird feelings and walked inside. walking through the rows of books I stopped and waited for her as she stood off across the room speaking with someone.
I waved at her to let her know I needed a word with her when she had a moment.

The cave is home, yet my body wanted to run free and feel the grass apon my feet. I smelled humans though, and part of me feared them, as well as loathed them.

Slowly I stepped from the cave, leaving the home that had been mine for so long. My cloth tore as I rounded the corner and a jagged edge caught me off guard. It exposed more of my leg that I would have liked, and the pain was nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

"What an amazing feat the gods have given us." I said more to myself than anyone else. "I must fully explore." I smiled, a smile that most would think a smile of happiness, but in my mind it was a smile of long overdue freedom.

I stepped out further, feeling the grass on my toes, I smiled. It didn't take me long to feel more of the ground beneath me as my body flew in the air only to land prone on the gound, feeling the grass on my stomach, neck and face.

You have me at a disadvantage, You haven't given me your name...You are? She let the question hang.

She hoped he'd tell the truth. She'd know if he didn't. Or would she? Emily had a knack for picking out a liar, but this man was different. He wasn't as young as she at first thought. There was something in his eyes that spoke of age and experience, and other things...dark and pressing hope...

The thoughts trailed away and Emily shook her head, trying to clear away the images. What was wrong with her? She felt dazed. Her hand still tingled from the contact with his skin. She had been speaking. What was she saying? Did he answer her question? She couldn't remember.

She had watched helplessly as he brought her finger to his lips. The gesture was so intimate! She slapped him before she could think twice. Why had she done that? She had never hit another person in her life! Men had made advances before. Somehow this man was different. He tried to pass it off as old world courtesy and apologized profusely.

His offer of help was tempting, she’d need some skilled assistance. Emily nearly agreed at once, part of her insisting that this was right, she should agree, yess, yesss…agree…Her mouth opened to accept his help, but at that moment, she looked away from his eyes, was distracted by the sight of Rachel Matthews waving from the doorway.

Tomorrow…come back tomorrow and we’ll discuss it. I'm sorry, but you must leave now. Please, forgive my rude behavior, but it has been a long day and I seem to have another guest. I’m sure you can find your way out?

Emily knew she was being a bitch, but she was tired. She wanted to get everyone out of the library so she could lock up and go home. She gestured toward the door, and hoped that the stranger would leave quietly. She turned away, discouraging any further conversation, and moved to speak with Rachel.

As she moved, Emily clutched the journal close to her body and reminded herself to get it to the vault before she left. Something told her the book might not be safe if left unattended.

I stood at the counter, noticing Emily's tiredness peeking out. I wouldn't take much of her time tonight, I just needed a little aid.
"Hiya Em.. I was just wondering if you knew a geologist in the area? It would be a great help if you could give me some help?" I paused, hoping she could think of someone.
"Sorry i know it is closing time, I am just well.. you know.. Eager to explore this cave I found in the woods.."
Dale O'Bly

I knew I was dismissed, centuries had taught me patience as I stepped back and bowed watching the younger woman's flushed face and smelling was the same scent as at the portal...and her anouncement of her discovery...

"Forgive my final intrusion this evening, Ms. Wiggenhorn" I spoke firmly and moved forward again. "You asked my name, Dale O'Bly is the response I gave and you failed to acknowledge. And the offer stands, as Senior Historical Geologist, I will be at your beckon"

I nodded to both and turned, moving to the doorway, trying to make my strides measured, more....human.Outside I drew in the treasured cool air and leaned against the tall, white washed pillar.

I would wait...I couldn't completely contain the discovery of the caves, but I might control it until my brothers and sisters were ready...

"geologist?" I paused, then shook myself out of my exciting thoughts, "Oh excuse me Emily, I've got to speak with that man!" I turned and ran outside, expecting him to be a distance away but instead nearly running him down.
"Oh! There you are! Do forgive my rudeness, I am Rachel Matthews.. Pleased to meet you!" I extended my hand for him t shake it and kept going on and on, "I watched this cave appear tonight, who knows from where but that doesn't matter. I hear you are a geologist? From your own lips, yes.. I was wondering if you could possibly aid me in taking a look at this cave sometime, if it isn't too much trouble.. and you have time? or am I being intrusive?" I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath, still waiting for him to shake my hand. Instead he looked at me oddly.
Dale O'Bly

"Time?" It amused me "I have all the time in this world"

I turned and looked at her excited and red face, this one was different than the one inside...vulnerable, excited....

"Your discovery sounds important, Miss Matthews. Is it something you might meed to explore this evening?"

The question made her pause and I moved to cover my eagerness...

"Or perhaps in the next day or two???Of course my schedule might not permit me and another may stumble across YOUR find..."

"Oh my!" I gasped as the thought hit me. I had left Kyle there! Would he venture in there first?!
"You're right, absolutely right.. I should go back tonight and explore and collect data before someone else claims it!" I thought for a moment over it. What if the vagrants were there still? I eyed the geologist. He did look big enough to handle those types. Strange that a geologist would be so largely built too.
That thought left my mind as I smiled brightly, "You do not mind coming with me tonight? I know it's a very short notice..." I was hopeful he didn't mind. I watched him to see if he would cover up annoyances of any kind and be tollerant or if he really wanted to go there?
Dale O'Bly

"I don't mind at all" I smiled in response, the humor of it all amusing me even further. "Caves are my favorite things. I've spent MOST of my life in them"

She was so impressionable...I wondered if the obvious was unseen by her at this moment. Still she had reacted to the suggestion of the "find" being taken by another...

"We'd best hurry then, before it is found...Where did you find it?"

I moved down the long flight of marble steps and stood on the side walk...these people walked on hard roads when they could run on grass....such foolishness.

"Will you show me the way?"

"Oh yes! My car is right over there.. Come with me please." I walked over to my 'bug' and opened the door, climbing inside and waiting for him to join me. Thinking I had locked the door on him, I bent over and pulled the handle. The door swung open and he peered inside.
"It's safe. It may look old but my baby runs like a kitten.." Smiling I rubbed the dash of my car, and old guesture of caring. He climbed inside and we drove off. He was silent for awhile and very tense as well from the look of his face.
"Are you alright?" I asked, glancing at him briefly as I turned off to the dirt road.
Dale O'Bly

She moved quickly to an odd shaped carriage, one that was painted as the color of the sun...and disappeared inside of it...I knew not how to enter and stood looking thru the glass port of the carriage.

The side swung open and her face as well, inviting me within...

I lowered myself to the seat....then pulled the side as she had pushed...and with a loud shriek it closed...was I locked in?

She touched the flat wood behind the round wheel and another hideous sound, accompanied by a rattling noise assaulted me...

"It's safe. It may look old but my baby runs like a kitten.."

I had much to learn in this world...That had become obvious to me.

"Why would you put a small cat inside this...machine?"

She must be a young witch, I decided as she laughed at me...Too young to recognize the demon that sat in her odd it rumbled and spit evil fumes all around us

"Are you alright?" She asked and swung us to the feild of grass and rock.

"I am fine, when will we arrive?"

The machine stopped moving suddenly, the candles in the front went out and I watched her pull a silver rod on the side of the machine, imitating her and smiling with satisfaction as it opened and I was once

Cool night air, the smell of the forrest around us, the birds and small animals scolding us as we moved...

"Continue to lead if you will, Miss Matthews, I will follow"