Troll Repellent



Selling Troll Repellent

Contains: 50% witty defense bantering ingredient, 40% sarcastic reply chemical, 10% mystery ignore solvent.
The LFDA (Literotica Fools & Dumbasses Adminstration) has clearly legislated that only a solution of 100% mystery ignore solvent is efficatious in the repelling of trolls and other nasty viri.
Nora said:
The LFDA (Literotica Fools & Dumbasses Adminstration) has clearly legislated that only a solution of 100% mystery ignore solvent is efficatious in the repelling of trolls and other nasty viri.

hehe, do I get the patent if I do that?
Nora said:
The LFDA (Literotica Fools & Dumbasses Adminstration) has clearly legislated that only a solution of 100% mystery ignore solvent is efficatious in the repelling of trolls and other nasty viri.

Well, I'm the only certified fool here.:D
You can be a certified licensee, D24. But I believe the patent is already spoken for.

Patient1, you couldn't touch fool with a stick the length of the Brooklyn Bridge. Besides, if I ignored you then I wouldn't get to see you shakin' that cute behind of yours. =)
Thank you, Nora,

I have been a major advocate of ignoring registered trolls, & unregistereds, except for anonymous question threads. However, most folks feel that interferes with their rights, or their fun.

I know some folks have fun with taunting & bantering with them, but no matter how witty or scathing or sarcastic or insulting the responses, it only serves to feed them, in my experience.

If it's something that must be done, I think it could be done in PM, or confined to a single thread. It would spare the rest of us from seeing half a page or more of derrogatory threads about Laurel.:rose:
Now here's where we're gonna run into a disagreement, Patient1. I was just talking to someone about this privately, actually.

The reason I *love* Lit is because with extremely limited exceptions, anyone's free to post whatever they like. As much as I wish they wouldn't feed the trolls, I know that the only person I can control is me.

Just like I defend the right to fluff, the right to political threads, the right to post your tits, whatever around here, they've got the same right to feed the trolls. *shrug*

Yeah, it's annoying but it's simpler for me (again, only saying what I do for me not what anyone else should do) to just skip the posts or threads and post/read what makes me happy. I'm here for fun. The only person who can spoil my fun is me. =)

Now, may I just say one more time how cute your butt is?

I have more fun using the ignore feature. Respecting a right to free speech isn't the same as a right to be heard. I don't have to politely listen to anyone that insists on being rude. Some people simply aren't worth a moment of my time, or a second thought.

I only advocate the approach, I don't insist on it.

I cherish the freedom , too. Even if that's the freedom for some of my friends to nourish vermin that plague some of my other friends( but those oppressed friends should make better use of the ignore feature than they do, too.).

Sometimes I just have to ask them if they know what they're doing, before folks get driven away & before they post a thread wondering why LIT sucks lately.

I figure you know what you're doing, Nora

patient1 said:

I figure you know what you're doing, Nora


Yup. Lookin' at your butt. *nodsnods* Feel like a piece of meat, yet? *grin*

Sorry, I am in a weird mood today! I'll behave. =)

Btw, I agree 100% with everything you just said.
Actually , it makes me feel like my failed romantic pursuit was the major looser rather than me.

Perv on!