

Really Experienced
Feb 18, 2012
OK, I have a serious question to ask. I hope this is the place to ask this, SO, here it goes.

Can a man test negitive for trichomoniasis and a woman test positive and BOTH say they have not cheated.

For thoses who may not know what this is it is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Very treatable.

I do not have this, but i am curious to know if anyone has had it or had to deal with it. Can you get it any other way other than sex????

Thanks in advance!
Trich is an STD and you get it just like other STD's... that being said, a person can have it for a long time and not have symptoms of it. It is not something GYN doctors and nurses routinely check for in an annual exam unless you have a discharge or other complaint. So the woman who tested positive could have had the infection possibly before she met the man and not passed the infection on to him yet?
Now from what I have read a woman doesnt show symptoms until 5 to 28 days of being exposed. The woman I know who has had it accused her husband of giving it to her and and cheating on her because she claims she was faithful too(this is has been doubtful) he was tested and tested negitive. How could he be tested negitive and the wife tested positive?
From what I know, trich is one of those few STD's that can indeed be gotten from a wet locker room bench or toilet seat. It's not a bacteria per se, but as you said, a parasite that can live for considerable time outside the body. Like crabs, it is something that someone can get without actuall sexual contact with another. Many years ago, there were crabs found in one of the ladies rooms where I worked and several women got them before the source was discovered. I'm sure it made for some very awkward, tense, and angry discussions at home for them. We sometimes laugh about that sort of thing, but it can put undue stress on marriages.