Translating something I seen from an anime to roleplay.


Sep 17, 2022
Hey everyone.

So I need some help with translating a scene that I seen on an anime over in roleplay.

I am single and I am a dominant man, so this will help when I get my partner.

So last week I seen on Netflix a Tekken anime. I'm familiar with the Tekken series. I'm not that big of a fan of Tekken, but I've played it before.

So their is a battle between Xiaoyu and King and that battle was really interesting.
He caught her in a move where she was on his back and he was holding her legs from the back. And after that he did the suplex move on her and that's what ended the match. When I observe that scene, it seems that the man was dominating the woman. The way she was moaning and screaming, the whole thing was just an interesting play of dominating the female.

So how can I translate this scene into a safe bdsm/play battle/roleplay with my own woman?

I would like any advice, opinions and thoughts.

Take a look at the battle to know what I'm talking about: