Transgender, mtf, having trouble cumming.


Jul 7, 2003
I still have my penis, I've been on hormones for 2 years. I rarely get erections and have no interest in the thrusting of masterbating. Masterbating like I would have a few years back is a total no go and holds no interest to me, neither does porn.

When I tuck and then put a vibrator on my pretend vagina it feels really really good, but I can't seem to make anything happen but that. I would love to be able to have some sort of orgasm at this point in my transition. I've been enjoying playing with myself anally, and yet again, I can't for the life of me find my prostate.

I would say I am frustrated, but the nice thing about the female hormones atm is that I don't really think about sex all that much, but I do want it.

any tips from some tg friends or ladies who just couldn't let themselves go?
I agree with Empress, when you go on HRT the libido and the ability to get an erection gets whacked, standard also includes anti androgens like Spironalactone and such, that further temper the male sexual response. Within 6-9 months of starting HRT, most M to F's IME no longer have any ejaculations and have a hard time getting erect at all or even partially. HRT are one of the tests of transition, those who are on a fantasy jag hate HRT because they no longer have the drive they once did. Especially for those who look at "Shemale" porn, where these gorgeous women with big dicks can still get erect and have sex, ejaculate and so forth, and find out that is a well engineered fantasy (those 'girls' often are not on hormones, or use low dosage mones and such to try and keep their penis functioning, and the illusion they are sexually ravenous is pretty much that, made up for the movies) get disapointed when the HRT wipes it out.

I am concerned when you say you cannot orgasm, if you were able before doing hormones there could be something else wrong there. If you are self meding, you could be screwing yourself up, hormones are tricky and if you are ordering them over the net you could be playing russian roulette. If you are being treated by a doctor I would talk to them about this, not having an orgasm raises red flags to me, it could mean you are taking to much and something else got wacked up. Everyone is different with mones, on a half the standard dose regimen on HRT my blood levels were at the very top of the normal range (when on a standard dose my blood levels were out there at dangerous levels).