Trans-Hatred Strikes Again


Really Experienced
Jul 9, 2012
I had never told any of the companies I worked for that I was a transwoman.
My ID is FEMALE and that should be the end of it.
I worked for the US Dept of Commerce, passing their background check on two 2010 Census Jobs as a woman, and no one ever treated me any differently including the women I worked with, and even visited the ladies room with.

In 2009 I was hired by a gaming company as a change attendent in a 15 slot machine casino in a grocery store. No one in that company knew I was trans, nor did the people I worked with except two dear friends I told and they kept it to themselves.

That company was bought in March 2012 by another company, Golden Gaming,
They had us fill out a police report request. I stupidly put my old name on it as a previous name. (True the name change is in the public court records, but who ever even looks, the feds didn't.

So when I transferred in June to the store closer to home by 14 miles and that I have tried to get for 3 years, the regional manager apparently told the grocery store manager and the other girls I work with that I wasn't a real woman or something. The first day the girl that relieved me introduced me to a customer as HE. I was so taken aback by surprise I said nothing.

When I relieved her relief, I ranted saying why did she do that, I am a woman, not a man, and carrying on. Those two girls since have realized and accepted that I am a woman. But the grocery store manager has been complaining to my company about my presence there. Since I have never met the managers, and have had no controversy with anyone there, it can only be that the person is a trans-hater, all the ones I know seem to be Mormon, and this city is full of them. They even run the federal EEOC office here and blocked my suit against the City for firing me because I transitioned in a job I held teaching music for 22 years.

I think being trans is a medical condition protected in privacy by the federal HIPPA. So they had no legal right to spread that information.

Both the grocery store and my company are in violation of federal EEOC law, and the new NV law forbidding discrimination against transexuals in employment, housing, or public facilities.

So Friday night I had to work at another store for the week, which is actually only a block away from home. Then Monday morning he will tell me what stores I can choose from (if I can), and officially be transferred.

I think I should confront the grocery store manager and inform him of the law, also find out what he or she was told.

I thought the persecution was over in my life after costing me my job and
putting me in debt over 3 years while trying to find a job with decent pay again that I was qualified for.

GUESS WHAT! If you are over 50 and unemployed, no corporation will hire you no matter what your qualifications for the job. BECAUSE: their health insurance companies have told them that if they do, they will cancel their insurance. This is inside information I received several years ago. Young people won't know this until it hits them....and they will wonder why they can't get a job.

I had my own business when I was 50 but decided I might want to work for a large engineering or construction company. I put out over 200 applications, all for jobs I was very well qualified for. I got only a few responses, we hired someone else better qualified. What a lie!

I have 40 yrs of engineering experience in management, contracting, estimating, spec writing, and design of electrical mechanical and plumbing projects. Anyone want to offer me a job? I had my own company for 13 years. My principal Architect client told me I was the best engineer he ever had. I was a licensed building inspector also, and have held a CA RE Broker license for over 30 years.

So now I work for minimum wage and am the night cleaning lady as well as babysitting the slot machines. Fancy title: Service Host - NOT Hostess. One of my customers commented on it.
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I think being trans is a medical condition protected in privacy by the federal HIPPA. So they had no legal right to spread that information.
You think wrong and it doesn't fall under HIPPA because your employer isn't your medical provider.

Both the grocery store and my company are in violation of federal EEOC law, and the new NV law forbidding discrimination against transsexuals in employment, housing, or public facilities.

What proof do you have of discrimination? You have to prove it. You can't just say well I think they are.
I feel certain that I will have proof in a day or two. They wanted me out of there even before I started working there, so I couldn't have possibly offended any of the store management.
What proof do you have of discrimination? You have to prove it. You can't just say well I think they are.[/QUOTE]

The key to this falsehood is to prove the store management is behind it. Quietly gather witnesses, paperwork, if you can carry a small tape recorder, all will be extremely useful.
Now you have something to work with. Try going to NGC, maybe they can help the employment issue. After that the State EEOC and the US attorney in Las Vegas.
Best of luck..
Thank you for your help. I have been through this before as you probably read.
I am still awaiting the results of my companies looking at the "complaints."
They will I think be required to show me as I found out previously, but actually had to threaten with a subpoena and cop before they were willing to show me.

This company I believe has nothing against me and is hopefully working on another location, probably my old store I was at for 2 yrs, which is OK but more costly for me. I got good tips there and everyone liked me of our customers.

I misunderstood the reg mgr when he told me to work at the store across the street. I was supposed to have worked there last night but understood him to say only one night then two off. So I actually three off, this being the 2nd. It cost me one nights pay since I didn't work but that's OK too.
The meeting was over a writeup from someone, listing the alleged transgressions of myself, everyone of them was false, and the wording itself gave away who the person was that passed that on to the Smith's store manager who should have had nothing to do with our personnel matters.

It seems the employee of ours complained about me to the Grocery Store manager instead of to our supervisor.

Last night from a customer I found out the truth. Someone from our office, BEFORE I was transferred, told the grocery store manager and our employees that worked there:


My ID is FEMALE. So naturally that is where all the animosity came from. I was warned the 2nd day I was there that "they" were going to get me out of that store. Puzzled me because I had not even and to this day met the gro. store manager.

Well today I have his name, and doing what they did, even I really was a male crossdresser is against NV law, prohibiting discrimination against ANY kind of transgendered persons.