Trains have NO rights......


Literotica Guru
Feb 11, 2007
superior to, or any different from, any other transportation machine. The entire concept of "Trains Rights" is a joke, a myth, something that doesn't, and never did, exist.

that being said, I wouldn't recommend jumping in front of one in order to counter-protest.
superior to, or any different from, any other transportation machine. The entire concept of "Trains Rights" is a joke, a myth, something that doesn't, and never did, exist.
this is a mis-carriage of justice
To all of those with a loose caboose.

To all of those with a loose caboose.

ohhhh, and now this train's cut loose, increasing speed and headed for the bridge with a sharp turn above a city filled with wimmen and childrens and a storm just took out the warning klaxons!! danger danger, will!!

all we need now are sharks

sharks and a tidal wave

sharks and a tidal wave and escaped plague dogs...
delux... overkill? i left off the nuclear explosion in case :(