Training Tammy

Tammy felt her body jerk as Roger slowly stroked her body as his other hand pulled her nipple. She gasped as he twisted it and she saw stars. She whimpered and squirmed for him as he called her a good girl, pleased as her answer as he continued to teach her everything that she could have ever wondered about.
Roger continued to pinch and twist Tammy's nipples, but the things he was doing between her legs didn't give her time to call the sensations pain.

He worked his fingers in just that little bit more and Tammy's almost fever-warm body accepted them, her back arching at the new invasion and the unrelenting pleasure being pushed on her.
Tammy gasped and whimpered, her body struggling to come to terms with what was happening. He was pushing her further than any lover had ever pushed her before. Roger seemed to know just what kind of pleasure and pain she could take in that moment and she was basking in that intense knowledge.

"Roger! Oh God!" She cried out, her brow furrowing as she arched off the table, both begging for more and begging him to stop.
"Are you gonna come again, Tammy?" Roger asked, his voice taking on a challenging tone.

His stroking sped up, hitting the sweet spots in her body over and over, while his left hand continued its calculated abuse of her breasts. The skin around Tammy's areolas was reddening, but she didn't know that: She only knew that her whole body had been turned into feeling; feeling that made her legs draw back; her hands cast wildly for something to grip.

"Tammy, are you gonna come?!"
Tammy closed her eyes as Roger challenged her with yet another orgasm. She sucked in a deep breath, her belly quivering as his hand continued to play with her breast. She had never felt like this before in her life, she thought to herself as she heard his voice again.

"Yes. I'm going to cum again!" She cried out finally, her voice shaking as her hips jerked against his fingers as she desperately searched for something to hold onto.

She found the edge of the table, her knuckles white as she struggled to hold on and hold out for the orgasm that he was so expertly giving to her.
Even in the heat of the moment, Roger had to stifle a sudden impulse to croon "Give it to me, baby!" like a sleazy photographer in a bad movie, but making Tammy laugh wasn't what he wanted to do just then.

On a down stroke, he added a third finger, filling Tammy even more, while his left hand moved to grab a fistful of her hair, pinning her head in place even as her back arched off the table.
Tammy let out a cry as the third finger filled her passage. Her hips jerked up from the table as he continued to finger her, giving her more pleasure than anyone ever had before. She let out another cry as his hand suddenly left her breast, jerking her hair until her head was pulled against the table. Her back was arched, squirming as the pleasure overwhelmed her completely.

"Roger!" She cried out as she came, her eyes rolling back in her head as she jerked and shook beneath his grip.
Roger wished afterward that he had a picture of that moment. He felt that the sight of Tammy's utter abandonment to her pleasure; her hair wild, her back arched, her nipples pointing at the ceiling like missiles ready to launch; would have been well worth immortalizing. But he was well aware that it was worth much less to have a picture of a girl than to still have the girl herself.

Just then, Tammy was lying boneless on his kitchen table, still shivering with aftershocks. Roger noted with interest something that he had observed before: As shy as women were taught to be about their bodies, they reached a point during sex where modesty was utterly forgotten. There was nothing, absolutely nothing demure about the way Tammy now lay with her legs gaping open and her labia engorged.

He reached to gently brush the hair away from her forehead, smiling down at her as her eyes opened and focused on him.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"And how do you feel about freeing up the rest of your day for me?"
Tammy was limp on his kitchen table, panting as Roger pulled away and stared down at her. She didn't care that she was splayed wide for him. All she cared about was the intense pleasure that he had just worked so hard to give her. She let out a long sigh as he brushed the hair away from her forehead and she opened her eyes to focus back on him.

"Wonderful." She murmured as he asked about freeing up the rest of her day for him. "I'd free up the rest of my life if you just keep giving me that kind of pleasure."
"Well, it's a little early to have that conversation," Roger smiled.

"Why don't you go get your phone? I assume it's out front with your clothes."

"Those can stay where they are."
"If I can walk." Tammy said with a smile as she slowly sat up and then got to her feet, letting her knees get settled before she made her way back to his front door.

She walked outside in the nude, getting her phone from her clothing. She made sure to leave them behind as he had told her. She was going to prove to him that she could follow directions very well.
When Tammy returned, Roger asked her what she needed to do in order to clear out her schedule. As it turned out, it wasn't complicated; just a couple phone calls and texts.

Roger was tempted to have Tammy make her calls while he did some very distracting things to her, but he knew that what she'd just gone through, though pleasurable, had exacted a physical toll... and there was still a lot of the day left.

So he simply sat in one of the kitchen chairs and put Tammy on his lap as though she were a little girl, and her friends had no idea as she talked and texted with them that she was distracted by the warmth of hands on her body, or that she had no clothes on.
Sitting in Roger's lap as he petted her body was a thrill. She was struggling to keep her voice even, to talk without giving away what she was doing right that moment. Soon, though, all of her calls were made and her day completely cleared. She looked back at Roger with a grin, leaning back to press a kiss against his cheek.

"Thank you for all of this, Roger." She said softly.
"Hmm, thanks for what?" Roger asked lightly.

"For making you spend the day naked?"

"For making demands of you? Expecting you to be an outlet for my sexual desires and perform whatever acts I wish on command?"

"For making you acknowledge that you've accepted a subordinate position here?"
"For showing me what I wanted." Tammy said as she looked over her shoulder at him. "For not being afraid to do this for me."

"I admit that I'm not the most experienced when it comes to sex and that scares some guys off. You don't make me feel like a freak." She explained.
Roger had Tammy stand, but only long enough to turn to face him, then sit in his lap, straddling him.

They could easily have had intercourse if he hadn't been fully clothed, but Roger was a master at building tension.

He cupped her breast idly, letting his eyes wander over her body as he spoke.

"Being 19 and not terribly experienced isn't all that rare, Tammy. Despite what some people say."

"And it's hardly like you're frigid: You haven't flinched at anything I've asked of you yet, and some of what I've done has been sort of hard."

Then he leaned in and began to kiss Tammy, his tongue probing deeply into her mouth.
Tammy glanced down the length of her body as his hands casually cupped her breasts, his eyes wandering over her body as he started to speak again. She let out a soft sigh at his words, whimpering as his lips captured hers again and his tongue sought entrance. She granted it gladly, her hands finding their way to his shoulders to steady herself.
Roger kissed Tammy and didn't worry about making the kiss seem like an act of submission. Everything about the situation already said that Tammy was submitting to him: It didn't always have to involve stereotypical actions like pinching or hair pulling. So Roger held Tammy and he kissed Tammy's mouth and Tammy's neck and Tammy's breasts, and even his self-control left his cock straining against the fabric of his pants.

He was 37 years old and still felt and acted young: The generation gap between students and their teachers was not nearly as obvious in his classes as it was in many. From his perspective, it often felt like he had been where Tammy was not so long ago.

On the other hand, he was within a year of being twice Tammy's age. He knew that, to her, he was definitely "older".

It was funny: When he'd been that young himself, he'd never thought that a 19 or 20-year old girl would give men as old as he was now a second look. But what he'd found as he'd started to age out of the "young and hot" demographic was that, although there were indeed many young girls who considered men in early middle age to be beyond the pale, there were a surprising number who enjoyed their company.

Roger had also learned that some girls who normally ruled older men out did so not because they felt no attraction to them, but because many older men didn't take them seriously; regarding them either as too young or, worse, as playthings to be enjoyed for a night or a week, then discarded.

Roger had no problem with play partners who chose to come and stay for only a short time, but he always strove to be sure that both parties' expectations of a situation were roughly equal.

He'd been honest with Tammy: It was certainly not time to be talking about the rest of her life, but for the present and for at least the immediate future, he wanted Tammy right where she was; in his home and in his lap.

As the kiss finally broke, Roger looked at Tammy and decided there was no sense in waiting any longer to seek more of his own pleasure. "Now get on the floor. Kneel for me," he told her without making it sound harsh.

As she knelt and looked up at him, he made his intentions clear, giving her the chance once again to safeword out... or ask for him to proceed.

"I'm going to unzip my pants," he said.
Tammy let out a long, low moan as Roger kissed her, his lips tracing along her shoulders, neck, breasts. He showed her just what a fantastic sensation being loved could be. She certainly wasn't prepared as the kiss ended and she was left panting, staring at Roger as he told her to get on the floor and kneel for him.

A smile spread across her features as she heard those words and she nodded, slipping off his lap and settled to her knees between his spread thighs. She settled back on her heels and looked up towards him with an expectant look on her features.

"I've been waiting for that moment all day." Tammy murmured with a smile on her lips as he told her that he was going to unzip his pants.
Roger didn't just unzip his pants. Like cats' tails and rocking chairs, cocks and zippers were a combination that was bound to end badly. So he slid his pants down over his knees, allowing Tammy unfettered access.

"Show me what you feel, Tammy," he told her. "Do you want to submit to me? To give me pleasure?"

"Show me why you're on your knees."
Tammy was almost breathless as Roger pulled his pants to his knees and his hard cock was suddenly on display mere inches from her face. She glanced up into his eyes as he asked her to show him why she was on her knees.

"I don't have a lot of experience sucking a cock." She murmured quietly, knowing that he wouldn't take that for an answer. "But I'm sure you'll show me how."

She reached out, her fingers gently wrapping around him as she brought the head of his cock to her lips. She gently pressed her lips against the head, her tongue swiping across to get the first real taste of him. She hummed softly, a pleased sound in her throat as she liked what she found.
Roger hadn't really expected Tammy's confession of inexperience in that area; not when some girls started giving oral to guys long they allowed things to progress to actual intercourse. But the surprise didn't bother him.

He stopped Tammy long enough to explain about the sensitivity of the head, particularly the rim, and the pleasure she could give with her lips, tongue and fingers. He showed her how to stroke his shaft and told her how good the warm, moist softness of her mouth felt when she took him into it.

Then he settled back against the wooden chair as best he could, laid a hand on Tammy's head and told her to proceed.
Tammy licked her lips to wet them, listening to Roger's lesson about how to suck and stroke his cock. She wasn't incredibly confident with what she was about to do. That was what this moment was about though. She was there to learn.

She stroked his cock with her fingers, using the technique that she had seen Roger use just moment earlier. She then leaned forward and licked the head of his cock. She enjoyed his taste and soon she wrapped her lips around him, starting to take more and more of his length into her warm mouth.
Roger rested a hand on Tammy's head as she began to work. He didn't actually grab her hair, because it would have been easy to inadvertently pull it as things progressed, but he didn't have to. He knew that stroking the girl's hair and applying light downward pressure would serve to both encourage her and, at the same time, reinforce her feeling of submissiveness toward him.
Tammy whimpered as she sucked on his cock, her head bobbing along his length at a rhythm that seemed to be comfortable for the both of them. His hand was resting against the back of her head, applying pressure that made her feel like she was doing something well. She hoped that he was pleased. That was what all of this was about, right? It was about sharing pleasure and exploring a new and exciting world. She most certainly was happy with the choices that she had made so far.