Training Tammy

Tammy's eyes widened at the thought of what that woman was experiencing. Her one experience with sex had been rather lackluster, but that woman seemed to be enjoying the experience that she was going through. With another deep breath and a racing heart, Tammy prepared herself for the answer yet again.

"Yes, please."
Roger had never expected Tammy - little, mousy Tammy! - to respond the way she had.

He felt his heartbeat speeding up and his mouth going dry as both the excitement and the very real fear of the moment caught him: Tammy could probably end his career, if she wanted to.

But he was hoping that what she really wanted was to be taught, and not just taught but savored...

He stepped over to the door, then paused to explain. "I don't really have an illustration for this one," he told Tammy. "But picture the door to this office being locked."

He didn't lock the door, though. He waited to hear her response.
Tammy was surprised when Roger moved towards the door, confessing to her that the next part had no photo. He was giving her a choice to stop the little game they had going. She certainly didn't want that. Again, her fingers clenched against the wooden seat and she let out a long breath as he posed her the next part of the game.

"Yes, please." She answered simply, wondering if he would be so bold to do as he actually suggest.
The sound was quite distinct in the small room as the deadbolt shot home.

Given the importance of keeping his private and professional lives strictly separate, Roger certainly wasn't given to keeping BDSM paraphernalia in his office. But by happenstance he did have something seemingly innocuous in his desk drawer. In fact, he had more than one of it, but one would do for a start.

Taking out a length of wide ribbon, he went to stand on Tammy's right. Without speaking, he let her see the picture of the woman being bound again. When he followed that by gently moving her right hand forward so that her wrist was over the back of the chair, then draping the ribbon over it, the implication was pretty clear.

But he didn't bind Tammy's wrist. He waited for her response.
What was she doing? What was she thinking? Tammy's mind was spinning as the lock on the door was thrown and soon she was alone with Roger in a very compromising position. Her eyes followed him as he moved towards his desk and removed a length of ribbon, placing it on her wrist and then showing her the image of the woman being bound. She knew exactly what it meant.

"Yes, please." She said softly, giving him permission to continue. "But, Roger...what does all of this mean for...well, for us?"
Roger tied a double knot. It wasn't tight enough to be painful or impede Tammy's circulation: She probably could have worked it out fairly quickly if she'd wanted to.

"How old are you, Tammy?" he asked as he finished cinching up the ribbon that now secured her.
"Nineteen." She said softly, wondering if that was going to be the end of their game then and there. She was too young for him. That was the only thought spinning in her head as he tied the ribbon about her wrist.
"Nineteen," Roger repeated as he returned to his desk and got a second ribbon. "That's old enough to understand what I said before: A single date isn't a relationship. But it might be the start of one."

"Nineteen is also old enough to choose to try something even with the understanding that, although no harm is meant, no one can promise the future based only on one brief moment."

Her left wrist was against the chair now. He paused, waiting for the words.
Tammy took what he said, internalized it, let it sink into her mind for a long moment before she decided what to do next. What he said made sense. What he was doing...well, that was another matter. Still, she was old enough to know better and make her own choices in life.

"Yes, please." Was her only reply as she locked her green gaze onto his.
Tammy's hands were bound.

"There are a few common elements in D/s," he told the girl as he went back to his desk. "One, as you know, is restraint: Submissives are often restrained, both to give them a sense of helplessness and, although it might sound like the same thing at first, to reinforce the idea that the Dominant is in control."

He stepped behind Tammy, holding in his hands a third length of ribbon. "Another element is sensory deprivation, which can certainly add to the sub's sense of helplessness, but also, by taking the emphasis off one sense, like sight, and switching the sub's attention to other senses, can bring a different and often quite intense sensuality to the experience."

Roger's phrasing was deliberately like a classroom lecture, but there was a softness to his voice that didn't match his academic phrasing. Nor did his actions much resemble typical classroom behavior as he slipped the ribbon over Tammy's eyes, drawing the ends back behind her head but not yet tying a knot.
Tammy couldn't help but pull at her restraints a little, testing the thin strips that kept her bound in her position over the chair. She nibbled on her lower lip, her nerves lessening slightly as she listened to Roger's even, explanatory tone. He took his time, his voice a little softer then normal as he showed her another length of ribbon and then moved behind her.

She had read about sensory deprivation. Not in a scholarly way, but in those trashy romance novels that she sometimes read to pass the time. Again, she nibbled on her lower lip at the thought of experiencing just what he was suggesting.

She didn't have to wait long as the ribbon was slipped over her eyes and held loosely. She trembled visibly, not in fear but with excitement. A short little gasp left her lips as she could feel the heat of his body behind her, the tension with which he held the ribbon, almost the expectation of her next words.

"Yes, please."
Tammy was blindfolded.

Roger remained behind her, standing close enough that he brushed against the girl at times.

Her sundress was sleeveless and actually showed a fair amount of her back, though few people would have called it immodest. Roger had broad hands that looked more suited to tradesman's work than handling pens and books, and he used them now to good effect as he started to massage Tammy, beginning with the nape of her neck, then continuing with her shoulders and her upper back, letting his fingers slide beneath the straps of her dress as though their was nothing in the way of his attentions.

He finally paused when he reached the point where the body of her dress began. A zipper ran down the middle until it reached her waist.

He began speaking again as he took the pull between thumb and forefinger. "Another element in D/s is exposure. Submissivess are often more or less exposed, depending on their limits, or on the will or whim of the Dominant. It can be a very powerful reinforcement of a submissive's feelings of helplessness; of their feeling that control is out of their hands."
The long, slow exhale of breath that she released was the first sign that she was starting to get comfortable. His hands were warm, larger than she would have imagined, and certainly knew their way around. She let out a little moan, mostly stifled as his fingers rubbed at the nape of her neck, then to her shoulders, and then to her back. It was one of the most erotic things she'd ever felt in her life.

Then his fingers tugged on her zipper, gaining her attention yet again as he talked about exposure. He wanted to pull the zipper to undress her to the rest of the room. Her heart was racing, pounding so loudly in her head that she feared she wouldn't be able to hear his voice any longer. She wasn't sure what she was afraid of. It wasn't like anyone could actually see into the room at that moment. The idea was certainly titillating though.

"Yes, please." She forced out in a rush of air, her voice a whisper and trembling.
Roger unzipped Tammy.

He took his time, watching as the fastening of her strapless bra and then the small of her back were revealed in turn. When she was undone, his hands went to her shoulders and moved the straps of her dress off them, letting them fall as far down her outstretched arms as they easily could. Tammy stood bent forward and blindfolded, her dress hanging down from her arms so that she was essentially wearing nothing but her bra above the waist.

Roger then knelt behind her, touching her feet so that she'd understand that she was to lift each one in turn so that he could remove her shoes.
Tammy shifted restlessly as she felt the zipper on her dress pulled downward, Roger's hands soon pushing her dress further off her body. She felt the cool office air wrapping around her naked skin, her heart racing a little bit faster.

She felt Roger kneeling, his fingers touching her feet. She instantly lifted one, a sandal slipping from her foot before the same treatment was given to the other one. She'd felt so captive yet free at the same time before.
Tammy was barefoot.

Roger put her sandals aside and began caressing her ankles and calves, slowly moving his hands upward to knees, then thighs; slipping under her dress; caressing and massaging as he went.

He kept the massage pretty legitimate, kneading firmly and working the muscles of her thighs.

When he reached the top of her panties, he hooked two fingers of each hand into the waistband.

"Another picture," he said softly. "Did you know that models seldom wear underwear during shoots? It spoils the lines of their garments."
The moment that Roger's hands traveled up her legs, she knew that they had crossed some imaginary line. This wasn't really a teacher relationship any longer. They were in unfamiliar territory and Tammy couldn't help the intense arousal that she felt. She blew out a breath, gasping as his fingers massaged their way beneath the skirt of her dress, tangling in the elastic of her cotton panties.

"Yes, please." She murmured without thinking, gasping as the very meaning of his words filtered through to her. He was going to pull her panties off. They were about to take another step. It was all so overwhelming...
Tammy's panties were falling.

Once the waistband slid over her hips, past the curve of her bottom, there was nothing to hold them up.

They fell past her thighs, her knees, them landed around her feet with the softest of sounds. As with her sandals, Roger touched Tammy's feet gently, to prompt her to lift each in turn.
Tammy did just as asked and lifted one foot and then the other until her panties were removed completely. She was standing there in his office, tied to a chair, half naked with her professor. What in the world was she doing?!

"Roger?" She asked softly, turning her blindfolded eyes towards where she assumed he was standing.
Roger reached to touch Tammy's cheek, giving it a gentle caress, then tilting her head slightly upward, although she couldn't meet his gaze because of the blindfold.

"Are you afraid, Tammy?" he asked softly. "Nothing 's happening against your will here."

"There's another picture, if you prefer... Your hands could be untied, your blindfold removed."

"You could simply walk out the door and forget all this.."
Tammy visibly relaxed as Roger touched her cheek. "I'm afraid, yes...but I don't want to stop. I can't really explain it." She murmured softly.

She took a moment to gather her wits about her before she let out a long, slow exhale. "I want to continue."
"Good, Tammy," Roger answered her, mentally breathing a sigh of relief for his career as well as his desire for the girl.

"Now, I want you to sit down on the chair."

He knew that, despite the awkwardness of having her hands tied to the back of it, Tammy could easily get her body close enough to the chair to sit on it by bending her elbows. And, of course, by spreading her legs apart. Fortunately it was a pleasant late spring day and the temperature was comfortable. The wood of the chair wouldn't be cold against Tammy's bare thighs and bottom.
Tammy thought about his request for her to sit. She clenched her fingers around the chair for a moment as she gathered up her courage to take the few steps forward and sit down. She moved slowly, bending her elbows and spreading her legs. Her skirt rose up her pale thighs, exposing more skin as she sat down.

"Like this?" She asked softly, her thighs trembling as the cool wood made contact with her bare flesh.
Roger watched Tammy sit, the hem of her dress catching under her body in a couple places because she couldn't adjust it with her hands. After she settled herself, he pulled the fabric free where it was caught, smoothing the dress out to its full length, although it didn't fall as low on her as when she been standing.

He stood looking down at the teen, taking in the whole picture; her bound wrists, her blindfolded eyes, her dress unzipped and the straps allowed to fall off her shoulders so that only the crooks of her elbows prevented them from falling farther; effectively baring her from her head to the small of her back, except for the strapless bra.

She was actually more covered than if she'd been wearing a bikini at the beach, but she probably felt much less decent there in the privacy of Roger's office than out in public in a swimsuit. Good girls, after all, didn't let men see them in their bras. Good girls didn't not wear panties.

Good girls didn't get tied to chairs.

He stepped behind Tammy, putting his hands on her shoulders and beginning to rub them. As with her thighs, he took his time with the massage, gradually working his way down her back, pressing and kneading firmly but not hard enough to hurt. Tammy's body felt warm and he knew that, behind her blindfold, she would be very conscious of her undone dress, her bare skin, her open legs.

When he got to just above her waist he stopped, his hands partly inside her open dress. He leaned over her to speak low. "Tammy," he told her, "I want you to move a certain way, and I'm going to help you."

"I want you to move your body back and forth in the chair: Use your hips and thighs. I'll help you."

His strong hands began to show Tammy how to move, helping her to rock, or glide, back and forth, pressing downward against the smooth wood; teaching her the pleasures of friction and warmth between her thighs as Roger gradually increased the pace.
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Tammy could hear Roger moving. It was true that when sight was taken away, other sensations took over. She could feel the rustling of his pants as he moved closer and she still jumped as his hands settled on her shoulders. He carefully massaged her skin, making her relax as his hands worked their way down the column of her back.

She was very aware of how exposed she was. Feeling the touch of his fingers on her lower back, she trembled. How had she gotten into this position, she asked herself as his fingers dipped beneath the fabric of her dress and started to rock her backwards and forwards.

He helped her to move, pressing her down until her lower lips started to glide across the wooden surface. She let out a whimper, her brow wrinkling as she followed his lead and started to rock against the chair. It was lewd, it was exciting, and Tammy couldn't help the little moan of need that escaped her throat.