Train Sex - Anyone Done?


Oct 20, 2022
Long journey on a train today which gets the mind wondering.
I never have but as anyone had sex, done something sexual on a train?
Often imagine someone next to me reaching over and secertly wanking me under the table.
Also like looking at people, wondering if they away to meet a lover or away home after being with a lover.
Myself and ex wife had some fun many years ago on an intercity train.

We were sitting at seats facing each other with a table. The carriage was empty. As it was a long journey we had our shoes off. I slid my foot up between her legs and rubbed her clit with my big toe. She got very wet and orgasmed very quickly.
Myself and ex wife had some fun many years ago on an intercity train.

We were sitting at seats facing each other with a table. The carriage was empty. As it was a long journey we had our shoes off. I slid my foot up between her legs and rubbed her clit with my big toe. She got very wet and orgasmed very quickly.
Like the thought of that.
I had a co worker fling once, she changed her schedule to ride the train with me. Once we were basically alone and I put a jacket over my lap, she played with me over my pants. Once I was hard, to her shock I pulled it out, she gave it a few tugs then took it in her mouth. After about 15 seconds she got nervous and stopped and told me to put it away…
Before we were married, wife and I on the TGV from Lyon to Paris. A bit tipsy, a lot horny, in the bathroom. A bit more room than an airplane, but not much, and someone knocking on the door.

We both came like lightning, and when I left I told the gentleman outside it'd be best if he found another, that she was going to need a few more minutes.
saw (well, heard as it was dark) a newly married Indian couple doing it on the upper berth in an Indian train. It was unreal!
Long journey on a train today which gets the mind wondering.
I never have but as anyone had sex, done something sexual on a train?
Often imagine someone next to me reaching over and secertly wanking me under the table.
Also like looking at people, wondering if they away to meet a lover or away home after being with a lover.
Yes, had sex on a train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok in a sleeper berth (upper) with only curtains separating us from the rest of the car. It was HOT
Sex, no. But once when I was in college taking the L into the city, a guy flashed me a couple times. When I wasn't grossed out (just the opposite), he played a little bit for me. Thank God this was before smart phones were everywhere or I would have wound up on Porn Hub for sure. lol
Yes. A few years ago now. On the overnight train from Barcelona to Paris. I got talking to a young woman. She suggested that we retire to the top bunk. It made sense. We didn't want anyone disturbing us while she was still 'in the saddle', so to speak. :)
Bangkok to Chiang Mai sleeper train. She fucked me and came on my cock, then sucked my cock till I came. We were in her bed behind a curtain. It was risky---and therefore also exciting---as such activity in public is very much frowned upon by the law in Thailand.
i bet it was the bottom bunk [which isn't a euphemism] :D the top one woulds been more difficult, and the a/c can be savage up there.

oh, and the train left on time but got in late, right? :D
A very long time ago, my boyfriend (later to be husband) and I were living in different countries for more than a year. We only saw each other every couple of months. I remember one time, I had picked him up at the airport and we were going back to the city by train - sitting in the aisle seats close to the doors. That part of the train was empty, and we hadn't seen each other for a very long time... we started kissing and got a little carried away :giggle: I think I was stroking him a bit through his trousers and his hand was definitely under my shirt when the train conductor suddenly coughed loudly and asked to see our tickets :ROFLMAO: After that, we tried (and mostly managed) to keep off each other until we got home :)
Amtrak; on the train from Washington DC to New Orleans we had a compartment.

The thin walls definitely made it a bit sexier.
Yes, we were on a late train, a few people in the car but no one really seemed to be paying attention. After a few minutes of stroking him, I climbed up and straddled him. When I looked up there was a man standing and watching, he had taken it out and was jerking himself as he stared at me riding my partner. Definitely a fun train ride in Italy!
I traveled from StLouis to Chicago for work regularly on Amtrak. Got the small cabin with two seats facing each other on the weeks my wife joined me. I frequently got a nice blowjob when we stopped at a station and were in front of traffic at the crossing. She got so horny sucking my dick in front of stopped cars.

When that project ended we took several long distance trains across the country in the larger cabins. I looked forward to every stop. We quickly progressed to fucking in the station shops after the first few towns. It was extra special at night when we had the cabin lights turned on and I had her pressed against the window for everyone outside to watch.

All the sudden, I’m thinking it’s time for another week of train travel! The vibration and swaying give added sensations that even the vibrating beds in cheap motels can’t match.

And yes, we are both members of the mile-high club. Easy to join that in first class on cross-country red eye flights.