too many changes


Daddi's Princess
Dec 15, 2004
I have been seriously considering getting rid of all my Lit handles, past and present. There are things I would prefer not to know about the actions of my partner on Lit, and there have been far too many changes here that I would prefer to leave in the dust. Besides, anyone I have any desire to remain in contact with, I already do so outside of Lit. I know virtually no one here anymore, and would really rather not continue with this place. If anyone has any reason to the contrary, speak now or forever hold your peace.
I have been seriously considering getting rid of all my Lit handles, past and present. There are things I would prefer not to know about the actions of my partner on Lit, and there have been far too many changes here that I would prefer to leave in the dust. Besides, anyone I have any desire to remain in contact with, I already do so outside of Lit. I know virtually no one here anymore, and would really rather not continue with this place. If anyone has any reason to the contrary, speak now or forever hold your peace.

How many lit handles do you have?
I have been seriously considering getting rid of all my Lit handles, past and present. There are things I would prefer not to know about the actions of my partner on Lit, and there have been far too many changes here that I would prefer to leave in the dust. Besides, anyone I have any desire to remain in contact with, I already do so outside of Lit. I know virtually no one here any more, and would really rather not continue with this place. If anyone has any reason to the contrary, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Yes, you could, I suppose clean up a bit and straighten out onto one 'handle'.
But that is not reason, I feel, to just drop off the planet, as it were.
As an experienced contributor, I urge you to stay. Your knowledge should be passed on to those who need it.

Join us in the Naked Lounge, where you will usually find a smile and a bit of a giggle.
It's been years since I've used any handle but this one, HP. I'll check out the naked lounge, but no promises.
I have been seriously considering getting rid of all my Lit handles, past and present. There are things I would prefer not to know about the actions of my partner on Lit, and there have been far too many changes here that I would prefer to leave in the dust. Besides, anyone I have any desire to remain in contact with, I already do so outside of Lit. I know virtually no one here anymore, and would really rather not continue with this place. If anyone has any reason to the contrary, speak now or forever hold your peace.

My view of such things is pretty much always the simplest. If you think you want to leave, then just stop logging in. If there's a chance you might want to visit now and then, and post or PM people, then keep the handle(s) around but stop logging in as often. And, if you're not sure, but would rather limit the interaction between yourself(selves) and Lit, then purge posts and writings and only maintain the handle(s) you need as an alternate method of reaching those people you want to keep up with.

Oh, and if there are people you might want to reach beyond Lit, don't forget to PM them with an email or FB name or some such, so you don't lose touch.

I have been seriously considering getting rid of all my Lit handles, past and present. There are things I would prefer not to know about the actions of my partner on Lit, and there have been far too many changes here that I would prefer to leave in the dust. Besides, anyone I have any desire to remain in contact with, I already do so outside of Lit. I know virtually no one here anymore, and would really rather not continue with this place. If anyone has any reason to the contrary, speak now or forever hold your peace.

I think the only one who can make this decision, no matter anyone else's reasons, is you. Remec said it pretty well.
Remec's recommendation it's pretty much what I've been doing, rarely logging in, but the urge to leave totally is tough to fight.
Gawd! She's finally leaving...


bye ... bye...

please don't slam the door on your way out...
That's two you can put on ignore and increase your pleasure by ten fold.

Long time no see young lady. :rose::kiss:
This isn't a very good recommendation for you to stay...

You managed to attract all of the trash.

I don't know you very well, but there are reasons to stay.

I don't post on AH nearly as much as I used to. I stay away from it longer, and have stopped bickering with LC, Pilot, Scouries, JBJ... Things are better because of it.

Stay if you want, leave if you want...

Or just haunt the place, like a vengeful ghost. :rose:
oh no! the weird gay guy from minnesota is back...

...lose one even as another reappears...
Poor scouries. He can't get attention with his fake crap any longer so now he has to get on the real threads and show his ass.
There are things I would prefer not to know about the actions of my partner on Lit...

Sounds like a good basis for a story. Posting a story on Lit about actions on Lit... that would almost justify it's own category: Recursive Stories.
Sounds like a good basis for a story. Posting a story on Lit about actions on Lit... that would almost justify it's own category: Recursive Stories.

Although not necessarily anything anyone else on Lit. should be dragged into. Not that there's any reason to drag others into the drama of maybe leaving either. Most who publicly play the "it's not the same; I may leave" card primarily want attention.