Too Close For Comfort (Closed for ilikeitlikethat18)


Dream Eater
Oct 10, 2005
Kyle and Kasi had always had a love-hate sort of relationship. Growing up, Kyle had always felt like he had to protect her, whether it was from boys or their abusive father. She felt like he was being overprotective, coddling her and not letting her be an individual. He learned to be more considerate and she learned to be less dramatic about it. Over time, he developed a sort of crush on her. She represented all the things he thought he wanted in a woman. Being so close to her meant he knew all the details, some she didn't think he had any way of knowing. He wasn't sure how she felt about him, but he felt weird about it and told no one. As they both matured, it only got worse.

There was a time one summer where he nearly outed himself. One day in the middle of July, she had decided to take a swim while he mowed the backyard. So busy staring at her he was that their mother's newly planted rose and tulip garden almost met the spinning doom of the mower. When she asked him later what it was all about, he told her he'd just gotten sweat in his eyes. That night he dreamt of her in her bikini, breaking the surface of the water, droplets clinging to her figure...He woke to a massive erection, hurriedly trying to make it disappear before he went down to breakfast.

When the time came for college, they both couldn't wait to get out. Both were accepted to the same university and luckily got scholarships that would cover most all of their expenses. The dorms were coed, but separated by floors. Going to the same school wasn't something new for them, but the wide-open environment and the overarching themes of experimentation and exploration were going to have quite the effect on both of them.


"You got everything son?"

Kyle almost ignored his father, but decided not to cause a scene at orientation/move-in day.

"Yeah, I have all my stuff. I sure hope mom isn't going nuts on know how she is about this stuff..."

Kyle's thoughts turned to his sister as he brought box after box into his new dorm room. His roommate was a loner too, and it looked like they had already made a silent treatise to keep each others things separate. She was living on the floor above him, almost directly above his room. It wasn't something he gave a lot of thought to at first, but the fact that they were so close meant he could keep tabs on her easier.

It took about a half hour to get all of his stuff situated. Kyle's dad looked around at the half-mess that was his son's personal belongings.

"All set son?"


"Alright, well you know you can all if you need anything."

"Yeah, I know."

Kyle watched his father's retreating form from his desk chair as the door shut and reached for his phone, sending Kasi a quick text.

Hey, mom's not bugging out on you, is she? Dad's done down here and he'll probably be up to collect her soon. Like your roommate? Or have you met yet? Mine seems pretty cool.
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Kasi had never truly felt like she and her brother were friends. Sure, he had that whole typical protective older brother thing going on and sure they had their moments, but she never really felt like he liked her much. They didn’t confide in each other, but instead mostly avoided each other. Really, Kyle avoided her more than anything. She heard many a rumor about him in school, including various things he supposedly said about his bratty little bitch sister. She tried not to take rumors to heart, especially the ones about all the girls he was dating or banging. Kyle rarely brought girls home so she wondered how that could be true. Either way, Kyle’s protective behavior kept her from having much of her own relationships, sexual or otherwise.

Sometimes Kasi appreciated the protectiveness, at least when it came to their father, who often verbally abused them (mostly her), to the point of crying herself to sleep. And Kasi was NOT a crier. She knew it wasn’t modest to think so, but she knew that she was a pretty cool chick. She prided herself on not being overly emotional, clingy, bitchy, or high-maintenance. She was sweet, caring, and intelligent. On top of that, she liked video games and sports, which made her a popular girl in the popular crowd of guys. That made Kyle really mad.

Kasi had been hoping that the two would go to separate colleges so she could finally be free of his protective nature and maybe even go wild for a little! But alas, they not only had been given scholarships to the same college, but were put into the same co-ed dorm. She could only imagine how much privacy that would give her their first year in college. He was nineteen and she was eighteen, so you would think they wouldn’t be freshman together, but he had decided (against his parents’ wishes) to take a year off before heading off to college when Kasi had graduated. Now they were moving in and all she wanted to do was get AWAY from him. Being a floor up from her older brother just made her frustration worse.


“Oh sweetie, I’m going to miss you so much!” Kasi’s mom cooed as she hugged her tightly, all of Kasi’s stuff in her shared room and put away neatly. She was sure her brother’s room was a mess. But Kasi’s mom wouldn’t think of leaving before her room was organized. Her roommate was moving in too and they hit it off immediately. Not in that cliché, fake sort of way either. She seemed like a genuinely cool girl and Kasi was looking forward to getting to know her better.

As she and her mom headed outside of the building to say goodbye to her dad, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She opened the new text and rolled her eyes, answering quickly.

“Long text much? Mom’s not been a pain, she actually helped me get organized. We’re headed down now to say bye to him. My roommate is a sweetie, I’m sure we’ll be besties ;) What’s yours like?” She sent it off, knowing as soon as she returned to her room, Kyle would probably be pressing to come see her.

She hugged her dad goodbye quickly, not sharing any sappy words, before heading back up the stairs of her dorm building. She entered her room again, smoothing her flowery summer dress down over her thighs.
=P He's one of those sort of goth shirts and jeans but he's not angsty. A sweetheart eh? Interesting...

Let me know when you're back inside.

Kyle stuffed his phone into his pocket and got up, walking over to the single window the dorm room had. The view was of the parking lot. He could swear he saw Kasi and his parents as they turned to leave. Kasi was in one of her summer dresses, floral patterned and flowing.

Yes, it was her. He watched as she made her way back inside, a light breeze teasing the hem of her dress up slightly. His mouth got dry instantly and once she was out of view, he had go sit down.

"You ok dude?"

"Yeah...I just, yeah. I'm fine."

It was confusing. She was attractive, but should he feel that way about her? Like he would run his hands up her thighs, push her dress up and....

Damnit! I have to stop She's my sister. Even if she my hot sister....

These kind of thoughts were the regular for Kyle. The inner turmoil made him a basket case sometimes. His roommate stared at him for a while before going back to reading his orientation pamphlet.

Kyle's mind finally calmed down, but he kept checking his phone. Kasi liked to make him wait forever before she replied to his texts, just because she knew how much it bothered him.
As Kasi slowly ascended the stairs to the dorm, she re-read Kyle's text. A goth guy? That was going to be interesting for him. She wondered if the two would get along. She sure hoped so. The more he liked his roommate and new friends he made, the less he would bother her. The last thing she needed was him busting in on her trying to get some! She giggled at the thought, stuffing her phone back into the pocket of her purse unanswered.

"Hey, did you see that hot, tall guy with the black shirt?" a girl asked her as she entered her floor of the building. "One floor up?" Of course the girl would be talking about her fucking brother. Of course. But hey, maybe this would be good.

"Yeah, his name is Kyle! You should go talk to him." she said with a smile, before heading to her room to organize some more and avoid her brother. She lay back on her bed, closing her eyes, thinking about how one time she had walked by his room and had seen the door open a crack. He had been lying on his bed, shirtless and boxer briefs pulled down to his thighs, cock in his hand. The way it had made her feel physically questioned her sanity. Her nipples had pebbled and her panties had dampened... and she may or may not have flashed on the sight later that evening as she touched herself. He never knew that she had seen him and she planned to keep it that way.

Kasi knew she didn't have feelings like that for her brother. It was natural right?! And why the fuck was she thinking about it now?

Her eyes flew open and she texted him back, "You should have a girl in your room right now - who cares if I'm back inside? Silly."
"You should have a girl in your room right now - who cares if I'm back inside? Silly."

He read the text and smiled. She always seemed to think he was some sort of player. Granted, he had fucked his fair share of girls. He didn't think of himself as a ladies' man, but they did tend to favor him. Something about the look in his eyes was magnetic. He'd learned early on to use that to his advantage.

Ok, so maybe he was a ladies' man. His fingers flew over the touchscreen of his phone as he responded.

I figure I should wait til after that orientation meeting and dinner before I try to get laid... LOL. Anyway, I wanna meet this sweetheart of a roommate you have...maybe that's who I'll try to get with. ;)

As the message was sending, he was out the door, waving to his roommate and heading for the stairs. On the way, several girls smiled at him, one even stopping him to slip a piece of paper into his hand with a wink. Very cliche, but he still grinned and tucked it into his pocket.

The stairs were crowded with people coming and going, parents leaving their kids to the wide open world of college dorm life, kids venturing out to find their place in the craziness. Kyle looked at those passing by and thought to himself

Yeah, this is going to be a great year.
She had only texted him saying what she had said because she’d been angry in the moment. She was angry at herself for bringing back memories of an inappropriate moment and angry at herself for having inappropriate thoughts about Kyle. She knew that her brother had sex with a lot of girls and sometimes it made her feel strange. Was it the normal reaction for brothers and sisters to feel uncomfortable with their sibling’s sex lives? She had no idea but she sure knew it weirded her out.

Her phone buzzed and she read over the text quickly, eyes narrowing. He was just trying to get under her skin! And it was working! She jabbed the keys as she replied quickly.

“Sicko! As if any girl is going to fuck you before orientation! And certainly not my roommate. She’s too nice for you. Pervert … Maybe I’LL get with your roommate!”

She clicked send and got up out of bed, straightening up a little more before her brother arrived.

She watched people heading around the hallway through the open door, one guy especially catching her attention with his height and great smile.
He read her text just as he got to her door. She'd get with his roommate? That'd be the day. He wasn't even her type. She liked guys like....well, if he was honest, they were a lot like him. Yet another troubling thought to be having, but nothing that could be done about it now. He knocked once then just came in. Leaving the door open wasn't uncommon, but it did leave an invitation for strangers to wander in.

"Hey there Kasi, hello Kasi's roommate."

He smiled at her roommate and leaned against the desk that had to be Kasi's. All of her stuff was there in pristine order.

"I'm Kyle. She's my bratty little sister."

He smirked, eyes flicking over to Kasi as he made his comment. He knew how much she disliked him calling her a brat. It was true though; she had moments of true brattiness, bordering on bitchiness. Or maybe it was his way of keeping his distance. If she was a brat, it was easier to not think of her in that way. Except that one time, where all he'd been able to think of was showing her how a brat got taken care of...

He shook a bit, playing it off as a cold chill before pushing off the desk.

"Ok, I'm just here for my share of the cash I know mom had to have given you on the sly. Dad's too much of a penny-pincher."

He held his hand out, waiting.
As Kyle entered the room, or sauntered in, as she liked to put it, she watched her new roommate perk up even before he had greeted her. This wasn't unusual for him, with the way girls seemed to fall all over themselves for him, but it never failed to amuse Kasi.

Her grin faded, however, as he followed up his introduction with calling her bratty. He knew how much she despised that and seemed to do it as often as possible. Kasi was actually a sweet girl, and as far as sibling relationships went, she was quite bearable. She could never quite understand why he seemed to think she was such a goddamned bitch.

Kasi shrugged and grinned as he held his hand out for money. She grabbed his hand in hers and brought it to her mouth, nipping his fingertips before he could stop her and giggling at his response. "That's what mom gave me. Zilch."

She scooted back on her bed in an attempt to escape her brother's attack. Luckily, her roommate had stopped staring and was minding her own business at this point and Kasi made an attempt to cross her legs and cover herself as much as possible. The last thing she needed was Kyle catching an eyeful of ass.
Kasi's roomie was a cutie. Long legs and blonde hair. Definitely a dancer or something. His eyes came back to his sister as she bit the tips of his fingers. That was...unexpected. From stories he'd heard, she was a biter, but that wasn't exactly one of the situations that'd been mentioned.

The shock of it took a second before he could find words.

"Well, damn. I guess we really are on our own. Lucky for me I've still got some of my secret stash of cash saved up."

He pulled out his phone and checked the time; about fifteen minutes until the meeting. It was supposed to be in the main lecture hall on the other side of campus from their dorm building. A perfect excuse to stick around and pester Kasi some more.

"That meeting's supposed to be soon. Wanna head over now? We can swing by and grab my roomie too, so no one feels like a third wheel..."

Kyle grinned at Kasi and her roommate, giving his sister an extra glance. He was still trying to figure out that whole finger-nibbling thing.

A quick text was shot to his roommate so he knew to be ready to leave. The exit doors were conveniently on the opposite end, so they had to pass by Kyle's room to get out of the building.
Kasi hated the way that Kyle was checking out her roommate so openly. And she hated herself even more in that moment for noticing and for being so upset over it. Why the fuck should she care if her brother thought yet another girl was hot? It wasn’t anything new and it certainly wasn’t going to change any time soon.

But the way Kyle looked at her after he had pulled his fingers from her mouth perplexed her even more. It wasn’t a look of annoyance or disgust as she expected; she couldn’t quite place it, but it was certainly more of a confused look than anything. Kasi felt like it was pretty obvious: if he was going to call her a brat, she might as well act like it once in a while.

“Secret cash?!” she questioned, but he just smiled in response. Whatever it was, she hoped that he would share some with her! Their mom really hadn’t given her anything, though she had hinted that something might be coming in the mail at some point. But when it came to their parents, they weren’t exactly the most predictable.

“Fine.” She said coolly, grabbing the arm of her new roommate, glad that the two were friends. Most girls wouldn’t hook up with the brother of a friend or roommate. “Why don’t you just meet us outside. Grab your roommate and we’ll be right outside.” The two girls scooted out the door before he could reply and waited at the front door of the building for Kyle and his roommate. Once the four were together, Kasi and Helen introduced themselves to his roommate and the foursome headed towards the building Orientation was supposed to take place.
"Yeah, sure."

Kyle was slightly off-put by Kasi's easy deflection. Separation meant she was avoiding something. Even so, he decided it could wait to figure out and headed back to his room. Gabriel, his roommate, was already waiting outside the door. It was a short walk to the main lobby and outside, where Kasi and her roommate were waiting.

Helen, eh? That's quite a pretty she's a nympho. The sweet act has to be a lure to guys...or maybe...maybe she's a virgin! Even better!

Kyle hadn't been with a virgin for a while. They were either really fun or really boring; it was hard to tell which they'd be beforehand.

As they neared the building that housed the main lecture hall, Kyle found himself checking Helen out, but not nearly as much as he was checking out Kasi. The summer dress was flowing in the light breeze, offering a couple of peeks at her toned legs. Gabriel was doing the same, eyes switching from Helen to Kasi and back again.

Kyle felt a bit of that male competitive nature coming out. Surprising from his roommate, who he figured wasn't the girl-chasing type. But whatever, it was normal right? Well, except for the part where Kasi was his sister and he was still checking her out.

Thankfully, they made it to the hall, filled with bustling freshmen and a few upperclassmen showing people where to sit. The quartet was ushered into a row, Gabriel and Helen sitting between Kyle and Kasi.

Kyle glanced over at his sister, smirking. It was like fate was keeping her just out of reach. But of what? He had to question himself on that one...

Just as he started trying to figure it out, the orientation leader took the podium, leaping right into the intro for the new students. All the stuff the guy was rambling about made no sense, but Kyle's mind was drifting elsewhere anyway.
It didn’t slip past Kasi the way that both her brother and Gabriel, his roommate, were checking out Helen. Somehow she didn’t notice her brother checking her out. Maybe it was the way he flitted his eyes to Helen every single time she looked to the side or behind her. Or maybe it was just that the thought would never register in her mind that Kyle would be attracted to her like that. She didn’t even think he liked her that much, especially not with the way he called her a brat all the time. As for Gabriel, he looked so introverted, she was surprised to see him checking out any girl, much less the plastic looking girl that was her surprisingly sweet roommate.

The way they were seated left Kasi sitting between the insanely hot freshman from earlier and Helen, with Gabriel and Kyle next to them on the other side. The hot freshman introduced himself to her quietly and she learned his name was Jeremy. She briefly wondered if she’d have a chance to be moaning his name later, chuckling at how a guy would have probably used that very pick-up line on her! But she didn’t care. She wanted to explore her sexuality in college, now that she was away from her parents and hopefully getting away from Kyle as much as possible. So hey, why not start that exploration with this hottie who was already putting the moves on her.

But their conversation was cut short as the intro started for the freshman and her eyes flitted down as Jeremy’s hand slid over her thigh. They both stared at his hand, and she shivered slightly at the way his large hand completely wrapped around the top of her toned thigh. She bit her lower lip, imagining his hands on the bottom sides of her thighs, pushing them against her body as he fucked her. God, she needed to finally have sex. She couldn’t believe the confidence this guy had! He couldn’t seriously be eighteen?!

He seemed to notice the way she was staring at him in confusion and leaned into her, “I knew you were a freshman, so I snuck into Orientation.” He grinned. “I’m a junior. Now stop staring and shhh, listen. This is important stuff.” He tilted her head gently towards the front of the room with his free hand, the hand on her thigh tightening and creeping upwards just slightly.

Kasi let her eyes drift momentarily to Kyle, hoping he hadn’t noticed, as she listened attentively.
The whole time the presenter was talking, Kyle kept glancing over. First at Helen, then at Kasi. Helen seemed entirely engrossed in what the man was saying, but Kasi seemed distracted. Years of watching her made him aware of this subtle thing, but he couldn't figure out what. Maybe the guy next to her kept making funny comments. He shrugged and went back to trying to pay attention. The guy droned on and on but finally wrapped his talk up.

"This year is full of opportunity. Glorious chances to grow as people and as students. To learn new things and meet new people. So don't be shy. Get out there and take this first year of the rest of your lives by storm!"

Wow. Such a cheesy, overused closing speech. But the kids in the hall clapped and stood up, eager to get back to their dorms and the rest of their settling in, unpacking and mingling.

Kyle's eyes went to the hem of Kasi's dress as they rose to leave, darting to Helen's midriff, briefly exposed as she stretched. Definitely a dancer.

The guy sitting next to Kasi seemed awfully friendly. Kyle's eyes narrowed for a moment. He looked like a total jock sleazeball. Typical, but then there were always plenty of them to go around. The flow of people exiting the lecture hall took his attention away from both his sister and her roommate. Gabriel was saying something about a party he'd heard about.

"I didn't figure you for the party scene, Gabe."

"Yeah, well I'm full of surprises, man."

"Well that's cool. Where's it supposed to be?"

"Upperclassmen dorm building, fourth floor. Didn't catch a room number, but I bet it's pretty obvious."


They were nearing their dorm; Kyle tossed a glance over his shoulder. He caught Helen's eyes and she smiled, cheeks turning a little red. His vision gave him a quick view of Kasi, still talking with the guy from the orientation meeting. He did his best to ignore it, smiling back at Helen.

Once they got to the door, he invited Helen to the party, loudly enough that Kasi could hear, even if she was making eyes at that other guy.

God, was he jealous? Is that what he was feeling right now?

Yep. Definitely jealous. But why? Man...I need to get my head screwed on straight.

He leaned against the wall beside the main doors while he waited on Helen to decide. She seemed to want Kasi's approval before going, or at least to have someone to go with. Kyle smirked a bit. They must have really hit it off.
The speech was as cheesy as Kasi had predicted, and apparently Jeremy had heard it more than once, because he mimicked the Dean silently, his fingers stroking gentle circles on her thigh. His lips found her ear as the speech came to a close, whispering in response, “I’m all for this meeting new people and not being shy thing.”

“I can tell.” She whispered back, without looking at him. And with that, everyone in the room was getting out of their seats, some clapping and others just running out as quickly as they could. Kasi almost laughed at the eagerness of the Freshman. She was just fine with taking her time, especially with the way that Jeremy loosely wrapped his arm around her hips, leading her out behind Helen and the other guys. He seemed to perk up when he heard Gabriel and Kyle talking, but Kasi couldn’t hear what about.

Minutes later, as they exited the building, she heard her brother inviting her new roommate to some party. Not wanting to be excluded, Jeremy looked down at her and shrugged. “Wanna go?” he asked, squeezing her hip. She nodded, and smiled at the way Helen looked to her for approval. She took her hand and pulled her close, whispering something in her ear.

Helen smiled at Kyle, pulling away from Kasi and Jeremy, “Kasi and are I going to get ready. We’ll meet you guys at the party later.” Grabbing Kasi’s hand, she left Jeremy alone with Gabriel and Kyle, the two girls giggling as they left.

Once in their room, the two locked the door and began to undress. Though not staring right at one another, it was obvious they were not uncomfortable being nearly naked in the same room, despite having met the same day. Maybe it was a girl thing. Or maybe the two just got along. And that had to be why it made Kasi so mad that her brother was trying to hit on her, right? Of course.

“Your brother is a flirt.” Helen said, as she stripped out of her panties and bra, donning an even sexier set. Kasi shrugged, turning her back to Helen to hide her annoyed facial expression.

“He flirts with every girl he can find. Take it with a grain of salt.” She said as honestly as possible. It was true, but she really didn’t want her roommate getting involved with her brother, either.

“There are plenty of guys around.” Helen said with a grin, pulling her dress over her head and heading to the small bathroom to do her hair and makeup. “Like I bet the guy you were sitting with has some hot friends.”

“I bet he does.” Kasi said with a sly smile, sliding a tight skirt up her legs as she thought of all the ways she hoped Jeremy would be touching her later.
Kasi whispered something to Helen before they took off to go get ready. That left Kyle with Gabriel and the new guy, who introduced himself as Jeremy. Kyle didn't like him just from looking at him, but he played nice and polite as the older guy suggested maybe the go pre-game at one of his friends' rooms. Gabriel shrugged and Kyle walked along with them as they headed in that direction.

The conversation revolved around the typical guy topics: sports, video games, and girls. They all agreed that Helen was a fox, but Kyle's hackles rose a bit when Gabriel made a comment about how hot Kasi was.

"Hey man, that's my sister."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean she's not sexy."

Kyle tried to blow it off, but he could tell the way Jeremy was acting that he shared his roommate's feelings. There it was again. Jealousy. It wasn't enough that they were lusting after her, but he wanted her.

Wait. He wanted his sister? He shivered a bit at the thought. He wasn't supposed to think about her like that...but at the same time...

"Here we are. This chick is crazy. She can probably outdrink half of the junior class. She's like a fuckin' fish."

The three guys laughed and headed inside, greeted by a smattering of people, a few attractive girls playing beer pong or flip cup, some just sipping whatever they'd brought.

Gabriel stuck by Kyle while Jeremy went off with some of the girls he knew. A few people introduced themselves and soon enough Gabe and Kyle were paired up and on deck to play some pong. Kyle's mind kept wandering even as they played, but they managed to win quite a few games. Another surprise from Gabriel was his accuracy at tossing ping pong balls at solo cups. No sooner than they'd caught a buzz, Jeremy wandered back in from wherever he'd been, ushering them out the door.

"Time to go party with the big dogs, fellas. You're gonna love it."
Kasi had given her number to Jeremy before they split ways and she noticed she had a text from him as she and Helen were putting the finishing touches on their hair and makeup. It was simple and to the point, stating that the three guys had gone to pre-game and might be late to the party, but would definitely meet them there in no time. She felt a little weird having left her brother with the guy she wanted to sleep with, and she almost found herself wishing that Helen might be attracted to Gabriel or at least one of the other guys that they met, so that there would be no chance she would end up hooking up with Kyle.

“Jeremy is gorgeous. You sure snagged a good one.” Helen said with a sly smile. Maybe she wasn’t as much of a good girl as she looked, with the way she was licking her lips and moving her hips in a mock-sex movement. “You gonna fuck him tonight? I can be out of the room if you want.” She offered with a smile, sliding her high heels on.

Kasi slipped her high heeled boots on and shrugged, “I’m not planning on fucking him, but something might happen. We can keep in touch. You may end up needing the room before me when you meet someone hot. I also saw Gabe checking you out.” She said with a wicked grin, tugging on Helen’s blonde locks.

Helen pulled out two tiny bottles of Jack Daniel’s. “Shots before we go?” she handed one to Kasi, opening her own. “I don’t really have anything to chase with, though.”

Kasi shrugged and braced herself, downing the tiny bottle in three long sips, slamming it down on the table and reaching for Helen’s hand. “Let’s go already!” The two girls headed out, asking a couple people for directions, before heading out the door and across campus to find the right hall. Once they were on the same floor as the party, it was obvious which room it was in.

Entering, they caught the attention of many of the guys, and with a quick glance around the room, they decided the boys had not yet arrived and they would have to find a couple drinks to keep themselves occupied. The place was “happening”, as Kasi would have jokingly said if Kyle were there, and totally packed. Her first college party! She just knew she was going to do something totally crazy.
The three guys made it to the party just as it was hitting fever pitch. The party was spilling out into other rooms on that floor, cavorting college kids drinking and laughing and dancing and making out.

Kyle and Gabriel were staring, a bit awestruck at some of the more attractive girls. They didn't seem to give Gabe the time of day, but a few of them did give Kyle a second glance. He smiled to himself, walking with his roommate toward the epicenter of the party. Still no sign of Kasi or Helen.

Even more beer pong and a few shots of Maker's Mark had Kyle feeling a heavy buzz. Gabriel was nowhere to be found. Kyle managed to make conversation with a pretty redhead psychology major for a while. She was from Nebraska originally, but her parents got divorced, or something like that. He didn't think he could remember her story even sober. After a while, she got up and wandered off out the door and down the hall.

Content to just watch the party for a while, Kyle let his eyes wander. Not a single one of the girls here had on anything remotely modest. College life was turning out to be one hell of a view at the very least. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to Kasi before going back to people-watching.

Hey, did you make it to the party?


Meanwhile, Jeremy had other plans for Kyle's sister. Shortly after arriving, he'd sent her a text telling her to meet him in another room near the main party area. The dancing was more prevalent here, girls grinding on the guys they'd decided to score with; the guys going along, getting more drunk as they went.

It was easy enough to get her to dance, and even easier to start sliding his hands along her skirt, trying to grab hold without hiking it up too much. Wouldn't want to embarrass the new girl on her first official night. He did have his mind on what was under that skirt, but he played it cool. She'd be all over him if he played his cards right.

The whole time they danced, he whispered compliments in her ear, moving on into a few dirty lines and suggestions. The music was loud enough to cover Helen hearing it, but she seemed distracted anyway. A closer look would show her having found her own dance partner, though the lights were low enough not to reveal his identity.

"I bet you're a great kisser."

The words were a test, just to see where she was on the attraction scale. He knew she was interested, but broaching this subject was the real ice breaker.
Helen and Kasi had gotten two rounds of shots when they arrived at the party, starting to really feel their buzz as they began to wander around the crowded, hot room. A few guys stopped them, trying to start conversation or get them to dance, but the girls had other ideas. They found a clear spot on the side of the room and began to dance. Not the type of pseudo-lesbian dancing that most girls did for attention at parties or drunken gatherings, but just dancing together and enjoying the music. Though they were perfectly aware at how hot they looked together.

They had only been dancing for a few minutes, another drink in their hands, when Kasi got a new text. She hadn’t been paying attention to her phone at all since leaving their room, but something made her glance down at it. She only opened the newest text, which was from Jeremy. Kasi’s eyes lit up and she showed the text to Helen, who ushered her towards the room Jeremy requested she meet him at. “I’m sure I’ll find my guy there!” Helen said gleefully, squeezing Kasi’s hand as they worked their way through the crowd.

The two finished their drinks as they got to the hallway, tossing the plastic cups into the trash and making their way to the place where the real dancing was happening. Her eyes widened as she saw the way the couples on the dance floor were practically dry humping. But then an arm snaked around her and pulled her deep into the room and all was forgotten. His hard, warm body against hers and the fact that she knew Helen was there just in case made her totally forget her worries.

The way he touched her body and the way his shirt pulled against his tight muscles made her shiver with pleasure and anticipation. It was like they were playing the game just for fun, even though they both knew they were interested in each other. She doubted he knew she was a virgin, though. He seemed like one of those hit it and quit it types of guys, and those guys normally didn’t like to fuck virgins. Nonetheless, he kept whispering cliché lines in her ear. Cliché or not, they didn’t fail to turn her on immensely, and make her grind her body almost involuntary against him. Her nails dug lightly into him at that moment, as they danced closely.

She glanced over his shoulder to see Helen, but could barely see her or who she was dancing with through the haze. She smirked at his words, and leaned in closer to whisper.

“If you play your cards right, you may just find out.”

With that, she snaked her hand down and squeezed his butt, which was likely firm from football, which he claimed to play. She grinned slyly at him and swayed with the music.
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Jeremy saw her eyes flash over to her roommate. The blonde was definitely giving someone the business. They'd practically stopped dancing to focus on making out. Jeremy smiled down into Kasi's eyes as she uttered her little challenge. He liked a challenge.

"I think I'll find out...right now..."

Their lips met and if there was resistance, it was so fractional that he didn't notice it. She wanted it, so he gave it to her. A passionate kiss to match the suggestive dancing. His hands gave a slower squeeze to her ass, gripping and pulling her as close as he could get her. The pretending to be a slow mover was over. Things were about to get hot and heavy in a hurry.


Kyle sent Kasi a few more texts, each of which went unanswered. Frustration set in and he decided to go off and find her. The floor was only so big. But the mass of people kept moving and shuffling. He ran into the redhead three more times. Each encounter found her more and more intoxicated. Just as he neared the room Kasi was dancing with Jeremy in, the girl grabbed him by the shirt and pulling him against her and the opposing wall.

"You're hot. I'm all alone out here...I need...someone to comfort me..."

Her words were clipped by the force of her mouth colliding with his. As drunk as she was, he expected a really sloppy mouth-sucking kiss. Instead he was met with what had to be practiced precision. Rather than fight back, he went with it. She was cute. And redheads were supposedly freaky as hell in the sack. It'd be a story to tell Gabe later. He was further surprised by how frisky her hands were getting. Very suddenly she was either searching his pockets for gum or trying very hard to jerk him off through his pants. Instinct took over for him and his own palms found a way to move up and cup her chest. Her bust fit perfectly in his hands, easily kneading and groping the globes.

Kyle's mind was still on Kasi. He didn't want her getting into some guy's bed on their first night. Kinda hypocritical considering the circumstances, but he felt it nonetheless. Especially that Jeremy guy. He might be cool if he didn't have eyes for his sister. Serious problems would occur if he wasn't careful.

His thoughts were ripped back to his current position as the redhead's hand slid down into his jeans, even beneath his boxers. Her lips left his long enough to lean up and half-whisper in a rasping voice,

"Oh that...I could really use...."
The way Jeremy kissed her almost instantly, the flame between them heating up rapidly, his hands cupping her ass... it all made her want him even more. And quickly. She gasped as he grabbed her harder, his lips and tongue magic as they danced with hers, her mind momentarily cleared of everything: her brother, her new roommate... What her brother was doing.

A sober thought cut through the air and she realized she was being one of those "drunk sluts" making out on the dance floor that she always hated and never wanted to be. Jeremy seemed to pick up on her hesitance, because he leaned in and whispered, "Let's find somewhere more private. My room is actually a few doors down?" he said it casually, as if he couldn't care if she didn't accept, but grinned when she nodded.

He took her by the hand and quickly led her out of the party and down a couple of doors, his hand wrapped tightly around one buttcheek the entire time. As soon as they were in his room, he closed the door behind her, slamming her against it and burying his face into her neck, biting firmly into her skin.

"Your brother's really protective, huh?" he said with a laugh, "Wouldn't want him to know what I'm about to do to his little sister!" he picked her up, throwing her down onto the bed and pushing her skirt up her thighs, gripping them and pulling them apart, wasting no time at all. Kasi could hardly believe what was happening, her head was spinning and she was so wet, she could barely think.
It was just like setting the fuse on a firecracker. One kiss lead to more, and in short order they were on his bed. Jeremy grinned like a hungry lion, hands pawing at Kasi's thighs, moving them aside so he could hover over her, hands pushing her higher and higher. He caught a peek at her panties and he knew she was totally ready for what he wanted to give her. The thought that she could be a virgin never even entered his mind. She was hot and if he popped her cherry, that was icing on the cake.


Kyle's mind jolted as the redhead started copping a feel on his package, right there in the hallway. He would've been surprised, but with how drunk she was, it was a wonder she hadn't started blowing him right there too. That thought made his cock twitch. He was sure she felt it, because she giggled a bit before pulling her hand back out, wrapping it around his back while she ground her body against his. His eyes flashed upward at the sight of movement. Some guy and a girl tripping down the hall as they groped each other senseless.

Wait. Was that....Kasi? With Jeremy? OH Hell no. That son of a....

Kyle suddenly didn't care about anything the redhead could offer. His vision might not have been tinted red, but he felt like it was. That bastard was locking himself in his room with his fucking sister! That would not stand.

He managed to extricate himself from the redhead, who still didn't have a name and probably wouldn't ever want to talk to him again after being denied like that. Kyle couldn't be bothered to worry about that. Right now, he had Kasi to save.

In his anger-addled brain that was what he was doing. Saving her. From the irresistible charms of a douchebag with slick lines and a smooth attitude. Saving her. For himself. Because was his.

His sister....

Kyle stopped right outside the door, breathing heavily as though he'd run a marathon. Had he just thought about her like that again? Surely he was just upset and not thinking straight. He didn't want to keep her all to himself in that way...just wanted to protect her.

One more deep breath and Kyle turned the handle on the door, finding it unlocked. He stalked into the room, yelling at the top of his lungs,

Jeremy's mouth was against her panty-clad pussy, his fingers digging hard into her thighs, her skirt around her waist, and she wanted nothing more than for him to take her panties off, and fuck her right there! It overwhelmed her mind completely.

An idea flitted through Kasi's mind, making her wonder if she really wanted to lose her virginity to this guy who was so eagerly pawing at her, only hours after meeting her. He knew nothing about her.

But, no. She was drunk and horny and briefly remembered deciding earlier in the day and even before coming to college, that she wanted to just get it over with a guy who at least would know what he was doing, and then she'd have sex a little bit off of her mind.

In a blur (everything happened so fast and she was so drunk she wasn't quite sure what happened) Kyle burst in and suddenly he was yelling and Jeremy was scrambling and she was yanking her clothes down and screaming.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Kyle had yelled, and Jeremy had bellowed out something in response and Kasi had scrambled under his covers in embarrassment.
It was a whirlwind of activity. One minute, Jeremy had been tasting the sweet nectar of victory and virginity...the next, Kyle had yanked him up by the collar of his shirt, screaming obscenities and looking like he was about to deck him.

They argued for a good long while, Kasi still huddled under the covers trying to regain some coherency and modesty. It ended with Kyle taking her by the wrist and pulling her forcefully from the room. He dragged her down the hall to the stairway, shouldering the door open and tugging her into the stairwell.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? First night here and you get hammered and try to fuck the first guy who flirts with you? Kasi...come on. You can do better."

In his head that sentence went on to say something about finding someone like himself. He didn't utter it, but the thought was there. Again, he wondered why he was feeling this way. So.....jealous. She'd almost gotten fucked by Jeremy and all he could think was how he didn't deserve to take his sister's virginity. How it should be done by someone who cared and knew what it was worth...

He shook his head and shook Kasi by the shoulder too. He wanted to take her back to her dorm, but knew Helen as still somewhere around. He couldn't leave her, or Gabe for that matter. Damned ingrained sense of responsibility....

"Ok, come on. We're gonna grab Gabe and Helen and get the fuck out of here. I don't trust that guy, and apparently you can't handle your alcohol."
As Kyle dragged Kasi out of the bed and the room, she found herself embarrassed and confused. But mostly just plain old drunk. Her head spin as her brother pulled her along, giving her some lecture about sex and how she could do better...yada yada. She really just wanted to handle the urges that overwhelmed her. And what better way than with that big cock she knew Jeremy had! What the fuck was his problem, cockblocking Jeremy like her and consequently preventing Kasi from the orgasms she suspected she would have gotten that night?

Kyle said something about finding Helen and Gabe and just tugged her along, still scolding her the whole way. Her breasts ached and her panties were soaked... In a way, Kyle walking in on them almost doing something had...turned her on. She definitely had a bit of a discovery fantasy and Kyle's behavior almost bordered on jealousy. It was probably just the booze talking, but Kasi found herself wishing she could see HIS big cock again, like she had the night she watched him jerking off.

"Ummm, take me to bed," she whispered drunkenly, not flirtatiously as much as totally not being sober and feeling dizzy as hell. She squeezed the hand that held hers. "They're probably fucking... Like I should be." she mumbled.
It didn't take long to find Gabe. He was sucking face with the redhead that had attacked Kyle. They were going at it pretty heatedly when Kyle leaned down to tell him they were gonna go. Gabe nodded vaguely, refusing to take his attention from groping and grinding with her, getting mauled in return. Still holding Kasi's hand, he led her out in search of her roommate. On the way, he heard her say almost under her breath,

"Ummm, take me to bed...They're probably fucking... Like I should be."

He wasn't surprised to hear her still going on about having sex. Her mind was probably stuck in that mode from the heavy petting and from being drunk. It shouldn't, however, have given him a sudden surge of excitement.

Brothers weren't supposed to 'take to bed' their sisters...they weren't supposed to think about them laying with their legs spread wide, panties soaked in arousal...God, had he seen that?! Surely he shouldn't have remembered that even if he did. But yet and still, in his mind's eye he could see her, laying back and eager to take whatever he could give her....whatever Jeremy was going to give her.

Helen was still off dancing in the other room, drunk but not to the point Kasi was. Apparently, she'd been doing some partying before college. She seemed disappointed in Kyle for interrupting not only her dancing, but Kasi's chance at getting laid. She didn't say much, but grabbed both the girls' things and walked with them back to their dorm. Kyle was lucky that both she and Kasi were too drunk to notice his troubled expression, or the semi-erection that prodded at the front of his jeans.

He was plagued with her sentence, playing over and over....

"They're probably fucking... Like I should be.....take me to bed...."

His mind was twisting her words, taking advantage of her drunken state.

Once they got to the girls' dorm, he helped Helen get the door open and walked Kasi over to her bed, letting her collapse into it.

"Make sure she doesn't get too sick, ok?"

Kyle knew if he stayed there, he'd end up doing something stupid. His mind was messed around from booze and those damned indecent thoughts. He grabbed Kasi's phone and called it with his own, leaving her a voicemail saying that they needed to talk. He figured she'd check her messages in the morning.

With that he left, deciding that going back to the party would be a waste. Instead he went back to his dorm, stripping down to boxers and laying in bed, far too awake to try sleeping. His mind kept drifting back to the way he'd found Kasi, looking so vulnerable and eager, so ready for what was going to happen to her. His cock twitched, now almost painfully erect. Tentative fingers reached into the flimsy fabric of his underwear. God, he was so hard. He shouldn't be doing this...thinking about his sister while he...

And yet, there he was, eyes closed, envisioning her sodden panties, her smooth thighs on either side of his head as his tongue traced....

His hand stroked along his length, tugging and gripping at the same time. His abs tensed, thighs flexing as he kept up the slow, steady pace. A dribble of precum pearled at his tip, running down onto his fingers, lubricating his motions, making it easier to work against his stiffened flesh. His mind moved on, his body moving in this fever-dream to poise his engorged cock at the slippery opening of Kasi's pussy. Just as his thoughts pushed his member inside her, his hand glided down once more, the final action, the tipping point that gave him a full-body contraction, a blast of his cum painting his boxers, the subsequent spurts just making his underwear and hand a sticky mess.

He sat up, panting and covered in a light sweat. Had he just done that? Just...jerked off to the thought of fucking his sister?! He pulled his hand out of his boxers, staring at the glistening mess he'd made. He wandered into the bathroom, tossing his boxers into the hamper he had there; a cold shower was definitely in order.

The water didn't help, but once he was clean and dried he grabbed fresh underwear and fell into bed. His mind was a blur and he slept fitfully, hoping to have a more calm understanding tomorrow. He'd need it to deal with a hungover and pissed Kasi.