Tons of Fun


Really Really Experienced
Apr 29, 2002
Today I met someone from Lit in RL. The person had sent me a pic, but it must have been about 10 years old, cause when I walked into the coffe shop, the person was so fat, they couldn't sit in the chairs. We had to outside and sit on a bench, well the person sat, there really wasn't room for me.
yes, it did suck, I was really horny, but I knew that I was not strong enough to take on tons of fun, plus I was really tired and I wanted to sit on the bench too.
y'have a thing against fat people don't ya? In the spooning thread, you said it wasn't any fun, and only fat or pregnant people did it to 'take the pressure off'. And here you're commenting on someone being 'so fat they couldn't fit in the chairs'.

Could you not have sufficed with 'the pic must have been 10 years old, cus when I saw them, they were much changed'?

my bf is 5'7" and maybe 230 lbs and I love him. makes me so sad how he puts himself down.
Pixie Mischief said:
my bf is 5'7" and maybe 230 lbs and I love him. makes me so sad how he puts himself down.

I'm 3 inches taller, and proportionately (or rather, disproportionately, depending on how you look at it) heavier... My bf loves me, and as long as I'm healthy and active I'm happy with myself.
Vixenshe, trust me when I tell you, it wasn't like the person had put on 15 or 20 lbs. We are talking serious poundage here. I mean there's fat, and then there's FAT. And I never said anything about fat people in the spoon thread.
Kalyn said:
Vixenshe, trust me when I tell you, it wasn't like the person had put on 15 or 20 lbs. We are talking serious poundage here. I mean there's fat, and then there's FAT. And I never said anything about fat people in the spoon thread.

You're right, my mistake, you said big and pregnant... I misinterpreted that comment.

But I still don't understand why you had to make such a big deal about the FAT thing. That person, if you met them from Lit, is possibly reading this right now, and here you are, being cruel about their weight.

Just content yourself with 'they'd changed a great deal since the pic was taken'.

Hell, 3 years ago, I was blonde, pure, a virgin, and wore jeans and T's all the time. Now I'm well, not, not, not, and wear slightly more revealing clothes.
HeavyStick said:
Did this person lie about thier size?

That would be putting mildly, besides, I don't think the person is capable of lying, just kinda reclining.
I wish he likedhimself more when it comes to his body. but he does need to loose some weight he has had back surgery, bad back. this is NOT good for him. I made him walk lots when he was with me.

he and I make a odd couple LOL me whos 4 foot in a wheelchair and him whos a big boy LMAO
vixenshe said:
You're right, my mistake, you said big and pregnant... I misinterpreted that comment.

But I still don't understand why you had to make such a big deal about the FAT thing. That person, if you met them from Lit, is possibly reading this right now, and here you are, being cruel about their weight.

Just content yourself with 'they'd changed a great deal since the pic was taken'.

Hell, 3 years ago, I was blonde, pure, a virgin, and wore jeans and T's all the time. Now I'm well, not, not, not, and wear slightly more revealing clothes.

OK, but the person couldn't tell me they had stopped for a few bites of Moby Dick after the pic was taken, before I took time out of my day.
Kalyn said:
OK, but the person couldn't tell me they had stopped for a few bites of Moby Dick after the pic was taken, before I took time out of my day.

They should have been more honest, and you should be more sensitive.
I feel bad for the man some. but he should have been honest, I learned this the hard way, I use to hide the fact that I was disabled and tell them after months. Lets say I got hurt this way alot. need to be upfront.
Congratulations Kalyn!

For your gross insensitivity and otherwise closed-mindedness, YOU are the first person ever to make my ignore list!

Perhaps he should have revealed his true self. I know I'm guilty of using a six-year old pic sometimes because I look better in it than I do now.

But his omittance doesn't justify tarring the fuck out of him.

So if you're this vicious when you're trying to be funny, I don't want to read another word you ever post again.

Good riddance.


teddybear4play said:
Congratulations Kalyn!

For your gross insensitivity and otherwise closed-mindedness, YOU are the first person ever to make my ignore list!

Perhaps he should have revealed his true self. I know I'm guilty of using a six-year old pic sometimes because I look better in it than I do now.

But his omittance doesn't justify tarring the fuck out of him.

So if you're this vicious when you're trying to be funny, I don't want to read another word you ever post again.

Good riddance.



Thats a bit harsh

I think who ever the bloke was should be a little ashamed for misleading her with a 10 year old picture - If people are going to exchange pics with the view to meet up it is only fair that they use recent pics - she hasnt named him so only he knows - if he is reading .

If you are very over weight - then it is fair I think to make this clear - just as it would be fait to say you are 50 and not 25 -
Gord said:
Thats a bit harsh

I think who ever the bloke was should be a little ashamed for misleading her with a 10 year old picture - If people are going to exchange pics with the view to meet up it is only fair that they use recent pics - she hasnt named him so only he knows - if he is reading .

If you are very over weight - then it is fair I think to make this clear - just as it would be fait to say you are 50 and not 25 -
Fine, I admitted that.

But that doesn't justify coming back to Lit and starting a thread about how huge he was and that she couldn't even bring herself to be with him despite her raging horniness.

If it was an RL encounter that had nothing to do with Lit, then it wouldn't be quite so bad. But obviously this guy was self-conscious about his weight, and she just took him and dropped him in a blender for her own amusement.

At least with Hanns, while he may do personal shit, he does it to everybody and has no real personal animosities toward anyone. He can't, since he doesn't know any of us.

But Kalyn willfully and maliciously badmouthed someone, either knowing full well what the consequences of that would be for the guy in question, or not caring about them. Either way, she doesn't give a damn. She was too good for him and feels the need to proclaim that, no matter what he or anyone else thinks, or what reprecussions it might have.

Besides, I only ignored her, it's not like I'm mailing anthrax to her house.

OK, I'm new here, but this seems a little fucked up. While I don't agree with misrepresenting yourself with an outdated pic, and then agreeing to a RL encounter BASED on the girl's idea of the guy, turning around and giving the guy a kick in the proverbial nuts (albeit hidden by the apparent massive roll that prevents them from ever seeing daylight) is definitely not cool. Especially in the forum through which introductions were made in the first place. That's callous.
And another thing; maybe the dude is genetically predisposed to obesity, and the pic was taken before the gene took hold? Who doesn't look back at an old pic, and in some way, wish they still looked like that?

I am Hawaiian, and by nature, I am a stocky motherfucker, with a tendency to add a few lbs/inches if I let it get out of control. I look back at myself as a teen, when I worked out etc. and think "wow, I was skinny and in shape." But at this precise moment, I have a fine ass wife, an amazingly beautiful daughter*, and am happier than I ever was as a skinny dude. You might have blown the opportunity to get to know someone who could have enriched your life by being as shallow as an ashtray.
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